
"Well, then Mizore, did you know that I'm a prophet, the one that sees the future? You and that boy are destined to never be bound together." The priestess speaks of herself and the destiny of theirs.

Mizore was shocked she couldn't believe what she was hearing, she looked at Demolus and saw him. He had no shocked expression or any kind of other emotion on his face.

"So what? Your prophecy doesn't matter to me, because you are a coward and a weakling. You call yourself a ruler, but you're just a tool for others, aren't you?" Demolus, surprised most who were there, with his words, especially the priestess herself, Tsuarar who just arrived as well, couldn't believe what she heard.

"How dare you!?" The priestess was fuming with anger.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A man said while walking out of the woods.

The man had black eyes and black hair combed back with some strands falling on his face. He was wearing a black coat, while a cigarette was in his mouth. Everyone turned to him, and observed him.

"Alucard.." Demolus said while looking at the man from the sky.

"Ho, and who are you supposed to be?" The man said while looking at Demolus with interest.

Demolus descended towards the ground and placed Mizore in the care of her friends. He turned and started walking towards the man.

"You want to know who I am? Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Demolus. And I am here to take your life." Demolus said with a cheerful smile.

"Well, I'm not here to fight, after all, I am here because of another reason, but my name is Miyabi Fujisaki. So why did you call me Alucard?" The man asked while looking at Demolus.

While Demolus and Alucard were talking, The snow priestess was moving towards Mizore. She was about to take her arm but was stopped by her friends, who were all there.

"What is the meaning of this?" Tsurara asked the priestess as she looked at her.

"It's quite simple, she is destined to be married to that man over there, who is talking to that insolent friend of there's." The priestess said while looking toward the two.

"But she already has her man. Why would she need to marry someone else? Tsuarar asked with visible confusion on her face.

But then suddenly all of them felt pressured, they looked to where the pressure was coming from and saw Demolus, as a dark red aura was coming out of his body and surrounding him. Demolus was using his skills one after another while staring daggers at the man.

Demolus was using haki, yoki, bloodlust, and some more skills, he was about to attack the man but a woman showed up from behind the girls he could hear that someone was there. He looked in that direction to see Kahlua Shuzen, he couldn't help but curse in his mind.

Inheriting her mother's appearance, Kahlua has light blonde hair, tan skin, and dark red eyes. Though, unlike her mother's hair, Kahlua's is longer, held back by a tiara, and is wavy with bangs framing her forehead. She dresses in a flowing white dress with snow-white gloves and white boots.

"I told you, I'm not here to fight, but she is." the man said while smiling. But his smile crumbled when Kahlua tripped over her skirt and fell face forward into a pile of snow.

While everyone was distracted by this Demolus moved towards Moka, and swiftly removed her Rosario. "Moka, let's go wild." Moka smiled hearing him but frowned seeing her older sister.

"I'll leave her to you, show me how much stronger you have become." Demolus said and turned towards Alucard who was still pretending to be someone else.

Kahlua was about to say something but Moka moved first, they started fighting, while the rest of the girls couldn't understand what was happening. Demolus Moved toward Alucard, But Alucard didn't move, and Demolus punched through Alucard's chest with Armament haki and yoki infused into his arm. Alucard underestimated Demolus and now Demous was taking all the blood he could, and the man could feel his blood being absorbed.

Demolus wanted to absorb as much blood as he could at this moment, but Alucard moved away while tearing his body away from Demolus. In his hand, Demolus was holding a big chunk of meat from Alucard's body. He transferred the chunk into his inventory, and smiled, after all, this was his chance to gain as much blood as he can, before going to face off against Moka's father. Alucard looked at Demolus and started regenerating, as his wound started closing, but one thing didn't regenerate for some reason; it was the blood Demolus absorbed with the help of his system.


Chapter 115 is out on my patreon if you want to read more consider joining.