His Moto

"Die!" Devin punched and kicked, giving him no escape. While at the same time Steven scratched and bit, not missing a mark. It was quite a funny battle for the spectators. If there was popcorn stand nearby, it would have probably made a lot of sales.

But not all spectators were polite. There are always some of those 'good boys' who don't want others to enjoy the fight. They would hide among the masses and then disappear with a puff only to storm off and complain either to the teachers or the student council. And fair enough in Devin's school too, such 'protectors of justice' were ever present.

"What's happening here," a deep hoarse voice resounded as a teacher approached. The boys stopped their fists as they turned their heads to find out who it was.

It was Mr. Kesh, a P.E. teacher who taught most of the high school students.

Devin raised his shoulders in a shrug. It was if he didn't care anymore.

'Who cares about the P.E any way? P.E is not even marked in our grade sheets in our school!' Devin thought. There was no marks to be scored for P.E so why should he care about the subject?

But such thoughts never crossed across Steven's mind who was only worried about how he would escape such a situation. He was thinking up several excuses in his mind but none made any proper sense. He was caught red handed bullying a junior.

Devin knew that this was his chance. Finding that Steven was lost in thought he swirled his body as he packed a heavy punch at Steven's face.


Steven's body went crashing down. Due to the little bit of ignorance he had showed he was left with no choice but to loose. The sudden appearance of the teacher turned out to be his demise.

"He he," Devin rubbed his nose that had a tinge of red on it. Steven had scratched his nose with his nails during the fight tearing the skin.

"Stop!" The teacher screamed. But Devin could only shrug as he smirked.

'It's over anyway. What is there to stop?' Devin thought as he rolled his eyes. He picked up his back which he had tossed to the side during the match as he turned away to leave tip toeing not making any sound. Even if he knew that there was no escape he at least tried to make it look like as if he was running away.

"Where are you going now?" Mr Kesh asked. All the eyes were on Devin anyway.

"Tch," he clicked his tongue as if to act out his annoyance. He turned around only to find the P.E. teacher holding onto his hips. He looked damn angry.

"Come with me." He ordered.

Devin mum belled some slangs under his breath but followed behind the teacher anyway. He might not be the type of person to follow the rules but he respects his elders, especially teachers. But he wasn't the type to blindly follow anyone not even his teachers. If he found them doing anything that harmed him he would fight back no matter what the repercussions.

He followed behind the teacher to the basketball coach.

"What is it sir? What are we doing here? Only two of us can't play basketball can we?" Devin tried to cool down the atmosphere by cracking a joke but he was only met with a cold gaze.

"You are being punished," the teacher scoffed.

"But why me? Steven was also involved in that farce! And it was him to began all of this! I just defended from him. Punish him too!" Devin screamed exercising his right to speech and expression.

But Mr. Kesh shook his head.

"He is in the infirmary after you knocked him out."

"What? You only see the injuries on him. What about me? Look at these scratches and these bite marks! Dammit they hurt!"

"Don't try to put up an act. You con. it won't work on me."

All the teacher did was laugh. It was like all of Devin's rightful claims were a joke to him.

"Listen kid, I know what you are. You have gone through worse before. To you those are just scratches so chill."

Devin crossed his arms in front of his chest as he had nothing more to say.

'He is right but still... so unfair.'

Mr' Kesh lips arched to a devilish smile. Devin could feel the chills in his spine.

From there on out it was a sweaty experience for Devin. From crunches to jumps to what not. Sometimes it is hard to understand why the teacher tortures them so much while all he does is read 'gentlemen's magazine' sitting at the side.

Every time Devin gets into a fight this is where he ends up getting with him.

"Hey old man, what do you get out of torturing me like this?"

The teacher frowned.

"I am just 40, not old man yet. And you might never know when you might have to embark on an adventure, you know? The training is for that! Gotta keep you prepared."

"As if!" Devin could only roll his eyes.

'He and his stupid grandfather jokes.'

But he had yet to realize that what his teacher told him that day was soon to become his reality.

If one were to analyze Devin's situation deeper he could have easily avoided this situation... this situation. Had he just backed off after the first punch. Had he not knocked Steven out he would not have to go through this. But that wouldn't be Devin's way. He would rather fight his battles galantly and face the repercussions later. 'Act first and then think' - that was his moto and he was proud of it. It defined his personality.

It was because of this moto that senior couldn't oppress him even if they could easily control his classmates. It was because of this moto that he was secretly respected and admired even though he had no 'father's money' to flaunt. And it was because of this moto that he could live normally despite having no parents to make his decisions.


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