A fight?

The very next day, Nekonome-sensei told everyone about the upcoming school festival, which got most of the students excited. The festival would be happening in a couple of weeks, and most students were going to be busy, with preparations for the festival.

While the students were deciding who would do what, Demolus challenged inner Moka to have a fight with him. He knew that it would be difficult, but at the same time, he couldn't wait to fight with her. Inner Moka agreed, while outer Moka was worried and was trying to talk the two out of it.

After class Demolus and Moka were walking towards the forest while the other girls followed them. Kurumu, Yukari, and Mizore tried to be all sneaky about it, but Demolus could tell where they were just by looking in their direction. The girls were not the best at this kind of thing, but Mizore was better for some unknown reason.

It didn't take long for them to reach an appropriate place for a fight/spar. And Demolus removed the Rosario from Moka when they were there. As Moka transformed, Demolus looked at her while smiling. He knew that this was going to be a fun fight.

"You three can come out you know!" Demolus said while turning his head behind him.

As he saw the three girls show up he smiled and said. "You can watch but do be careful to not get into the crossfire!" Before turning towards the silver-haired vampire in front of him.

"Oh, so you are finally ready to learn your place huh?" Moka mocked him while smiling.

"Well, we will both have to see where who belongs now, won't we? Demolus said while smiling teasingly.

"But, before we start here drink this!" Demolus said while tossing her a vial of blood.

"Hmm, blood huh? Moka looked at the vial before taking the cork off and sniffing it, to her surprise the blood smelled delicious, and she didn't think too much before drinking it.

Demolus gave her some blood to make sure she could fight properly, after all, he wanted to fight her at her strongest. While Moka didn't question why he gave her blood, she knew that he wouldn't use some underhanded tactics to win. She could tell by the excitement shown on his face.

As the two took their specific stances to fight, Demolus focused on her, while grinning ear to ear. The two stared at each other, when Moka moved first towards him, she kicked towards his head from the side. Demolus saw the kick coming, and blocked with his arm, which made him slide to the side a couple of meters.

Moka was surprised, it seemed like he was way stronger than the last time she saw him fight. The two started out slow and were testing each other with kicks and punches while increasing the pace of the fight bit by bit.

And soon they were fighting faster than the spectators could see, all they could see were blurs, or when the two stopped, when changing blows. Demolus, and Moka were fighting, but the two were still not going all out, as they continued to exchange blows.

After the two were done testing the waters, they got serious and started going all out. Moka started using Yoki and was starting to overpower Demolus who was, trying to analyze how Moka used yoki. At first, he was being pushed back by her, but when he stopped trying to find an answer and started focusing on the fight properly, Demolus started to gain an advantage.

Demolus could tell that Moka was great at hand-to-hand combat, because if he didn't have Muay Thai mastery, he would be losing even if he had more raw strength right now. But what surprised him was that her strength kept increasing as the two continued to fight. She was growing while fighting with him, and this made it more fun for the both of them.

The two enjoyed the fight, while forgetting everything else. Moka was having the time of her life at the moment, after all, she couldn't remember when was the last time she was having so much fun. Demolus could see the smile on her face as she kicked him in the guts, he was smiling, too, while punching back.

But the two stopped and landed a couple of meters from each other while smiles were plastered on their faces. The three spectators continued to watch as the two powerhouses were fighting, even if the fight looked more like a spar than a real fight.

"Hey, let's bet if I win you'll become mine!" Demolus said while looking straight at her.

"And what if you lose?" Moka asked back.

"Whatever you want, I will give it to you, or make it possible!" He said with confidence.

"Well, why don't you learn your place and become my servant then!" Moka declared arrogantly, while showing her fangs.

The two charged at each other when Demolus decided to use Yoki, and see what happens with minimal usage. And he was surprised, even if he used a minimal amount of yoki, he became faster and stronger than before and he could feel it.