Chapter 20: Who takes it seriously

She suddenly beamed, "Wei Childe, I was glad to see you that day. Now, specially come to ask Wei Childe, Tanabata, can accompany to?"

Is this a formal invitation for him to come to Tanabata?

All suddenly realized, as expected this music girl really admire Wei Jie, and even publicly declared his intention.

Some dare not big women, jealous do not open their eyes.

Jaf, in the crowd, clenched her fist.

It was supposed to make Lok Lin retreat, or stay away with shame and indignation, but she took advantage of the situation!

"Oh? Happy family girl this is meet?" Mr. Wei jie jie raised his eyebrows and looked straight at Ms. Leland.

He really didn't believe that Lulin had really invited him to dinner.

"I don't know whether your son is willing, or not?" She held her chin up and waited for his reply.

Knowing Mr. Wei jie as well as she could, he could hardly refuse.

She will never marry.

"Since the musician girl invited me, I am not a heartless person? Nature readily agrees." He took down the waist jade into her hands, "this is a token, Tanabata, be there or square."

He smiled slowly, did not return her cloth shoes, but the mood quite good turned back to the house.

Leaving her roasted under the gaze of the women around her.

The damn Wei Jie!

I thought he refused her in public, and she also naturally lifted the woman's hatred of the matter.

Now... Even... It's gonna hurt sales at her clinic.

I really want to help... I want to beat the ground to cry... She's just trying to prove her innocence for the sake of money.

Now it's getting worse.

She blushed, and now she's going down in history?

Hopefully, no one knows what she did today.

As if fleeing, she turned quickly and walked away quickly.

Perhaps people are always in the beginning of love, it is difficult to forget to take the initial time.

She may have forgotten why exactly went to the front door of the Wei Mansion, and why exactly so with Mr. Wei Jie in public said so.

Only then, she remembered his raised lips smile, remembered his picturesque brow.

Maybe she's already in the game, and she doesn't know it.

Back to the boudoir, overnight, female chasing male layer yarn rumor is noisy dust.

Anger, of course, is to add fuel to the fire.

She deliberately put a hole in the jade ornament gifted to her by Wei Jie, and put a little powder into the hole. Then she put a layer of yarn into the hole and knew how to put the powder into the mouth, but let the aroma linger.

She knew Exactly where Wei Jie often went, so exactly blocked his way.

Mr. Wei jie sat on the shoulder and jie, bearing his forehead, looking down upon her.

His eyes were so sharp that she winced.

How, arrow on the string, under the watchful eyes of the public, she can again embarrassed and go?

Naturally, she straightened her chest and held up the jade pendant. "The other day, You gave me a jade pendant. Therefore, I put some fragrant powder in this jade pendant, which is quite refreshing, so I borrow flowers and offer Buddha to you in return."

Jie Wei mouth raised, speechless, just looked at her.

"Wei Zi?" Her arm was numb, but he did not move.

"Huh? It's funny, it's just... Happy girl, I wonder what this powder is?" Mr. Wei jie gave a sigh, as if helpless, "After all, the world knows that the lower body is weak, and some pollen and spices themselves can not afford to bear, or know some clearer as well."

There were murmurs around her, as if she were trying to do him a mischief.

Yesterday said she chase Wei jie, if this could be established, how could she harm him?


Unable to think, Lellin stopped thinking and cleared her throat. "Wei, the powder is only added rue, parsley and angelica. It's not something else."

"Oh? Is that so?" Mr. Wei jie clapped the board of his shoulder and put it down. He walked up to her and put his hand exactly on her finger tips.

Her fingertips quivered, as if electric shock general, hurriedly put down.

And he is by her small action once again laugh, playing with the hand of jade, "the musician girl this borrow flowers and Buddha's ability is not uncommon, but this fragrance..."

He put the jade on the tip of his nose and sniffed gently, looking at her, "the fragrance is a little weak, not my preference, why not take it back to do debugging again?" He took a quick step, mimicked the sun festival, and she leaned close to him and whispered in her ear, "So you don't have to worry about how to see me tomorrow."

He turned, smiling, stepped into his shoulder, raised his hand, and walked slowly away.

Now she was stabbed by the eyes of the women around her, and her face was on fire.

How could the damn Wei Jie be so close to her in public?

Well, since I'm sure I'll sit on the rumors, and I'm determined not to marry in this life, everything is fate.

She clenched the jade pendant and turned back to her house.

Toss about half night, busy weighing powder, matching powder, matching aroma, weighing fragrance.

Finally, it will be exactly as Mr. Wei Jie had hoped.

Standing in the way he must pass, she put jade ornaments in a gift box, waiting for his arrival.

And this time he did not ride in a chariot, but with a boy slowly walking.

She stopped him again, and he looked at her quietly.

"This fragrance, DO not know wei childe still like?" She took suwon's gift box and handed it to him.

