Chapter 5


Before I could stop my brothers, they had already rushed forward and intervened with Dago and the stranger. Watching the scene unfold, I watched what look like a small female shouting at my brother and the next, being choked by Marcellus, the second oldest warrior in my group.

"Let her go, brother," Derek ordered him when we watched the female faint. Without a second thought, he let go and I felt panic watching her limp body fall to the fall. While Dago and Derek argued with Marcellus, I knelt and looked over the female. Her dark hair made her pale complexion stand out but not as much as the scar that covered the right side of her face and looked to be slightly infected. Reaching out to touch it, I felt my body respond to her, like something ancient that I had never felt before.

When my hand made contact with her, searing hot pain shot up my arm to my chest, making me hiss and catching the attention of everyone.

"What is wrong, Zorn," Derek asked concerned when my body failed to stand. The sparks sent my hormones to go haywire and my cock came to life, straining against my armoured suit. I needed release. When I finally came out of my daze, it hit me, the signs were there in front of me.

"She's my mate."

The warriors began whispering amongst themselves. I heard Marcellus curse and slowly back away because he knew what was coming and it took all my willpower not to turn around and break his neck. The others quickly motioned him away while Derek stayed and passed Dago, who was shouting to the others.

"Do you need assistance, brother?" he asked and knelt down to look over the female. I growled and clenched my fists when he touched her neck. I instantly regretted it but he just brushed it away and continued his inspection. "She is not harmed but it would be best to get her checked with the human doctor at the compound.

I signed in agreement. It wasn't like I hated humans, they just didn't understand our concept of life and were always judgmental. It seemed that if you followed a path they didn't agree with, they would cast you out without second thought. Fortunately for us, they had no choice but to keep us close. Only we could fight the horde efficiently, so it seemed they did have use for us after all.

Derek moved out of the way so i could pick up the female. her head just rolled to the side and i purred when she rubbed her cheek against my chest. unconsciously, she was seeking me out, even if she didn't know it yet she was bound to me and the humans had no say in this matter. I knew they would agree with the mating of one of their own to something that wasn't human. Mother would be thrilled...

"We must move before the horde catches our scent."I began careful strides towards the others and kept my eyes on my mate, not looking at the other warrior's expressions and I walked to the transporter. I made sure that everyone was settled before moving to my private quarters. I knew I wouldn't be disturbed while i was watching her. They knew it was dangerous to go near an unclaimed mate, as my instincts were on full alert. I walked over to my bed and while holding her, I pulled the blanket back and place her on her side and I watched amused as she gripped the blanket and wrapped it around herself tighter. My mood instantly settled while I watched her sleep, content to have my mate in my bed. her hair spilt over the pillow making her face paler. I was concerned with how malnourished she looked. she probably hasn't had a decent meal in a long time and I was going to change that starting now. She was not going to go a day without being full and sated with everything she will ever need.

There was a knock on the door which broke me out of my trance and I couldn't stop myself from growling. Who would be disturbing me? i thought and marched over to the door and hit the button, opening the door to reveal little Dago. Concern filled his featured when he looked passed me.

"Is Ava ok?" Dago asked and quickly looked into my eyes before looking down at the floor in shame. So that's her name then? I smiled and sounded out her name in my head. It sounded perfect. So simple yet elegant to speak.

"You know mother will have your hide for this."

"I know..."

"You could have been killed. you are lucky you just have a broken arm."

Dago sighed and chewed his lip. The boy didn't know what to say but always made the warriors feel guilty after punishing him but not me. I knew it was for his own good.

"Can I see Ava before getting punishment?" He asked unsure how I would answer. I narrowed my eyes at him and shook my head.

"You can talk to her when we get back to the compound. And don't think mother won't also give you punishment because she will. You have had her in a mess all morning." His bottom lip wobbled and he tried to contain his tears and he just nodded before running off and leaving me in the doorway alone.

Before I had the chance to turn back and walk back to my mate, something jumped on my back and I felt a little fist attempt to pummel my head in. It was more like a slap than anything. I walked backwards back into the room and grabbed at the hands attacking me and yanked the female off me that was acting like a feral animal. She screamed when I got ahold of her and faced her, looking into her eyes for the first time. Filled with anger and fear.

"I will not tolerate being hit."

"Tough luck then bastard, I don't listen to anyone!" She screamed and spat at me, it landing on my face and I slowly felt the anger rise. Never has someone disrespected me like this in my life. Not by any of the warriors or any females I had encountered in the past. When she lifted her leg to hit me in my crotch, I smirked as I blocked it swiftly and seeing her scowled at me made me chuckle.

"You will cease trying to hit me little human, or else I will punish you."

"Piss off, wanker!" She struggled against my strength. The more she resisted, the more I could smell the fear roll off her. "Who do you think you are?"

"I am your mate, little one."