Chapter 19:Who was the mastermind of the old events

The man in black glared at Wei Jie.

"Incredible?" Mr. Wei jie gave a sigh and looked at the man in black jie, "I am quite incredible, too. After all, hedong Liushi is a big clan, even if the branch went to Yuexi and became Yuexi Liushi, but it is still the root bone. So... I suppose you're more than the legitimate branch, or the legitimate branch? Only the branches are poorly recorded... So it's gonna take a long time. But..."

Mr. Wei jie slowly sounded so that people in black jie's heart suddenly up and down, spirit tight.

"Fortunately, I have always been patient. As long as we make a good search around Lanling, we can find a branch of the Ryu family and find a few fallen descendants from the branch."

Mr. Wei jie said, and the man in black finally opened the mouth, "Mr. Wei, I have said everything I could possibly say. I could jie myself and bear the responsibilities as well. How do you expect me to put it?"

"How? O... This world has never been one person to do one person when cheap, mostly implicated, more is sitting together. I happen to be so careful that I like to kill a thousand people by mistake." He approached the man in black and looked at him. "But?"

"Don't you think this is too disregard for human life?" He could not believe looking at the eyes of the life said so lightly Wei Jie.

"Disregard human life? Would I not sleep at night if I were to return? I am a man who values his life, and will not let anyone sleep by my couch? Nature eliminates all possibilities." Wei Jie if have to point to said. "This orchid ling in the end is the foundation of the wei family, big deal, said there are bandits tied up the Wei family and Liu family descendants, a scuffle, Wei house ice casualties countless, Liu house soldiers have not driven and, then all died. I'm afraid liu's blood lineage is acceptable."

"You..." The face of the man in black twisted.

"How? Nu?" Mr. Wei jie laughed, but the smile did not reach the eyes, the whole person cold and cold.

"Mr. Wei Jie, how could you be so ruthless as a renowned statesman?"

"Malicious Shirley? Nine years ago, the wei family was bleeding so much that it was cold and blackened." Mr. Wei jie gave a slow and ruthless look. "Therefore, I advise you to tell me the answer you want to know, so as not to disappoint me too many lives."



The man in black took a deep breath. He was slowly filled with indignation and could only yield. "Wei Childe... Though I am a man of death, I am a man of flesh and blood. I wanted to give my family a break, but I didn't want to damage my credibility. Why don't you show me the way?"

"Ha... Can this dead man bargain?" Mr. Wei jie sneered and smiled.

"I am not afraid of death, but I do not want to see my relatives die in vain for me. If the Jin dynasty ruled the country with benevolence and filial piety, it should have some goodness." Black - dress man looked straight at Wei Jie eyes.

"Good? I'm not afraid to think you're pointing the way. But I don't know what you know, and if you're wrong, how do you tell the truth?" Mr. Wei jie tilted his head and looked at the man dressed in black.

"I swear I will tell the truth, and if I break it, I will die." The eyes of the man in black are so clear.

Jie Wei jie carefully screened his eyes earnest and sincere.

"I just want to know, nine years ago, the murder at Wei's house, besides the sparrow jia and the Praying mantis Sima Wei, who in the end created such a mantis chasing cicada, the yellow sparrow behind?"

Black dress person seriously say: "Wei childe, when know golden valley 24 friends, only Pan Yue and Shi Chong is the most hot collaterally."

"Shi Chong? Mr Pan?" Mr. Wei jie jie jie raised his eyebrows, "who know more about these two people?"

"Childe Wei was also a man of Qingming. He saw that sima Lun, the king of Zhao, and the Queen of Jia were increasingly at odds with each other. Suppose... I am afraid it will not be long." Black people words have some truth, Wei Jie involuntary letter.

"It seems... Tanabata, Golden Valley garden, I would like to go on a." Mr. Wei jie put a hand, black - dressed man was jie guards led out.

At this time nine fort surprised looked at the words on the rice paper, simple and honest asked: "Childe feibai body so charming and graceful, and how to choose others ink? These pieces are like patches."

Words fall seven fort hurriedly cover the mouth of nine fort, "vertical son don't want nonsense, childe how its taste is elegant, the beauty of which, you are afraid don't understand."

Mr. Wei jie looked at his bodyguard and smiled. "I have been so tired lately that I can only admire the words of others."

"But childe... Other people's room is put two, why do you only have one?" Nine fort or surprised to ask, really honest and honest.

"Sun likes this." Seven fort is really blocked by nine fort said heart, how to partner with such a stupid person?

"Why?" Nine castle still stupidly watched.

"Grind." Wei Jie did not answer, but called maid jie, research ink painting.

Seven castle saw quickly pulled nine castle out of the door, nine castle or a pair of ignorant appearance, "seven castle, you pull me for what?"

"Is really stupid dead of nine fort, you didn't discover childe square just see that calligraphy, between eyebrow eye have never appear of look?" Seven fort hate its undisputed say.

"What look? Why didn't I see it?" Nine Castles froze.

