Chapter 56: What is lost and what is Gained

Si Ma Yu looked joyfully at Wei Jie, and he needed to know more things, especially how to marry Wang Jingfeng into the crown prince's palace. He was happy at the thought of beating this fellow Jammi, he was full of joy.

"Schuncle?" "Si Ma Yu asked outlet again, full of hope in his eyes.

"Prince Prince, this married Wang Situ love daughter thing, just the surface, the fundamental reason is to let the langya wang see the strength of the prince house, but also let the pepper room to power, to the prince house in power." Wei Jie's words let Sima Yu frown high.

"Oh? Uncle treasure? Is marrying Wang Jingfeng just a cover?" "Sima Yu slowly accepted the expression of joy and became serious.

Although he was sometimes out of tune, he had been a crown prince for many years and knew nothing about power.

"Yes, your Highness. To marry a royal girl, whether successful or unsuccessful, is just to give pepper room the opportunity to marry. After all, this opportunity, people look forward to, after all, this opportunity pepper room had to give." The smile of Wei Jie made Sima Yu curious, and of course he would be more willing to master the real power.

After all, men, to be in power and to inherit Dashiyu is his hope in his life.

"How can I have to?" "Si Ma yu wrinkled his eyebrows and leaned forward to listen more carefully.

"Prince Prince, at the moment this pepper room jia Empress worry about what matter?" Wei Jie looked at Si Ma Yu less than a question.

"To-night? Si Ma Yu pursed her mouth, and he certainly knew what Shu Bao had done, and more know what Jiari wanted to go to the pepper room with Jia Queen said.

But this and jia hind is bound to give way to have to do with?

Sima Ying see prince palace prince of doubt, plug in mouth, "Your royal highness, you can remember, this music shangshu in prison clear and Sun Xiu? And Sun Xiu has offended the king of Langya, so the king of Zhao personally recommended this to the Queen jia?"

"Oh?" "Sima Yu's slow opening mouth," The 16th uncle means..."

"As for Sun Xiu, sun Xiu represented the side of the king of Zhao, and the king of Zhao preferred Sun Xiu. And langya wang Dun is because song Wei hated Sun Xiu, is bound to langya wang jia and Zhao, Jia queen is bound to offend a party. This one is..." Sima Ying slowly explained, "And this is clear that the king of Zhao's recommendation is not good, but this is clear that the end of the lawsuit, the squire's daughter, but no one knows why..."

The success of Sima Ying's words made Sima Yu's eyes light up, "Uncle 16, how did you do so?"

"Do you remember, my Lord, the garden in the Rue Rosefinch?" "Sima Ying's words point to the moment, Sima Yu's eyes widened.

'The whoring garden! "Sima Yu looked at Sima Ying with incredible eyes," uncle 16, it's a gathering place for young waiters, how could it..."

"The garden is treasured by many high and important people, but whether it is a prostitute's garden or a place where young servants gather, there must be something wrong with it, and the wrong must be buried there as soon as the blood is shed. And if the place is not properly buried, if one or two accidents happen, then... The owner of the garden should be held responsible. Who is the master of this garden, I wonder your Highness?" Sima Ying's words made Sima Yu's brows grow tighter and tighter.

'The owner of the garden? Sima Yu's surprise made Sima Ying smile.

"Shubao, this is your idea at this time, this king will not preempt others." Mr. Sima ying gave the right to speak back to Mr. Wei Jie.

"What's all this about, Shubo?" "Si Ma Yu has been touched by curiosity.

"The garden..." Wei Jie slowly hook mouth, as if to think of which as interesting things, "is the industry on the face of Shi Chong, actually manage people exactly know. And this is a dainty, clear feature, and a charming man if he could distinguish between the sexes."

"The people? Male and female? This clear... Or the head of a whorehouse?" "Si Ma Yu's eyes brightened." Does that mean that yu is not a woman but a man? And the whoring garden has a greater secret?"

"Does your Highness remember the reports of missing persons lodged by the government in the past six months? Dimly, In his study, Uncle saw some midyear approvals submitted, but there were some very interesting surnames." As Prince Xian Ma exactly, Wei Jie was naturally to enter the prince's den and assist him in approving litigation cases.

"What names?" Si Ma Yu vaguely saw some light to deal with Queen Jia.

"Naturally, some of these surnames come from the Liu family of Hedong, some from the Xie family of Chenjun, and some from the Wang family of Langya... As it happens, these missing persons are legitimate sons. But it is a legitimate boy, in the end is a family blood, this face... I can't afford to lose it..." Wei Jie meaning words yu si Ma laugh to go.

"I guess you didn't pay attention to the guy behind you when you caught him?" Si Ma Yu said in a word that broke the meaning of Wei Jie.

"His Royal Highness is wise." Wei Jie, bowing to the moment, only listened to Si Ma Yu burst into laughter.

"So it is very good, a clear certainly let family children hate poison, but this clear for who?" Si Ma Yu looked at Wei Jie in disbelief.

"Shubao remembered the rumor in the street that the empress jia of the pepper house was very discording with your Majesty, especially after cutting off the hands of the maid Bai Yu, she dared not meet. After all, this Empress Jia is a woman, and she is as old as a Wolf..." "The hint of these words made Si Ma Yu's eyes more bright.

