Chapter 55: Jealous autumn is full of wounds

Before just returning to the carriage, seven fort already felt childe displeasure, hurriedly pulled nine fort's sleeve, nine fort stunned look to own childe, how this face is so black? Are you really angry?

Seven Bao and Nine Bao looked at each other and cautiously opened the curtain of the carriage, daring not to make any drastic moves or noises, for fear of upsetting the Jie Wei in the midst of such fury.

Jie Wei frown frown, into the carriage moments, he still bloodshot eyes full of cold su, staring at her sleep yan, up and down.

He did not know, this happy Lin in the end where provoked chapter degree, how can attract chapter degree so miss?

When did it happen?

Was it the time Jaf quarreled with her in the street and he was sent to the palace that chang fell in love at first sight?

Or was it the last time you tried at Golden Valley park? Why didn't he see that?

Damn it... How could he have neglected discipline?

Damn it!

Wei Jie took a deep breath and proudly raised the jaw, the chapter degree and their childhood acquaintance, and that can be a friend, according to the truth, a friend's wife can not play.

And how to let Zhang du risk turning against his own risk, to contaminate Lelin?

Or... Is the toffee up what kind of mind?

Indeed, Le Lin is le Shangshu's favorite child, but Le Shuang is not favored though she is a legitimate descendant.

This lineal state also has different, natural chengdu princess, still want to marry favored for the top.

Can be... Mr. Wei Jie he jie after a woman, and how can give way?

As he pursed his lips, he unconsciously rubbed his brow and his head ached. He should not have bothered so much about her.

However, after all, he was afraid of this chapter degree due to obey the life of the toffee, and disorderly point yuanyang spectrum.

He... You don't sit still. You find a way.

Thinking of this, he lifted eyes to that still sleeping woman, light sigh, "for you, I also be disorderly rules, I hope you, live up to me just good."

Just thinking, the carriage slowly drove into the prince's mansion, Wei Jie opened the curtain moments, looking back at the woman in the car, but the day just put daylight, he could not bear to wake her, then walked off the carriage gently, uneasy charge said: "do not have to go to the stable, stop here."

"Yes, childe." Seven castle words let Wei Jie slightly nod, looked up to see Sima ying jie walked slowly.

'Not to the stables? Uncle, what do you mean by that? Is there gillian in the car? You want a golden house?" A wry, Sima Ying was jest, but saw the Jie Wei jie.

"Zhang du, you come just in time." Mr. Wei jie stepped in front of the carriage and looked at Sima Ying, evidently distracted by Mr. Sima Rui's words.

"Why?" Sima ying frowned as she looked at The Jie Wei jie blocking her way.

"There is no noise or disturbance in this carriage, with The most important man in it." His eyes and eyebrows were full of rejection, and he said again, "It is not to be seen."

"Ha... When did Shubao move like this? Such a bully? Why not let this king see clearly?" Sima ying said to open the curtain, but was Jie Wei jie immediately seized the wrist.

"Zhang, some things, or do not peep." Mr. Wei jie gripped his wrist tighter.

"What's the matter, Uncle? Why are you not quite yourself today?" Sima Ying quite surprised looked at wei Jie, the hostility to the jie.

"Nothing." Mr. Wei jie had thought to swallow his anger, but resigned in his heart, and said, "Remember that if you are a friend, your friend's wife may not be jie."

Friend wife? Do not play? Sima Ying frowned very tight, is it the mother concubine to ask people to find le Shangshu things, uncle Bao know?

Think of this, Sima Ying light sigh, his mother concubine like disorderly point yuanyang spectrum, in order to escape the mother concubine's misdeeds, specially to prince palace to avoid clean.

But did not expect to be Wei Jie so fast know.

He also knew exactly who the Meaning of Wei Jie, but his mother concubine... Alas... It's a long story...

Sima Ying blinked her eyes and chuckled aloud, "I haven't seen Uncle Bao so calculating about his little appearance for a long time. Last time, like this, seems to be when you and the king of the fight for bamboo dragonflies, years of absence, still charming."

This life low smile, attracted Wei Jie turned his head cold hum, but also amused Sima Ying a few minutes.

"Upon my word, it is a woman in this carriage? Is it Le again?" Sima ying slammed the arm of Mr. Wei Jie, "You could say so."

"You want to know? Wei Jie evaded the serial impact of The Sima ying jie, icy face asked rhetorically.

"Of course, after all, who is the wife of this friend's wife, this king must know?" Sima Ying said.

"What did you say, that I thought, and that I had a question?" Mr. Wei jie apparently smiled and allowed Sima ying to see half a minute.

"Gee... How stingy Mr. Wei Jie could be... The king can't even take a look, but still so far away? Is it not that my mother concubine is troubled, you must top heart?" Mr. Sima ying's jest failed to amuse Mr. Wei Jie.

"Zhang du, you and I have known each other for more than ten years, what kind of character are you, I do not know? If the toffee had forced you into submission, would you have brushed it off?" Wei Jie words let Sima - Ying gradually put a smile on her face.

"Really, must it be a musician girl? Sima Ying was not amused at all.

