Chapter 21: Keep a Back Hand for Bad Work

"I thought I was a concubine, Wei Zi... Sorry to bother you so much..." Le Lin did not finish, and Mr. Wei Jie interrupted the words.

"Only, if the wild bee wave butterfly followed for a long time, also interesting." He smiled and put the jade ruyi into her arms. "Since you keep asking me if I am happy. I would like to tell you frankly, if this person is Ah Lin, just like this jade, should be gratified."

Her face flushed with his words.

Jie Wei jie gave Le Lin jade jie, so that the people red eyes, Jaffu is even more furious, she hurried to put aside the crowd, walked to Wei Jie, with a face of disbelief, "Uncle Bao, how could you be so..."

"Jia jia girl, I am so which way?" The smiling face of Mr. Wei Jie suddenly darkened.

"What a shame it is for a girl to chase a boy, Shubao. What do you hate about being chased? How can?" Disappointment was on Jaff's face, even with a few tears rolling in her eyes.

"Bored? Jia girl must have misunderstood me deeply. This le jia girl is shang Shu yue Guang daughter, the world knows the next teenager nightmare, fortunately, le adults visit, dream relief. This has already had the affection, is the person that I met in childhood, natural heart a few minutes." Wei Jie holding the jade pendants in his hands, a hand attached to the jie, face full of alienation.

"But I've been with you since I was a child... Why do you..." Just as Jaff could say, Mr. Wei Jie immediately put on a straight face.

"Jia girl, I am just a ghost, living in the king's house for several years, fortunately, the ancestor did not abandon, the world is generous, surviving up to now, you have been rich and luxurious since childhood, when you have to demean yourself." Mr. Wei jie stepped back with Lelin a few steps and watched Jaff tremble.

"Shubao, you should know how I've been feeling since I was a child. How could you be so negative to me?" Jaffe tears flutter rustle of fall down, that kind of sad.

Jaf couldn't take it easy. What was it she didn't get growing up?

Why can't a man like Uncle do what she wants?

Jaf moved her eyes to Lelin, hate hit, "take people's heart good, should know what is the end?"

Le Lin really felt that he and Wei Jie jie, with him, she followed bad luck, but how to miss the front, naturally want to say a clear, "Jia girl so? Wei childe is a person, not a thing, the heart depends on whether the two love each other, should know that strong twist melon is not sweet."

"Ha... How lofty do you think you are, being a businesswoman chasing men?" Jaf pointed to Lelin's nose with her fingertips shaking, "You humiliated me so much today, I will surely let your hospital no longer exist in Luoyang city!"

All right, let's hit her hospital!

It depends on whether she likes to talk like that.

"Jia jia girl, yesterday saw the account books, there are still one thousand eight pieces of rouge shipment, which has the wang jia, Xie Jia, Pei Jia, Wei jia mandate madame, more imperial princess, I do not know... If the hospital seal, this goods delivered like this?" Lellin looked straight at Jaff and for a moment hit her in the face.

"Where is the rouge? Who will say anything if you destroy your hospital?" Jaf raised her chin, so proud. "Even the prince playing chess with my brother today could scold him to his face. See who he has offended!"

Jaff's words pulled Jammi out of the water.

The Jia family disrespected the prince? Mr. Wei jie's eyes flashed with a dry dry, very good... Jia has this female, even to soil collapse segregation, the building will pour.

"Even if the sixteen uncle accused my brother, but also by my brother for a moment choked back, you think you are who?" Jaf saw Sima Ying, the king of Chengdu in the crowd, and quickly pulled him out of the crowd. "Uncle sixteen, what do you say?"

The attention of the crowd was now focused on the face of sima Ying, the 16th son of the former emperor and the 16th brother of the present Emperor, king of Chengdu.

Embarrassment rises in sima Ying heart, this jia Mi is so shrewd person, can you have such younger sister actually?

Jaf was calculating when she was young, but how did she go back?

Just inherited jia Wu's insolence?

"Uncle sixteen! Jaf took Sima Ying and let sima Ying cough.

"Arv, you'd better keep your mouth shut." He didn't want to get involved, but Jaff wouldn't let him go.

"Sixteen uncle, she is a business girl, dare to so slight me, don't you help me?" Jaf was clearly stimulated to the extreme.

Sima Ying's arm was tightly clutched by Jaf. He tried to release her hand, but it was tightly clenched.

"Arv, why should you take this Schopper and the musician girl seriously? Now it is the Queen jia's summons. If you don't go there again, I'm afraid you'll miss the hour." Sima Ying did not intend to tell her too much truth, the end is useless.

"Lelin, you wait for me!" Jaf glanced at the corona at the corner of the street and, with a stern threat, turned and stepped into the sedan chair.

When the people were dismissed, Sima Ying acted as host and invited Wei Jie and Le Lin to sit upstairs.

"What have you done to provoke this star, Uncle? If it wasn't for Queen Jia's call, I'm afraid it would be difficult to finish today."

"I don't want to have too much trouble with her. Mr. Wei jie put up a teacup and gently sip a mouthful, meaning to say, "After all, how my heart, shouldn't let too many people guess."