"Feed it to Queen Jia?" "Si Ma yu was bold, did not give Jia Nanfeng save face.

"There are several murder cases in the garden. If the investigation is clear, I am afraid it will involve several legitimate members of Langya's royal family and some trusted generals of Zhao. Will really let these people move the heart, also anxious heart, this matter is bound to weigh. A clear angered both sides, more than that Sun Xiu, a bad deal, both sides are offended. The queen of nature needs someone who will defend her..." Wei Jie's words let Si Ma Yu slowly nodded his head.

"Uncle Treasure is really uncle treasure, it seems that you have thought of a good way for loneliness?" Si Ma Yu's words let Wei Jie smile more brilliant a bit.

"The countermeasures are not very good, but the Queen jia was in a hurry to get rid of her, and your Highness went to relieve your elder mother of her sorrows under a pretence of appetence. But whether it is a relief or not, it must give your Highness some advantage, and that advantage..." Wei Jie no longer said, light yu looked at Si Ma.

"It must be the two girls who married langya at the same time, but the eldest one, Wang Jingfeng, or the second one, Wang Huifeng, moved into the prince's palace. It all depends on whose house the sedan chair entered at that time?" "In this way, we can also let all people witness the failure of Jia's family. A good plan to kill two birds with one stone."

"I'm afraid that What Shubao designed is not two birds with one stone, but three birds with one stone, right?" Sima Ying's reminder made Sima Yu turn his head and look at Wei Jie with some excitement.

"Oh? What else do you have in mind, Uncle?" As long as Sima Yu thought of crushing to Jia Mi and Jia Nanfeng, it lifted its head and spoke in a light tone.

"Prince Prince, in fact, there is no other, but it is just the queen jia and the King of Zhao sent two people, although the two people are together to the Yue Fu, but after all, their oppression, natural injustice yue Fu and prison department faction officials... And these officials come from many families." Mr. Wei jie sighed lightly, "Think carefully, but lang Ya jie and the King of Zhao jie a fit of rage, but involved the people, really... It's unbearable."

"Shubao, do you mean to balance them with loneliness? Let the officials of the prison division faction be grateful for the kindness of the orphan?" "Si Ma Yu yu a little is a key word,", "so, are you helping orphans win hearts?"

"His Highness is smart enough to know what Shubao means." Mr. Wei jie recognized that.

"Hello, Uncle Wei!" Si Ma Yu hurried over to pat Wei Jie on the shoulder, but found that he had a bloody hand in the palm of his hand, and immediately became nervous, "Shubao, can you be hurt?"

"Well, your highness, this is not my blood, but some of it caught in an ambush on the way." Wei Jie's words let Sima Yu's eyes widen.

"Midnight ambush? Do those people know that you are a lonely prince Xian Ma?" Si Ma Yu's displeasure made Wei Jie bend down.

"Prince, it was my incompetence that led to the ambush." Wei Jie's words are like gun medicine, lit the heart of Si Ma Yu, and he became angry.

"How can you be incompetent? Obviously is such person ignores solitary existence! Who did it?" Si Ma Yu gripped the arm of Wei Jie.

"Prince... It was just an ambush. I'm used to it. So..." Wei Jie did not want to say the look yu Si Ma yu anger deeper.

"Used? More than once? Who was so bold? Ah... It's Jammi, isn't it?" "Sima Yu's nostrils widened with anger," how great you, Jashu, dare to treat such a lonely tactician! It seems that he must be sacrificed in the battle for power! It's just... Can Shubao do anything?"

Si Ma Yu's words were exactly in Wei Jie's heart, he was waiting for Si Ma Yu such anger, or let him in the name of the prince's house, give Jami a good look.

Even for the humiliation of jia LAN Temple.

He Wei Jie never bear grudges, because he will be in three days, on the spot revenge!

"If you want to punish Jammi, your highness, you can do it." Wei Jie sighed gently, "You should know how exactly the Royal family in Lang Ya jie was angry with Sun Xiu, and the jie sent by the Empress Jia. I guess she may have a close relationship with Le Shangshu."

"You mean Pan Yue?" Sma Yu reacted immediately.

"Your Royal Highness is indeed intelligent. It is Pan Yue." Wei Jie, nodding his head, continued, "If Pan Yue had put forward the case, the jie and Pan Yue could hardly have been less affectionate, and The Empress Jia could hardly have put Sun Xiu on the jie if she had been interested in the Lang Ya Royal family. Fortunately this Sun Xiu also has enmity with Pan Yue since childhood... If..."

"What if?" Si Ma Yu really tense up, if Jia Nanfeng lost Pan Yue this strategist, when it is really cut off the arm.

"If Sun Xiu knew that pan Yue was the one who killed him, sun Xiu would surely retaliate deliberately. At that time, the crown prince's palace would not be allowed to make moves to see the end. And if this outcome will also pull shi Chong into the water, by the surviving Sun Xiu personally dominated. The finance minister and chief adviser of Queen Jia and Jimi will disappear at the same time. Such a punishment, do not have to criticize in public, argue a right and wrong down good?"

Wei Jie words let Si Ma Yu slowly nodded its head, which is obviously the best way, after all, borrow a sword to kill, hands not stained with blood, the enemy has been separated from the head.