"Let me ask you, what does it say on the rice paper?" Seven fort buttress, wants to kick the big guy next to him.

"The mountain has wood but no branches." Nine Castle frowned. "What's wrong with that?"

"Do you know the next one?" Fort seven looks to Fort nine.

"Heart yue Xi jun don't know bai." Nine fort just say that finish, suddenly look to seven fort, "childe emotional?"

"I am afraid the red luan star is moving, under the moon immortals gave the red line." Fort seven smiled slowly. Fort nine nodded.


This is a peaceful night, years of quiet good, who think, new morning Yin shi, dirty water.

Le Lin just finished washing, then heard su Yuan out of breath ran up, the whole person in extreme anger.

Trembling voice, all is she and Wei Jie Kanyuan jie lived alone for a few days, chase men.

This inverted chasing man, since the founding of the Jin dynasty, is not such a rare thing.

Holding hands, watching celebrities, throwing fruits and cars, stealing incense and jade is also a beautiful talk.

Did not come is not such an event, but only the jie was chased wei Jie is the real event.

The world knows Wei Jie fairy general face, which woman is not admired for a long time?

If someone dare chase Wei jie, wouldn't it be the enemy with the whole world women?

I'm afraid, at this moment, she can't leave the house without being disciplined.

Taking a deep breath, she clutched her teacup and closed her eyes.

Sure enough, on the wagon. That proved a prophecy.

Know she went to kanyuan very few people, but only element Ling back to a yue Fu.

The only one with the power to spread the word overnight is Jaff.

Very good... Use her as a soft touch?

The book festival is stepping up, trying to ruin her reputation.

And now there's another wave.

I'm afraid she has to do it, too.

"Luca brasi..." Lellin adjusted his clothes. "Since some people say so, how about making their rumors come true?"

"Ah? Girl... Are you not now running away from it?" She looked at Lelin in surprise.

"I this person, dead stubborn, knowing that there is a tiger biased tiger mountain line." Her mouth slowly raised, hands behind her, to meet the storm waiting for her.

Su Yuan ordered Her to put on a tray the exactly - folded shoes, socks and clothes of Mr. Wei jie and walked out the front door.

Le Lin with plain yuan, slowly toward the street, the woman on the street, everything to see her, are pointing, the eyes of contempt.

Others clapped their hands over their mouths and cried out as if they had seen a ghost. Some fell, some ran into the wall, and some were terrified.

I never thought that the streets of the kinsmen, the road gentry, also have such a good ability to sing and write.

Le Lin suddenly did not hear, just to the Wei fu walk.

Go to the door of the wei Fu, Su Yuan tapped the door of the wei Fu, the door opened, seven fort out of the head, took a look at Le Lin, quickly opened the door.

"Musician girl, please..." Qi Bao bowed, but did not see Lelin's intention to enter.

"Musician girl? Qibao looked at her in surprise.

"That sun book festival, Wei childe once said, if you return the clothes, you must apologize before the door. I sent someone to wash the clothes, but I didn't see my white silk shoes. I wonder if it was true?"

Lelin cold face, looking at seven fort, and at this time nine fort and seven fort eye, nine fort quickly ran toward the house.

"So, musician girl wait a moment." "Said Seven Castles.

About half zhu Xiang time, Wei Jie slowly out.

Today, Lok Lin is dressed in a peach rosette dress, a moon white jacket and a butterfly jacket around a hundred blessings, setting off her elegant and pleasant.

"Musician girl, I don't know why you come to visit me?" Wei Jie slowly smiled, today he is not home, coincides with the return to the house.

This happy Lin is well informed, know that he returned home today.

"Sun book festival, wine bag wet childe clothes, naturally should not. Now you are wearing clothes, but also change back to cloth shoes." Le Lin looked at Wei Jie proudly, with him exactly blank appearance.

At this time behind a lot of women around, watching is also a big jin people's hobby.

"Is that so?" Mr. Wei Jie apparently did not believe That Leland jie would be as a result of this little thing and when the true.

Jie Bao hurriedly murmured in Wei jie's ear for a while, and Wei jie looked at Le Lin jie with changed eyes and lifted his lips and smiled.

This smile is like a warm winter sun, melting glaciers, warm heart.

Drunk a party to see the heart of the visitor, let them indulge in his smile, unable to extricate themselves.

"Musician girl, I still remember saying that day that you would come to me and apologize. So, just return clothes, afraid is wrong?" He cocked his head, obviously not intending to give her an easy ride.

"Prince Wei... I was polite... Please don't be angry because the wine bag wet clothes, concubine, take responsibility. It's just..." Le Lin suddenly changed his voice, "My shoes and socks were also wet with residual wine. We owe each other nothing."

Those words put people around the jie into wide-eyed view of Mr. Wei as if they had jie a new understanding of him.

"The rumors... I don t know why the musician girl came to the house in person, not just to get dressed. Mr. Wei jie jumped on the subject.

"Prince Wei... A concubine didn't just return the clothes." Lelin was so angry that if she could, she would like to give him a heavy blow.
