Chapter 6


"What are you talking about? Let me go!" Panic filled me when he refused to let me go and pulled me close to his body. I didn't understand what on earth was going on. He made me feel things I never knew I could and that scared me. Being so close to him made me shiver and my chest flutter. His skin was the same colour as Daga but slightly darker. His hair was loosely braided down his back. It made me ache so much that I hated it.

"Once you quieten down, then I will let you go."

"Fine, I'm calm."

He tilted his head at me and grinned. Grinding my teeth, I took deep breaths to tried to look less threatening but the more i tried the more frustrated I looked. I really want to knock those pretty white's out of his mouth. When I managed to calm myself- mostly, I relaxed my body enough for him to realise it was ok to let me go. After what felt like hours, he finally let go and i fell back on the bed. I reacted quick and rolled backwards and landed on my feet, putting the bed between us. At least I now could keep some distance.

We were both silent as we observed each others body language and made no move towards one another. The silent did actually help though because I could look him over more closely. I had never seen armour like his. The craft workmanship was beautifully crafted and sown. My fingers were twitching to feel it.

"What are you?" I watched him look over my body before meeting my eyes.

"I just told you-"

"No, that doesn't tell me shit." I spat at him and scowled. If I kept him talking long enough I could look around for an escape.

His mouth twitched and I could see him become tense. The way I spoke to him appeared to agitate him. His whole body language changed for a second before he was back to normal and anyone could tell that my blatant disrespect bothered him. Maybe I could use this to my advantage.

Quickly glancing at the door behind him, i knew there must be an exit somewhere nearby and I needed to get out and back home. The only thing that kept me from leaving was this big lug in front of me.

"What, you think cause you're big and blue and apparently the boss, that makes you in charge of me?" I raised my voice and carefully watched him. He was trying not to snap at me and I was so loving it cause apparently, he didn't want that to happen. "You'll never be the boss of me. There was only ever one man in my life and I don't want another!"

With that said, he roared and gripped the bed with one hand and sent it flying to the side. shards from the wall came spiralling down on us and I watched. If I never moved out of the way, he would have grabbed my waist. Luckily I had moved quicker than he had anticipated and was already out the door and running down the corridor. Wherever it went, I need to get out of here! But not before I heard his voice shouting ay me.

"I have had It with your behaviour female, I will not tolerate being talked to in that manner."

huh... I guess I was up to the task. I ran faster.

I somehow ended up in a supply room. The crates did, however, hide me well but I needed to find the exit. I hadn't seen him in a while and the wait was making me uncomfortable. Letting my thought wander on him, I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty that I bad mouthed him. The other side of me, not so much.

Sighing inwardly, I thought of my father's things in the hideout. The wide-open space where I slept and my bow and knife...

I celebrated when I realised I had my knife still in my boot and twirled it in my hand. This always came in handy and never failed me. Father had given it to me when I snuck out and almost got attacked by a group that had been passing through. If it wasn't for me not wearing my hood up, they never would have noticed I was a girl. They seemed to enjoy that. A small girl that didn't know the dangers in a world that had basically gone to shit after the horde. After my father rescued her, I vowed not to be weak and trained harder than I ever did. But that didn't help anything. He still died. My fault. It was my fault he got stuck in there...

The door opened and I heard footsteps enter the room. That was enough to bring me to full alert again. The steps were hesitant and light. They stayed by the door as if they were unsure whether to come inside, so I just curled up and waited, holding my breath in case it gave away my hiding spot.

The silence was too long.

It unnerved me and I couldn't stop myself from looking around the crates. Once again, in all his glory.

I thought that if I just pretend I didn't see him, he would go away but of course, he knew where I was the entire time. He looked directly at me, his face stoic.

yeah... that's a no from me...

"How long is this going to go on for?" He asked and crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame.

"Dunno. Maybe until you let me go home and leave me the fuck alone." I shouted over the crates and clung to my knife. "It's your choice." We didn't talk for a while after that. Even though there was silence between us both, it was actually ok. I didn't mind it at all.

Though it would have been silent if more voice approached. I froze in concern. How many of them were there here?

"Zorn, why are you just standing there? Meals have been prepared in celebration for you and your mate." A foreign voice spoke to my stalker.

Someone shushed him and I bet it was big blue and handsome.

"She is settling in and might eat later on in my chambers. She is not to be disturbed at all."

"Wait, is she in there?"

"Just leave us be." He ordered and I could hear the footsteps disappear. I could still feel him close by, so he hadn't left with them. " I have to apologise for them, they have not found their mates and don't know the proper manner when addressing you."

I guess he was sweet in away. Even after I had provoked him, he still remained close and still tried to make me feel comfortable. He was warming up on me, I'll give him that- but i still could trust him. Yet.

"It's alright, I guess" I spoke quietly, just enough for him to hear me. "They were just telling you about the food." On cue, my stomach wailed and groaned. I felt the heat fill my cheeks and bit my lip. If I didn't feel embarrassed, now was the time to be. It never bothered me when I was alone cause no one could hear me but now I was with someone, they knew just how bad it got for me.

"They did say there was food waiting." He commented when my stomach finished its chorus and settled down. "I can bring it back to the room if you want it there. You don't have to eat with them until you are ready."

"Will you be there too?" I asked and instantly regretted it. "I mean, are you hungry?"

"That and other things."