"My heart is small, once remember who is who." Mr. Wei jie's words were so blunt that Ms. Sima - Ying's eyebrows tightened.

"So... That's difficult..." Sima Ying some headache pinch temples.

"Difficult?" Mr. Wei jie turned his head abruptly and looked sharply at Ms. Sima - Ying. 'How could you explain this?'

"It is rumoured that the queen's mother is selecting the princess of Chengdu. I am afraid she is visiting the Tielefu these days. It seems... It's a bit difficult..." Mr. Sima - Ying's words put Mr. Wei jie's heart into the lowest valley.

Wei Jie shook a fist, his Wei jie has not yet regained strength, lack of confidence, force is less than, even full of sincere, afraid le Shangshu will not be too miss the old grace, so how can refuse the Princess of Chengdu princess princess?

It's really difficult... But, even if difficult, the woman he likes, how can insert wings to fly?

"Isn't this cream good? Wei Jie an opening words, so that Sima Ying was almost choked by their saliva.

"When were you so direct, Uncle? Could it be so blunt?" Sima Ying very surprised Wei Jie so like, in the past this words are crooked, how tonight so straightforward? Is this guy really into it?

"I only ask you, how do you like it?" Wei Jie stubborn eyes, so that Sima - Ying helpless put away the joke face.

"Shubao, you should know, after all, this king is the king of the county, even if he is not the crown prince, he cannot marry a legitimate daughter who is not favored." Sima Ying's words are equivalent to the conclusion of the coffin.

"So you must set aside brotherhood with me?" Mr. Wei jie also does not intend to beat about the bush, his woman, he must protect, must also be put to him!

"Only a woman, Uncle..." Sima Ying also want to say which, but was jie Wei eyes curb.

"I ask you, do you really ignore it?" Mr. Wei jie's eyes lit up with anger.

"Shubao, the world knows the filial piety of the king and his mother's wife, and it is hard to refuse... But... It's only women..." Mr. Sima Ying jie shut his eyes and put to rest the executive executive. With a puzzled tilt of his head, he called Mr. Wei jie, "Shu Bao, can you put on the jie or sweetheart?"

Hearing the words, Wei Jie slowly opened his mouth and turned to Look at Sima Ying with earnest eyes. "My father jie promised to marry my mother as soon as he could, and this life will be exactly the same. Being affectionate or flying with one another is the joy of the world. Since childhood, I have thought of a pair of birds, if this pair of birds is destined to be a pair of wings, one is wingless, I wish I was the wingless person, keep chasing in the wings of the people around. If one day..."

Mr. Wei jie looked gently at the carriage and put on the warmth of his eyes. 'As disaster approached, they could fly higher and save their lives, and I would like to be the jie who could die a bitter death. I would have made a cushion to cushion her pain."

This made Sima Ying gasp, "Shubao... You..."

Wei Jie turned to Look at Sima ying earnest, "In my life, I have been earnest about everything, especially the woman who has entered my heart. So... Chapter c... Do not hurt me in love."

Sima ying pursed her mouth and looked into the eyes of Mr. Wei jie. He could not understand the jie's heart.

There are thousands of women in this world, why love a single flower?

Wei Jie is what kind of man, and why a woman so constrained?

Aren't men supposed to be philanderers? Isn't it supposed to be about children?

How could this Wei jie be so dull?

Sima Ying frown more and more tight, at this time the peach maidservant slowly walked out, to the two blessing blessing body, said: "two childe, your highness please."

Glancing at each other, Wei Jie and Sima Ying jie followed their maid to the assembly Hall of the Prince's palace.

At this time the carriage within the Le Lin still sound sleep, unexpectedly missed The Full affectionate Wei Jie.

When also life is also, luck is also doomed to Wei Jie ill-fated affairs.

Si Ma Yu leaned on the railing drowsy and looked at Wei Jie, obviously knowing the Jialan Temple event. "Shu Bao, you have played a good game. How dare you not know the conference and be so bold?"

This rebuke did not let Wei Jie half minutes nervous, but bow to, "now Jia Mi has entered the pepper room, afraid to send Pan Yue yue yue said. But this can lead to the prince's palace to marry the eldest daughter of lang Ya wang."

"Oh? Eldest daughter of the King?" As soon as you listen to wang Jingfeng, Si Ma Yu hurriedly sat straight, "is what kind of opportunity?"

"Prince, in this temple, Jialu offended the king of Zhao and the king of Langya, and left without permission, which made the King Of Wang Yan Situ also very dissatisfied. At this time the family patriarch is bound to hate, because of the domineering and full of displeasure. If borrow by jia Mi humiliate minister event, with pepper room to a lang Ya wang at the same time marry female grace... So... Steal dragon to phoenix, also can try."

"Steal a dragon to turn a phoenix?" Si Ma Yu's eyes lit up, "Shubao, do you mean to snatch parents that day?"

"Rob close... Your Highness, it is not yet known whether you will marry your concubine or not..." Sima ying burst into laughter, but he looked at the Jie Wei eyes thoughtful.

Wei Jie did not expect that he stole the dragon zhuan Feng said, he married a wife jie, is the key to a lifetime.