The human world

After the bus entered the tunnel, it didn't take long for them to reach the so-called human world. And as they exited the tunnel, the sun shone upon the bus. Aono was crying while seeing the familiar town in the distance. The girls were excitedly looking through the windows, well, mostly Yukari, just staring and commenting on how there were so many humans in this place.

Aono asked Nekonome-sensei if he could visit his parents while he was here. And she agreed to let him go, while telling him that he would either have to go to the camping place by himself or to return to school when he was done. And the boy agreed instantly without thinking.

After delivering Aono to the nearest bus stop, the bus continued to go towards the mountains. While looking through the window, Kurumo noticed a sign of no trespassing and voiced her concerns out loud.

"Umm is it my imagination but didn't that sign say no trespassing?" Kurumu asked while turning towards the others.

"It seems like we are going towards the mountains." Yukari said while looking at the trees that the bus was passing.

"Hehehee…" One could hear the driver laughing to himself, and smiling creepily.

While the bus driver was laughing, Demolus was thinking, why did the guy have to be so creepy with laughter? It just made him think that he really had no idea how Nurari actually worked. He was still stronger than Demolus by a large margin, even if Demolus became stronger.

In his mind Demolus started speaking to the system. "System how strong am I right now compared to the standards of this world?" He asked the system while closing his eyes.

[Host is High A-ranked according to this world. Host-only needs to grow a bit more to reach S rank.]

Demolus was a bit surprised to be an A rank and not an S rank yet. He hopes to reach at least S rank after the year is over. He was almost done with his tasks too, he only needed to become an S-ranked Monster and to find the hidden gem which was supposedly in the school building.

Everything else he managed to complete while through the four months that he was in school. Most items he needed he actually found in the library, and yes, the items were magical books which for some reason weren't being used or hidden. Not like it mattered much to Demolus, after all, this only made his task much easier.

He was planning to ask the system some more questions, but was woken up by Yukari. The bus had finally arrived at their destination, and everyone was going to look around the place that they have arrived at.

When the group saw the field of sunflowers they were surprised, after all, it was a great looking place, which surprised the girls. They didn't think that there were places like this in the human world. Nekonome-sensei did not show such a reaction, but instead, asked the bus driver, a question while looking towards him.

"This is a totally different spot than we have planned isn't it?" She asked while her voice wasn't amused at the moment.

"Well, I thought we should try to stop by this spot for a bit. Currently, this spot is well known in the human world as a place where more than one person has been spirited away. Well, don't you think that in this day and age being spirited away is quite poetic?" He started explaining the reason while smiling creepily.

"Well, you guys on the other hand should read the newspaper and look around for inspiration or something more!" The bus driver said while handing them some newspapers of the human world.

Before they could ask any questions, Nurari lured Nekonome-sensei by offering to buy her lunch while mentioning some fish. To which she readily agreed, while drooling and murmuring fish over and over again. And now Demolus and the girl could only watch as the bus departed.

Yukari started panicking a bit, but Demolus calmed her down with head pats and his smile. After the little witch calmed down, they started looking around while looking for a good place to set up camp. After finding a decent place to set everything up, they started setting up camp.

It didn't take long for them to set everything up, but unknown to the group, some humans decided to visit this place and were entering the sunflower field. And as a couple of humans entered the field, they were attacked by some sort of plant monster. Which was trying to drag them towards the deep end of the field.

Demolus and the girls suddenly heard screams coming from the direction of the sunflower field. Demolus furrowed his brows while looking towards the place where the scream came from.

"Let's go and look at what's happening there, there's something wrong with the place." Demolus said while starting to walk in the direction of the field.

Yukari was scared, so she started holding his hand while walking next to him. Moka was worried that some people might have been hurt by something, especially after reading in the newspaper that the bus driver had left them. Kurumu, on the other hand, was just happy to be able to cling to Demolus by pretending to be scared.