Chapter 18: Wei Jie who knows how to set traps

Le Lin's bedroom in the "37" hospital is located on the third floor. On the upper floor, there are medical books of the past dynasties on display, and the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon is on the table.

Wei Jie sat at the chief seat and casually picked up a medical book and read it lazily. "Could the Rocker girl read the income accounting books in recent days?"

She looked at him suspiciously and saw his thin lips saying slowly, "Now there are a lot of people in the house. Natural accounts are pleasing. Don't look at it, won't you disappoint my aunt's kindness?"

She quickly nodded yes, called the shopkeeper Huang, looked through the account book, sure enough, Kan Yuan stayed for a few days, the account is very pleasant, even a little surprising.

Her face raised a smile, this is real money, really make people happy.

Mr. Wei jie jie put on his eyebrows and smiled. 'This account seems to be exactly satisfactory.'

"Childe Wei is absolutely right. I really appreciate Madame Wei's kindness." She could not help laughing, even at the corners of her eyebrows.

"Is that so? In this case, le Jia Girl, I am afraid to talk to the founder of the division of accounts." He put down his teacup and looked at her beaming.

Her smile freezes on her face and she gawks at him. What does he say?

"Prince Wei, I don't know what you mean." She simply played dumb.

"In the world... The most valuable is the idea, this idea to people, naturally... Never forget the man who dug the well." He raised his eyebrows and pointed to himself. "Since I can make money, I should be the one who digs the well."

"Prince Wei... You're very good at looting, it's just... Although six yao is what you say, it is still the rouge given by the hospital. Is it to be spoken, or to be paid, so lightly?" She obviously won't get a piece of him.

"Is it? He put his fingers on the table and looked at her, a smile on his lips that made her panic.

His smile was disconcerting.

"..." She responded to all changes with silence.

"It is well known that I am very interested in zhouyi, and it is not difficult to shake the Hexagrams of Tai. How many servants there are in the House of Wei and Wang. If everyone could swing the tai divination, the yue girl... How much of your inventory do you think you should give away?" His smile made her want to knock it off.

It's a lion's big mouth. It's not a knock.

"Prince Wei... You really lose your manners like this, and you, as I said, are not short of money... You don't need money, why so..." She tried to make him stop with her face.

"I am not in need of quick money, but I need to make profits. It's natural to want to get in on the action when you've got a guaranteed deal. What is it?" He had evidently made up his mind to attack her hospital.

"Besides, if the musicians really don't want it, that's all... I told my aunt about losing orders from old wives. I think the musician girl's family is so big that she doesn't like it..." The hectoring in his words made her take a deep breath, and the damn Wei Jie!

"Wei childe, but do not know, how do you want to cooperate?" She had to bow under the roof.

Who let her small voice, and no family to support?

"That will depend on your sincerity." He took two papers from his bosom and handed them to her.

Look at this ink, I'm afraid the contract has been written long ago, waiting for you to enter the urn?

It's... What a scheming deep!

"After all, the hospital has to have the cost of making rouge and the cost of hiring people to do business. This?" She gritted her teeth, her heart bleeding.

"The musical girl... You are really stingy. Such a lack of sincerity, I am afraid it is difficult to negotiate... Alas... That's all I could do with the rouge I brought to my aunt. If anyone asks, I can only tell the truth. I am so honest." He picked up the cup, his smile deepening.

Her breathing was aggravated, her breath was aggravated, and her back gums were itchy and she could only rub them back and forth.

Mr. Wei jie looked into her eyes, and she could only swallow full of unwillingness, put out the jade fingers, than a 37 appearance. "Then, 37..."

"Happy girl, I was just standing downstairs. I'm afraid tomorrow the account will double again. You this true sincerity is not good, difficult to let me step here again, afraid is he Lang Fu powder those children if asked about my feelings, can only tell the truth, no way, those people are my three or five friends, can not panic." He heaved a sigh and looked as if he were leaving.

She clenched her fist, but quickly unclenched it, and hurried to stop him, her face compromised. "Wei Childe, 46, how about it?"

Hexagon... She was stabbed a hole in her heart.

"The world knows that I am sickly and slightly allergic to pollen, but few people know that I am also allergic to certain beans. If I have any misfortune, if I take a few bites before I come here, I am afraid that when I come to this hospital, I will have a rash on my face, which will affect the sales of the musicians' girls." He pointed to his forehead, a pair of embarrassed appearance, "but I am also a greedy person."

"Prince Wei..."

"Huh?" He cocked his head, half smiling, but his eyes were tender and clearly in a good mood.

"You drive a hard bargain."

"Give and take."

"You know the game very well."

"Praise praise."

"What is the difference between this and extortion? In fact, bandits act, you know?" She tried to stab him in the chest and keep stabbing him.

But her eyes were full of anger.

