chapter 3


The war room was in an uproar when I marched in. All the males stood around the table in the middle of the room arguing over the map of the area. They were all already kitted with high tech armour and their braided hair pulled back into their helmets.

The air was filled with male dominance, so much that they couldn't be in the same room for long. When I looked at the corner of the room, I noticed my mother, Rayner and my sister, Solari huddled together. The fear was very visible on their face but it wasn't from the males, it was because my youngest brother had decided to wander without a guard and was currently missing.

The warriors and I knew what the area outside the preserve was like. Filled with infected and criminals that chose to not follow the new order. My brother did not. He was too young to explore or even learn how to defend himself.

As if they sensed my presence, my mother and sister looked up at me; Their faces were marked with dried tears.

Instead of walking to my brothers, I changed my course to them and enveloped them in a heartfelt hug.

"Do not fear," I reassured them and rested my chin on mothers head. I could feel them shaking as they tried not to cry anymore. "We will find him. I will not stop until I find him."

"He's too young to be out there." Mother whispered under her breath and wiped away her tears.

"He is strong-willed and careful." He knew to hide somewhere until it was safe but if the horde had gotten him...

I could t let those thoughts overtake me.

Excusing myself, I made my way over to my brothers and looked over the map. There weren't many places he could have gone.

"Have we considered he could be in the northwest district?" Derek asked and folded his arms as he continued to speak. "He loves watching the view, so he could have gone there. The buildings are big enough for him to watch everything."

The other warriors began to argue but I silenced them with a wave of my hand.

"How do you think we should proceed then?" I asked.

"I say go to the northwest district. He has already been to the others in the past. He knows we would search there first."

I nodded my head in agreement and looked at the others. They still were agreeing at all. No one liked going to that district. Not only the hordes but the strays could cause an issue if he's captured. They didn't care about anyone but themselves. Also, being outside the border didn't stop the toxins from entering the body. They could have mutated into something.

"That's where we go then," I announced and walked out of the war room, nodding my sister and mother to follow me. "Go relax in the gardens for today and we should be back with him by nightfall."

They bowed their heads and went their own way. I knew the gardens would help ease their anxiety for the te being.

My only hope is we get there in time.

The northwest side of the colony consisted of ruined buildings and remnants of a horde that had passed through here recently. It looked like only a few hours since the horde had been here. Dread filled me and the other warriors the closer we got.

It was too silent.

We all decided that climbing to the tallest building would be our best bet when searching for him, while also looking for any danger. While we looked in the distance, observing and on high alert, out of nowhere, a small figure appeared. Its body stayed close to the ground as if stalking something and we were fascinated by the fact that something was living in the sector that was deemed uninhabited by all life. Something seemed to pull in my chest while I continued to watch the small creature move along the ground. Something I had never felt before. A deep instinctual need to protect. It wasn't like the need to protect my family but something more.


"You are acting strange, brother," Derek said. His brows creased in confusion. I didn't understand it either but I was going to get to the bottom of it.

"Let us keep moving."