Mr. Wei jie put jade ornaments on the end of his nose and sniffed.Jie lifted his lips and smiled, and his white teeth shone in the sunshine.

He laughed, as if the wind around are drunk, people unconsciously addicted to them.

Stranger as jade, childe peerless.

Mr. Wei Jie as a person is really unforgettable and unpredictable.

He played with the jade pendant in his hand, and did not know what to think, just drooping eyes, mouth smile.

I thought he'd say something tough or nice about it.

This silence made the atmosphere suddenly awkward. It was too quiet for her to know what to say.

"Prince Wei..." She asked again.

"Huh?" He raised his head and looked her in the eye. His voice was so warm. "Musician girl, what's the matter?"

She quickly pointed to the jade pendant in his hand, "but also gratified?"

"This?" He raised his hand and shook it.

She nodded. "Exactly."

"Clever, but a musician girl." His words let her heart relaxed, but in a moment she would like to scrape a big ear fan past, "but you care so much, I am afraid it is difficult to return the hospitality. This makes me feel uncomfortable..."

Wei Jie makeup model as a kind of light sigh, as if she was so aggressive chase way distressed.

Around the women cast disdain eyes, let Le Lin really hate teeth itch.

"Don't do that, Wei Zi... I just saw a gentleman, cloud hu do not like." Lellin wanted to give himself a way out.

But did not think this Wei jie interrupted her words, do not let her jie, "Oh? That I don't know roca girl, can you rain and rain xiao Ming glue, both see gentleman, cloud Hu does not noddle?"

'This was so bold and definitive that she almost bit her tongue. Mr. Wei jie dared to speak like this?

How could she be so bold under the eyes of so many people?

"Huh? The musical girl? Why didn't you answer?" He looked at her doubtfully.

She looked into his eyes, and they were teasing, mischievous and expectant.

When would he expect an answer?

What's she gonna say about that?

Caught a glimpse of Jaff gnashing her teeth in the crowd. She had come just to piss her off.

This angry person, easy to lose sense of proportion, and she Needs to seize the handle of Jaf, a blow will be in.

"Prince Wei..." Lelin put on a shy appearance, eyes slowly blinking, even eyelashes are trembling up.

This move, so that Wei Jie smile deepened a few minutes.

"My concubine heard that Phoenix asks for the bird sounds very good, but my musical skill is not good, I don't know, can I teach you?" Lelin raised her head with an expectant look on her face.

This look forward to the appearance, with a little woman admire handsome Handsome lang Jun expression, more with attachment and look forward to the idea.

Mr. Wei jie put out his hand and drew the handkerchief jie away from her. All the people gasped, shocked by the Jie, and envious of Lelin's good fortune.

Lelin was also stunned for a while. The emotion she had just brewed up forced her eyes full of love to be clear.

Was he deliberately letting her out of the game, and showing her to be an act?

It's really mean and mean.

She pretended to be pleasantly surprised to look at him, have hurriedly lower head, this moment, she grinds after tooth groove.

Jie Wei jie slowly wiped the jade pendles in his hand, jade and chime bells general voice was as clear as that, "the musician girl jie want to learn music is very good heart, but this learning the zither, not talent can not. It is well known that my great-grandfather had an appointment with me when he was boya's son. Naturally, it depends on qualifications."

Mr. Wei jie was exactly truthful in this word. His maternal grandmother was Zhong Yan, and Zhong Ziqi was The jie's grandfather.

"I wonder... Is the concubine qualified?" She looked up, expectant.

I had thought That Mr. Wei jie would jie off his donkey and give her a satisfactory answer, but he put on a fewtroubling words: "Rocker girl, you are less qualified. Even if you want to learn, you can only learn the full extent and less than the full spirit. Therefore, don't learn high mountain and flowing water, Yangchun White snow learning is not fine, people can't learn. Still..."

Still... And she can't do this and she can't do that?

She took a deep breath, and the jeers around her made her blush again.

And he is the silk handkerchief to seven fort, hang up their jade, a pair of words do not know how to hurt the general.

He in public such criticism, still have the face to treat her waste heart jade pei?

I wish I could pull it off and kick him.

However, she was disappointed. "So I'm afraid I made a mistake. I'm..."

She hung her head in a sad, "I'm going away."

Mr. Wei jie, however, suddenly seized her wrist. Stunned, she looked up and wondered in his eyes: "I don't know, Ms. Rocker, why you have put so much effort into these days? But did the gossip of a woman chasing a man annoy you?"

The remark was so direct that it was clearly intended to debunk her charade.

Jaf also took doubts, staring at Lelin's face, this moment can not lose.

Lellin was distracted by jaff.

Thinking of this, she put on a shy appearance, "someone made up a concubine, if I did not fool around, how to prove their right?"

Her smile was so clear and unashamed that she amused Mr. Wei Jie.

"You know, I don't like crazy?" Mr. Wei jie jie jie high eyebrows.