I didn't have that much luck with finding supplies. I had searched on three floors and nothing except cooking wear and clothes. It's not like that wasn't bad, it would have been nice to find long-lasting food that dad told me about a long time ago. At least I had enough rice to last me a few more months before searching again but it would have been nice to have something else more tasteful.
Passing the rooms and watching where I put my feet, as there were holes all over the floor, I had to watch every step I was taking; light as a feather and quiet like the dead.
With an empty bag and my pride deflated, I started to descend down the stairs when a noise got my attention. It was something banging on the pipes.
"It might be a straggler... or maybe a stray animal," I mumbled under my breath, hoping it was the second option but I knew I had to check. Just in case. I quietly followed the noise, surveying the area before moving on to another room and continued this until I ended up by the open shaft. father called them elevators. All I could see were the thick wires that would have held it up, the metal box was far too deep down to see amongst the dust.
I jumped slightly when another bang was heard from deep down into the abyss; cold sweat built up on the back of my neck from anxiety and excitement. Something had to be down there. I leaned over to try and look further down into the darkness and still found nothing. Maybe if I...
Grabbing my knife from my boot, I held quietly tapped on the metal door and timidly began to talk.
"H-hello?" I whispered, flinching when I tapped again but louder. "Is anyone there?" I raised my voice and listened to it echo throughout the shaft. However, I didn't get a reply right away but when I began to hear the little voice below, I began to panic.
"Help me, please!" The voice sounded like a child, but it had been a while since she heard a child speak.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"My arm is stuck! I can't move, please get me out!" The rise of panic in the voice was enough to get me running back towards the stairs and straight down. I didn't catch the last bit the child said but it didn't matter.
There was a survivor.
When I got to the ground floor, I ran to where the elevator would have been and cursed when the door was closed shut.
"I think I'm outside the door. Can you still hear me?" My voice shook as I put my ear against it to see if I could hear anything. Even a whisper.
"I think you are! I had to close the door to stop the horde from finding me. I think it's sealed."
"Ok, so I'm going to have to get something to open the door." I place my knife back in my boot, as I had only realised I was running with it and could hurt myself. I looked around and saw nothing that could help."I will have to leave for a little while to get something to help-"
I ran my hand through my hair in frustration and attempted to remain as calm as I looked. There has to be another way.
"My name is Ava," I said trying to hide the tremors in my voice.
"Dago" so it was a boy... "My name is Dago."
"Ok, Dago, I promise I'll be back as quick as I can." I could hear him sob again."I have never broken a promise and I will never break my promise to you, do you understand?"
There was silence except for the occasional sniffle.
"Do you understand me, Dago?" I asked again, my voice stern. I leaned against the door and prayed.
"I understand."
"Stay as quiet as possible and don't move. I don't want to hurt yourself any more than you have."
I turned on the spot and sprinted right out the exit and down the street. Looking through the windows, hoping there was something that could at least open it enough for me to slip in.
By the grace of God, did I find a worn down tool store that might have what I needed, maybe? I jumped through the broken window and began my search.
Something big... Something...
"Yes!" I giggled and I grabbed a hold of a large rod. It looked sturdy enough. And didn't look easy to break.
I was heavier than I thought it looked which was probably a good sign.
With the rod, I ran and manoeuvred it so it was easier to carry and ran back to the boy. The one thing that filled my mind was, where were his parents?
He couldn't be alone out here. It was strange.
I could hear him calling me as soon as I ran through the door, his voice desperate and feral.
"Ava, it's too dark! Please!"
"I'm here!" I screamed as I used my weight to force the rod between the doors, slowly but surely opening to reveal a dark and dusty space and a little boy in the corner, his arm trapped under a broken beam. His face was covered in dirt and grime, masking his face and long hair. His eyes were two dark orbs that looked like they could see right through my soul. They were so mesmerising I was stunned for a second. when I heard him whimper and started to pull on the beam trapping him, which caused me to quickly stop him from moving. I grabbed a hold of his arm and used the rod to lift the beam.
With a sigh of relief, his arm was free.
I took off my coat and draped it around him, due to his lack of warm clothes. He only seemed to have a thin flannel top and tight trousers that were laced up. All were covered in filth. when I picked him up in my arms, his head rolled forward to lean against my shoulder. His fight or flight instincts had finally run out. Checking his arm was secure, i made my way back. He needed to be tended to as quickly as possible and him being so light worried me. He needed food and he needed his family. Wherever they were.