
"I'm home," Devin called out as he pushed his key into his apartment's key hole.

But even though he called out aloud that he was home. There was not really anyone waiting for him at home. He walked inside his small apartment as he threw his bag to the side and jumped onto the bed.

The bed wriggled up and down before accommodating his body.

When Devin is at home, he appears as if a completely different person than the Devin at school. The one at school was always brimming with energy while the one at home had a gloomy atmosphere about him. It was the loneliness that he felt here that made him act that way.

"Man, I am beat."

As he laid on his bed staring at the usual white ceiling above, the day's events came back to his mind.

"Girls can be really an annoying bunch," he whispered.

His weird philosophy had always led him to not be in any relationships. As most of the girls his age… even those that were single now after break up had their flowers plucked. His inner circle was too small to have any proper girl of his taste included in it. It was just school then home and then back at school.

It wasn't like he didn't have a girlfriend before. After passing to high school from middle school everyone wanted to be in a relationship especially the girls. He had landed himself a 'pure' girlfriend just like he wanted perfectly according to his taste.

And of course since he took her virginity he had decided to live with her for the rest of his life as her man. He had given her that special place in his heart.

'But alas those blissful moment soon came to an end,' Devin thought as he took a turn on the bed making him comfortable.

The long duration of love making that they were having thanks to Devin's stamina drained her completely. When it became an everyday routine, she got annoyed by it soon when she couldn't take it anymore and ditched him.

That was probably the only day Devin had cursed himself for having such a huge libido.

Nevertheless, he tried to get over it and tried to give himself another chance by finding another girl of course. He had given his ex a place in his heart and had made no faults in loving her but it turned out she didn't like him like he did.

'So what else choice did I have? Other than moving on?' Devin asked himself but then sighed.

By the time she had ditched him, he realized it was already too late. All the girls of his age group either had boyfriends or were single non- virgins since they had somehow once done it with their ex.

While some other guy might have no problem in hooking up with these single girls. In fact with his libido Devin would have been quite popular among the sluts.

But, Devin couldn't accept it. It was traumatic for him. How was he supposed to raise his stick for a girl knowing full well that someone else's had at some point been inside it? His fantasies of the ideal girl were quite different from the rest. Simply speaking these girls were no longer in his strike zone.

That was how he had ended up like this. Lonely and single. That was his sad tale. But if someone were to hear it he would have probably laughed out aloud.

But why should Devin care? Devin was Devin and these were the parts that made him who he was.

"Maybe I should try to look outside of my school and broaden my horizons to find the right girl." That is what he mumbled before he fell asleep.

The sun had set but Devin was still out cold owing to the amount of hard work his sick P.E., teacher had made him do. He had got up several times only fall back to sleep again. His body deserved some rest. But alas, fortune had other plans for him.

*Tring* *tring*

The doorbell rang. Devin's eyelid flickered thanks to the annoying sound.


It rang again but this time it caused Devin to be wide awake. He got up as he pulled away his blanket.


Devin gasped as he confirmed that there was indeed someone using that old door bell.

"Really... It had been ages since someone rang that door bell!"


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