"Ha... So you admit it?" He apparently ignored her accusation in a good mood, waiting for her to give in.

"Why should you make your concubine smile when you plunder?" She was obviously unwilling to agree.

"Well, I... Take your leave. He slowly lowered his eyes and sighed helplessly. "I'll have to come back tomorrow with a rash..."

The words tickled her nerves. He really did!

She'd bet!

"Prince Wei..." She caught him by the sleeve, and he stopped and looked back at her.


"Fifty-five is fifty-five." Between her teeth she uttered words that hurt.

"You are very reluctant, I see, happy girl, and that is all." He still wants to go.

Her angry face faded, leaving only an ingratiating smile. "Son Wei, you honor us with your presence. Why shouldn't I be so reluctant? Could it be that you are mistaken?"

He turned and looked her in the eye, gently in his hand, "Oh? Is that so?"

"Childe Wei is certainly a rare talent in my dajin dynasty. Such a jade person, of course, I never forget what I see and delight in watching." She went against her will, but he nodded with satisfaction.

"I like what the musician girl says. Just just the bandit's name, really ugly some. My heart is small, but I wrote it down." He looked at her with a sigh, as if to ask her what is good.

She wanted to strangle the guy who got a good deal and played nice.

"Prince Wei, are you sure you must tease my concubine like this?" She immediately installed grievance, "concubine is but a small woman, trembling of the opening of the hospital, carrying the business woman's criticism, good words were wei childe as his meaning, concubine this is how to tell from?"

She pretended to be pitiful and thought of the money that was about to be lost, but she really shed a few tears.

He reached out and caught her tears.

Warm fingers touched her cheek and her tears stopped.

She raised her stunned head to look at him, and he smiled slowly.

Lelin looked at him stupidly, but he put away his exasperating pride and said softly, "I wanted to tease you, but I couldn't get through the tears. I was caught in the loop."

What does he mean by that?

She never felt that she was special enough for Wei to stop.

But he looked at him with curiosity, and wondered how he meant it.

But he sighed. The door opened behind him. Seven Castles hurried in and whispered in his ear.

Mr. Wei jie twisted her tears with his fingers and put them to the end of his nose and sniffed gently. Then he looked up and smiled at the corners of his mouth. "Le Jie girl, Kan Yuan affairs, see you later."

"You..." Before she could utter the next words, she saw him turn and leave.

She was left standing still.

Is the fate of dreams coming soon?

No, it was a beautiful dream, not a real one.

She clutched her chest, unwilling to have anything to do with him.


Within the park, Wei Jie Seven Bao brought Le Lin and his game article, with copper shear slowly cut the font, this rice paper soon had a few words, he slowly put these words on a piece of rice paper, slowly mounted.

The man in black was tied up behind him, and his voice was cold and clear. "I heard that the jade on your waist is a nur jade, which comes from Lanling, but my brother happens to be the ruler of Lanling County. When I was a child, I used to play in Lanling. I remember there were several families there... His name seems to be Liu..."

He blew the paste in his hand and turned to look at the man in black on the ground. "Jia Chong's mother was born liu. Hearing stories about people with national ideals and ideals from her childhood, she criticized the killing of Cao MAO and denounced the rebels many times in Jia Chong's presence. Lady Liu's clan has fallen in several places, which happens to be in Lanling."

The eyes of the man in black put on an inquiry, and Mr. Wei jie eye to eye.

But Mr. Wei jie is still trying.

"Since Empress Jia was in power, the Liu clan has risen a lot, and of course there is a branch of the fallen Liu clan in Lanling. Fortunately, a few years ago, I had elders to attend the golden Valley garden party, actually saw this Liu descendants, but you have a bit like. The most similar people seem to be the people of Liu Jia village between Lanling and Xiangben. I wonder if they are your relatives?" Jie Wei jie thoughtfully nodded his jaw.

The man in black was shocked.

Wei Jie saw the figure of a man dressed in black, smile deepened, "as a child was still in Langya, accompanied by his father to see the history of Langya adult Pan Jie, and then a few years, I met by the ancestors of the circumstances to give business huang Men servant Pan Yue adults. This adult Pan Yue, because of the nickname tan, known as Tan Lang. As luck would have it, I happened to see this Pandanlang bowing to Madam Guo's carriage and eating a mouthful of earth. But..."

Wei Jie looked at the black dress man jie more and more wide eyes, the voice is still so wen Ru Jade, just words.

"Pandanlang always said that the jade in Lanling nur is the most honest and simple and can be a constant companion for the twenty-four friends of the Golden Valley. Because of the number of people, so behind the mark dazhuan serial number. Since the 24 friends also had relatives and friends, they were divided into inferior zhuoyu and marked xiaozhuan. This behind the watchword, is exactly a generation of liu shi, so... Are you The Yoo of Hadong?"