The beginning of the school festival

After sending Aono away, Mikogami started looking through the documents of a student by the name of Demolus. He was a bit confused by what he found, all of the documents were in order, but one thing did stick out, it was his race. Mikogami couldn't understand why his race was listed as a demon, after all, they didn't actually exist. Demons were but a figment of the imagination of humans, right?

As the principal continued to wonder and look through some other documents of students, time continued to flow.

As time flowed, Demolus would spar with inner Moka, or spend his time with the girls. He was getting better at controlling yoki and understanding, how to use it efficiently. And before anyone knew it the school festival came. Demolus wasn't all that involved in the festival, he was preoccupied with learning how to control his yoki better, instead of preparing for something like this.

And now the school was bustling with all sorts of monsters, that visited for the festival, which included the parents of the students. Demolus was just sitting in class while thinking what to, do, but he didn't need to think any longer as Mizore showed up. She didn't say anything, just stared at him while having a light blush on her face.

"I have a small favor to ask you. My mother has been bugging me to let her meet you." She said while continuing to watch him from up close.

"Sure, where is she?" Demolus asked her while smiling and making her blush a bit more.

he looked towards the door of the classroom to see a very youthful and gorgeous woman with purple silver hair that is tied up in a bun with bangs that resemble Mizore Shirayuki's hair, blue-purple eyes, and a lollipop in her mouth, which keeps her body cool in warm climates.

She wears a white kimono with a purple obi sash and tabi white socks with black zōri sandals.

"It's okay to come out now mother, this is my boyfriend," Mizore said while showing her mother towards him.

"Nice to meet you… I'm Mizore's mother Tsurara, and you must be Demolus, right? My daughter often talks about you." Tsurara bowed elegantly, while introducing herself.

Demolus was a bit surprised to be introduced as her boyfriend but didn't really mind it, after all, he was planning to have her in his harem. But at the same time, he was surprised by how elegant her mother looked, and wondered whether Mizore would look good in a yukata like her mother.

"Nice to meet you my name is indeed Demolus, and I can see where Mizore has gotten ger good looks from," Demolus said while gently smiling.

"Demolus-san… have you tough on when are you going to marry Mizore?

"Of course, I will marry once the time is right, after all," Demolus said while he continued to smile.

"Then... when would the ceremony be held?" She asked while staring at him.

"Hmm, I'm not sure…" Before he could continue speaking Tsurara was emitting a cold mist, it seems she was getting a tiny bit emotional.

"Well do think about it, while I go and explore more of the festival, let's talk later while having dinner, alright?" She asked him.

"Sure, It would be my pleasure," Demolus said while Tsurara left to see more of the school festival.

Demolus turned to Mizore and wondered, what was she thinking. As they started conversing with each other, Demolus had a pretty good impression of Tsurara, at least for now. While also asking Mizore more about her mother.

But as they were talking, Kurumu showed up from nowhere jet again and hugged him while rubbing her face in his chest.

"Demolus! What are you doing here I've been searching everywhere for you? Kurumu said while hugging him, and sniffing his scent.

But before Demolus could say anything she let him go and started waving to someone. "Over here. over here…" She shouted while waving her hand in the air.

"Let me introduce you, actually I always wanted you to meet… my mother!" Kurumu said while running to her mom, and leading her to him.

"Nice to meet you I'm Ageha Kurono, the mother of Kuru..." Before she could finish her sentence herself she froze.

Demolus looked at the woman who froze around five meters away from him. She is a beautiful and busty woman in her early/mid-thirties who has the same appearance as Kurumu Kurono as they both have light blue hair and purple eyes. However, there are a few differences between them.

While Kurumu has shoulder-length straight hair that has bangs falling over her eyebrows and a lighter color, Her mother has mid-back length or waist-length wavy hair that has a darkish color tint in her hair with bangs swept to the left. While Kurumu has G-cup breasts, her mother has larger J-cup breasts.

Her usual outfit is a red minidress that barely covers her ample cleavage and a brown fur coat. She also has long, red-nail-polish-coated claws, is of decent height for her age. Ageha also sports a pair of gold heart-shaped earrings and a matching heart necklace. In her true form as a Succubus, she has long sharp claws, bat wings, and a succubus tail.