Revenge huh?

Moments later, the group saw two human girls being attacked by some sort of monster plant. Seeing this, Demolus didn't hesitate to chop the plant monster up with his elongated nails. The human girls were terrified of what they saw, so Demolus used his char skill to make them leave this place, at least for now. After all, they would only be a burden when he started the party here.

Demolus turned towards the field of sunflowers and started using fire magic to burn every single plant in the field. He remembered that most, if not all, of the plants in the field, were monsters.

"Demolus, why are you burning the field down?" Asked Moka, while Yukari and Kurumu had the same questioning look on their faces.

"Because the plant's in this field are monsters, and I'd rather dispose of them all than let them roam this land attacking people." As Demolus answered, they could hear screeching noises from the plant-like monsters.

As the group looked towards the burning field, all they could see was plant monsters that caught fire, got out of the ground, and flail around while burning. The girls were surprised by this, after all, the beautiful field of sunflowers was a field of monster plants all along.

And the fire started spreading and burning all of the plant monsters, while Demolus was waiting for the witches to show up. The wait wasn't long, because a few moments later the fire was put out by the two witches that appeared in the middle of the burned field. The magic power of the two extinguished the flames, but they were a tad too late as they only managed to save one-fifth of the field.

"How dare you, fifty humans burn my precious field!" Raged an old-looking witch. While the younger one was just standing and looking at them with interest, curiosity, and anger.

The moment the old witch started shouting at them, some sort of more human-looking plant monster rose from the ground and attacked them. But for Demolus, they were nothing big, as he only needed to swipe his nails and shred them apart. And so he did, which surprised the two witches looking at him and the girls.

"'re not human? Then what are you and why did you burn down my precious field? Do you know how long it took for me to raise them all?" The elderly witch started asking him questions while the younger one was surprised.

"Of course I'm not human, and as for your field, well, it was causing trouble for everyone, after all, your meager field was just not necessary, and it only makes trouble for everyone else by attacking humans for no reason. And that's why I burned your field down." Demolus said like he did her a favor and now she owed him.

The old witch was fuming with anger, she didn't care anymore, if the one in front was human or not, she will dispose of them, while the younger one just had no idea what was happening anymore.

"You burned my efforts to destroy every last human on this planet because they attacked humans! My plants were going to exterminate the so-called humans and you ruined it!" The wich shouted while the last plant monster remaining stood behind her.

"Are you stupid or just straight-up retarded? You think a mere field of flowers can eradicate humans? You would be able to destroy a city or two at most, but not humanity, they would only need to drop some explosives on your ass, and you and your plants would disappear from this planet. At the same time, you are endangering every single monster to be hunted because you've revealed their existence with your plants!" Demolus started questioning the witch while explaining why her plans would fail in the end every time.

"Don't mock me! Those humans started building their filthy buildings and dumping trash in the fields and forests where I and my friends used to live. And now, one hundred years later, instead of the grass plains that were here now, there are buildings or trash all around! And I will start my extermination plan now and you will be the first to go, be grateful!" The old witch started ranting.

"No mistress you cant you'll…" The young witch panicked seeing the old Witch that raised her use the magic, which has no return.

All the plant monsters started gathering in one place while the old witch was holding an old book and smiling. The monster and the old woman started combining, becoming a big pile of plants, forming a big monster of plants, while one could see the witch in the chest area of the monster whose size increased bit by bit. Until it finally formed.

"I will have my revenge!" Shouted the witch while moving the monster to attack them.

Demolus looked towards the girls and asked them to get the younger witch so she wouldn't get in his way. He told them to knock her out or bind her if they could, to which the girls agreed and moved towards her. Demolus turned back to the old witch and smiled.

"Burn baby burn! Demolus said while sending fireballs towards the plant monster.