Snow whites

After some time, everyone was sitting in a dining room, and enjoying the food that was prepared for them. While everyone was chatting, and eating, Tsurara turned to her daughter and remembered something.

"Yes, yes, you came for tomorrow's flower offering, didn't you, Mizore?" Tsurara said while smiling.

"Flower offering, what's that?" Moka asked while pondering over the words.

"Oh, you haven't heard of it?" Tsurara asked.

"A flower giving is just like it says, you offer a flower in the temple, which you gather in the mountains. Little flowers called snow whites..." Mizore explained to everyone while taking some more rice with her chopsticks.

"Snow whites...?" Yukari repeated in a questioning manner.

"Snow whites are said to have the power of matchmaking. The daughters of the land, who are turning seventeen offer these flowers for a good match, and lucky finds. It's something like a coming of age ceremony." Tsurara said while smiling.

The girls started fantasizing about dressing up and many other things, but were interrupted by Tsurara shortly. "Would you like to participate as well? I can lend you, girls, some kimonos." She offered to the excited Moka and Kurumu.

And so, they continued to chat till nighttime, and went to sleep, soon after. While everyone was sleeping, Demolus was standing in the garden, looking at the sky, he was thinking about the upcoming battles. He knew that he would have to face opponents stronger than him, but if he can overcome this, he will be the strongest. But to reach that level Demolus has to go and get Alucard's blood from the castle, where Moka's and Kokoa's father lives, he will have to face him to get to the blood, he thought.

"Demolus, would you come with me to find the flower?" Mizore asked while approaching him.

Demolus looked at her and decided not to ask questions while nodding his head. The two were walking through the snowy mountains, and while walking Demolus decided to ask her what was wrong.

"Mizore, why did you decide to go for the flower now instead of tomorrow?" He asked her while looking into her eyes.

"You remember the gym teacher that you killed right? And before that, there was a human boy I liked, but when I told him what I am, he ran away. Pretty much I don't have an eye for men, you know. Ever since then I felt like in the end I would be alone…" Mizore started ranting while Demolus listened to her without saying a word.

Demolus walked right up to her, cupped her cheek in his hand, and lifted her face. He kissed her on her lips, ravaging her mouth with his tongue. As they separated, Demolus looked into her eyes and spoke.

"Mizore, let me tell you something, you have friends that you care for, and that care for you, but most importantly I will always be by your side. You might be scared, you might feel sad, but I will take all of your negative feelings, I will go against the whole world if it's for you. I can't promise to understand you fully, but I can promise to love you for eternity, and beyond." Demolus started speaking while looking into her eyes.

The two started telling their feelings to each other and started walking, soon after they found the flowers growing in an empty field. There were only small white flowers growing all around without anything else.

"You know there is one more thing, it's about my race, a snow girl can only have kids while she is young, that's why seventeen is the coming of age, and when you come of age you have to start having kids right away." Mizore said while gently plucking one flower out and presenting it to him.

Demolus could feel her emotions that were a mess, he could tell that her emotions were all over the place. He took a step forward and hugged her, he leaned forward and kissed her gently. But suddenly he heard/felt something coming their way, and in time he took to the sky with Mizore in his arms. His wings were almost invisible in the night sky.

Demolus looked around, while Mizore did the same in his arms. But soon they saw who it was, as Mizore called her name. "Snow priestess?"

"Do you not remember the law? Yuki-Onna will be of age at 17. Those who come of age must, after a formal meeting, be married to a person selected by the province." The priestess said to the two.

"Well, lady, let me tell you something interesting, I don't care!" Demolus said as he glared at her.

Mizore, on the other hand, didn't know what to do, the priestess was someone who ruled their town, and Demolus was glaring at her, and she could tell he was not happy with the woman. But soon she saw Moka, Yukari, and Kurumu show up from behind some trees, panting.