Le Lin felt Mr. Wei jie's eyes cast, and hurriedly lowered his head to drink tea.

She doesn't want to mess with this monster.

"The le girl was frightened just now, and this Ah is nothing but a lot of talk and a lot of rain. I'll keep your hospital safe." He pushed a small dish to her, smile so reassuring, let her be embarrassed appearance slowly relaxed down.

Mr. Wei jie looked at Ms. Leland thoughtfully, and put her jie very uncomfortable.

"So, I really thanked the King of Chengdu." She quickly thanked him and said, "Your majesty, Wei Childe, I have something urgent to say.

She could hardly stand up, but Mr. Wei Jie, seizing his wrists and leading her back to her seat, said: "How can you jie, Wei?"

Mr. Wei jie warned: "Jaf was so angry just now. Aren't you afraid of an ambush on the road?"

She immediately sat down,

"Shubao, after all is careful." Sima Ying said wryly, "I've never seen you treat a girl like this before. This musician girl is really an exception."

This exception made Lelin's heart beat fast.

"I am not a stone. How can I remain a stone?" If he means anything, she's on pins and needles.

This guy didn't offend Jaff by getting close to him in a pretense of revenge, did he?

You really want to get back at her like this for dragging him along?

Seriously, mean.

"Oh? It seems the moonman has done a good deed." Sima ying looked at Mr. Wei Jie and said, "How could your diamond heart be exactly adorned with colorful lights?"

"Oh, I never thought of that." Mr. Wei jie smiled at himself and hurried to the seven castle. He put his head askew to listen to the seven castle whisper and frowned.

"What is it, Uncle?" Sima Ying looked at his expression and became curious.

"Your Majesty has summoned me to the palace and granted me an official position. I am the crown prince." Wei Jie knew in the heart, it seemed that Prince Si Ma Yu hands-on.

"The king heard that the prince's palace recently wanted to marry Jammi's sister, I'm afraid... Vinegar." Sima Ying laughed. "It seems that the crown prince's office feels its position is unstable."

"Since the emperor commands me, I must go." Mr. Wei jie looked at Ms. Leland slightly apologetically, "Miss Le Jia Jie, jie will compensate you if you miss your appointment today." , got up and hurried away with the seven castles.

At that moment, only she and Sima Ying sat looking at each other.

She pursed her lips, not knowing what to say. After all, in this dream he had been her brother-in-law.

Between this brother-in-law sister-in-law, or some awkward and taboo.

"My Lord, the hospital has some goods to deliver. I must leave you." Lelin stood up and walked away quickly.

Sima Ying mouth smiling, the woman just correctly, not really love Wei Jie, but interesting.

When Le Lin came to the entrance of the alley, seven or eight strong ruffians stopped her.

This Jaf is really saving something for when she's alone?

Around looking, she clenched the bag, out of the inside of the silver needle, su Yuan is blocked in front of The body of Le Lin.

"Little maiden, I have just been chasing your Mr. Wei jie. I am afraid you may not be able to meet your expectations? Why don't you give my brother some comfort?"

"This little girl is delicate and fleshy, I'm afraid we should be lighter."

"Exactly. I haven't been with a family girl yet."

"Who are you? Do you know who my girl is? Element yuan grows bold, scold a way.

"A man and a woman, after all, or a woman and a man? In short, sister had better have a taste of the taste."

Su Yuan scared to cry, Le Lin clenched the hands of the silver needle, in one touch to Su Yuan, she directly into the pain of the needle, foot straight in the groin place, the pain of the man on the ground roll.

The others looked at each other and hurried on. In no hurry, Le Lin used the silver needle as a secret weapon and sent it out quickly, directly penetrating the acupoints of these people.

But these people can only slow down the action because of the pain, but can not stop.

Le Lin quickly grabbed Su Yuan, turned and ran.

Behind the people immediately caught her, behind a purple childe, all will be knocked down in the ground.

She looked back and saw Sima Ying standing there with a smile.

Before she knew it, she heard his warm voice say, "Schuncle said afu would have an afterthought, but you didn't believe him, and now you do?"

"But your majesty was following my concubine the whole time?" She made no reply to rhetorical questions.

"Since Shubao cares about you so much, my king can't let you have any accident." That sort of explains it.

"Thank you, my Lord." Le Lin was polite and ready to leave, but Sima Ying stopped him.

"Le Jia girl, is it really proper for you to ruin your reputation in front of people, just to piss off Ah Fu? Sima Ying's words let Le Lin heart under a thump.

As expected, her little tricks could not deceive Sima ying and Wei Jie two people.

"My Lord, the rumors of this world are not settled by self-judgment, nor are they settled by self-judgment. Either MY concubine admitted the false rumors, or MY concubine confirmed the false rumors. So far, there were only two ways, nothing else. What if you were a concubine?"

What a sharp-tongued girl, she threw the question back between words.

"How good will you be if you just do this? Have you ever thought of it?" Sima Ying looked at her regretfully.

"The rumor started at the end of the wind, and the wind went straight up, but it ruined my marriage. Since rumors can not be killed, marriage has been destroyed, how to sigh? We can only do what we are told." Le Lin laughed at himself, but sima Ying's eyes were profound.