
Demolus was sure it would be easy to win against Moka, but he was surprised when she got serious with the fight. He was overconfident, he felt invincible after gaining yoki. But the reality was different Moka was better at hand-to-hand combat than him, and the moment he used yoki so did she. But unlike him, she knew how to use her powers, and how to properly fight.

As the two clashed Demolus, became a punching bag for her, he could see the difference between them. He was stronger, faster, but her experience far surpassed his in close combat, especially in the kicking department. But this was the perfect opportunity to improve his skills in combat and yoki manipulation, after all, the best way to learn is through hands-on experience.

Demolus was learning from every exchange they had, and he could see himself getting used to his strengthened body bit by bit. He could follow her moves perfectly and block accurately. With every kick or punch, the wind would explode in all directions when they connected.

One would be surprised to see the fight, after all. Demolus was improving at a frightening rate, but so did Moka. For some reason, Moka was getting stronger by pushing herself to do actual damage to, him as her normal kicks didn't do much. While Demolus blocked most of them some still got him, and all he could feel right now was excitement, while he showed a smile.

After some time, Demolus learned to use yoki properly and manipulate it, while fighting. The two were going at it, but they needed to wrap it up and decide who the winner was. So they prepared to finish this after jumping back from each other one more time.

The two stared at each and after a moment Moka charged at him, while Demolus was prepared to counter. She kicked towards his head, but Demolus was ready as he couth her leg and was about to trough her to the ground. But she unexpectedly kicked towards his head with her other leg. He didn't expect this to happen when he tried to block the kick with his arm, But he slipped for some unknown reason, and the two fell.

Demolus could feel a soft sensation under his palm, as his lips felt something soft on them too. He opened his eyes to see Moka lying below him, while their lips were connected. All he could see were her blood-red eyes staring right at his own, as he separated his lips from hers.

"What kind of anime bullshit is this?" Demolus questioned it in his mind.

Moka, on the other hand, was surprised, this was her first kiss and it was accidental, while the two were fighting. She didn't know what to do in this situation as her mind was trying to process what had just happened.

Demolus forcefully calmed himself down while standing up and offering his hand to Moka. She took his hand as he pulled her up, and now the two were wondering what to do. But what surprised Demolus the most was the slight blush adorning her stoic face, that she was trying to keep unchanging.

"You know we should do this every day, Sparing I mean!" Demolus said while regretting not having an eidetic memory, he wished he had at this moment. After all, the blushing Moka looked so adorable at the moment.

"Let's spar from time to time, I would like to learn from you, after all, you are better at close combat than me, and you are better with yoki, so let's settle this next time!" Demolus continued.

But before Moka could say anything, The two of them were surrounded by Kurumu, Yukari, and Mizore, who were trying to make sure the two of them were alright. Of course, they checked on Demolus first and looked over Moka after.

"Alright, then we can start from tomorrow, I'll see you later," Moka said while putting on her Rosario.

As she did, her hair changed color, and turned pink, once again, he caught her in his arms before she could fall on the ground. While Demolus was carrying the unconscious Moka, he was thinking, that Gin and other opponents he had fought before had no proper combat experience, and relied mostly on their strengths. Like Gin, who mostly used his speed, while overall he was weaker than an all-rounded S-class monster.

Demolus knew that he needed to get far stronger, but his thoughts were interrupted by Kurumu, who clung to his back. Mizore was still trying to freeze him while trying to hold one of his hands and throwing an ice kunai at Kurumu. Yukari was pouting while walking right next to him.

While they were returning to the dorms, Aono was standing in front of a prest-looking guy, he was dressed in all white while wearing a white hood, and a cross pendant. This person was Tenmei Mikogami the principal of Yokai Academy, also the person who dropped a set of documents right in front of Aono Tsukunes father. These documents allowed Aono to be enrolled in this school, to begin with.

Mikogami was wondering what went wrong as he tried to figure out why it didn't go as it was supposed to go. But one thing he was sure of and it was that Demolus was somehow involved in this.