"Rich People's Showroom"

Paulo was sitting in the car alongside Fabio who was driving the car. Both friends were on their way to Giacca Galore to buy a suit for Paulo. Paulo was sitting in the car silent and frustrated because he never wanted to buy a don't from Fabio as it made him feel embarrassed over himself. Fabio noticed that Paulo was sitting silent and embarrassed, he knew the exact reason why Paulo remained silent. He tried to talk to Paulo to break his silence and make him feel good. He started the conversation by telling him about Giacca Galore's suit specialty. He said.

"Hey Paulo! Do you know what Giacca Galore's suits are made up of?"

Paulo replied.

"No! I don't know about it."

Fabio answered back.

"They are made up of special fabrics, these fabrics are produced in Milan and nowhere else."

Paulo curiously asked.

"Why the fabrics are only produced in Milan?"

Fabio answered.

"Because these fabrics are made of special fibers and these fibers are very rare to find despite being so rare they somehow manage to make top quality suits without any sort of mixing of cheap fibers."

Paulo then asked.

"Wow that's impressive, what is the name of these fabrics?"

Fabio replied.

"The name? Well, I don't know the exact name but I remember that these fibers come from Africa."

Paulo asked.

"Oh! From which country of Africa?"

Fabio didn't know the name of the country where the fabrics came from and he was already getting annoyed by Paulo, constantly asking such tough questions that he couldn't answer, so he tried to divert the topic. He said.

"Amigo! Why are you so curious about the names of the fabrics and where these fabrics came from? Are you looking to open a textile factory for yourself in the future?"

Paulo replied.

"No amigo! I am not curious because I want to open a textile factory I am just curious because I want to know why these suits are so expensive and what makes these suits different from other normal suits?"

Fabio told Paulo.

"Well, ok! If that's the case then ask the salesgirl, she knows everything, from which fabric these suits are made, where these fabrics come from, and why these suits are so expensive, ok? But right now get out of the car because we have arrived at the showroom."

Fabio stopped the car, they arrived at the Giacca Galore's showroom. Both Fabio and Paulo stepped out of the car. Paulo was constantly looking at the giant board on which Giacca Galore was written and from the outside the showroom was looking very authentic and luxurious. This caught Paulo's attention and Paulo was completely mesmerized by the look of the showroom from the outside, there were glass doors at the entrance. Fabio came from behind and told Paulo to come but Paulo refused to come and said.

"Amigo, I don't think I should go inside this showroom, just look at this showroom it's out of my league, and the security guard won't even allow me to enter inside the showroom. I am sorry Fabio, I don't want to go, I am leaving."

Paulo was about to walk away but Fabio grabbed his hand before he could walk and said.

"Amigo, why are you so afraid? C'mon Paulo let's go we are getting late for dinner don't waste time."

Paulo resisted and said.

"But the security won't allow me to enter the store like this."

Fabio assured him.

"Don't worry about the security guard, I am with you I will tell him that you have come with me, and the security will say nothing. C'mon now let's go inside the showroom."

Fabio grabbed Paulo by his hand and took him forcefully to the entrance of the showroom. Both arrived at the entrance of the showroom where a security guard was standing. The security allowed Fabio to enter the showroom with respect but stopped Paulo and said.

"Sorry, gentleman you cannot go inside."

Fabio interrupted and told the security guard.

"Hola, officer! This man has come here with me."

The security immediately apologized to Paulo.

"Oh! I am so sorry sir, I didn't know, please go ahead."

The security guard allowed Paulo to enter the showroom. Fabio then said.

"See! I told you that the security guard would say nothing and allow you to enter the showroom when I told him that you come here with me?"

Both entered the showroom. Inside the showroom, many rich people were buying and trying out different suits from the hanger racks. A few moments later a beautiful salesgirl approached them and asked.

"Hello, sir! Good evening, Welcome to Giacca Galore. How may I help you?"

Fabio replied.

"Hello, Christine! I am Fabio, Fabio Mancini."

Fabio raised his hand for a handshake, the lady was surprised that he knew her name. She asked.

"Well, sir! How do you know my name?"

Fabio replied.

"Well anybody will know your name if you have a badge of your name on your uniform right there."

Fabio pointed at the nameplate of the salesgirl. The salesgirl blushed and smiled. She said.

"Oh, I am sorry sir! I completely forgot."

Fabio replied.

"Don't be sorry, I understand you are working in such a luxurious store and I believe that you are one of the most hardworking women, that's why you never realized that you had a name tag on your uniform."

Fabio was behaving quite nicely and was funny in front of the salesgirl and the salesgirl was also into him. The salesgirl later started to recognize who were they. The salesgirl curiously asked.

"Well, sir! If I am not wrong are you Fabio Mancini the football player who plays for Parma C.F?"

Fabio replied to her with a gentle smile.

"Yes, you guessed right! I am Fabio Mancini the Parma C.F player."

The salesgirl was quite shocked and was very happy to know she was standing in front of him. She said.

"Oh my god! I am sorry I couldn't recognize you at first, I want to tell you that I am also a huge Parma C.F fan. I got to know you scored a goal in today's match against Bologna F.C. and the two goals were scored by a new player named Paolo Romani."

Fabio then introduced Paolo Romani to her.

"Yes, he is here with me Meet Paolo Romani, the hero of today's game and most importantly great friend."

Paolo was shy in front of her even though he shook hands with her and introduced himself to her. Later Fabio asked.

"Didn't you watch today's match?"

The salesgirl answered.

"Oh! I couldn't I was in the showroom working and the match was in the afternoon so couldn't manage to watch."

Fabio then replied.

"Yeah! I understand you are a hard-working woman who doesn't take a day off from working days."

The salesgirl and Fabio shared a laugh later the salesgirl asked.

"I am sorry sir! I completely forgot to ask what you want, Can I know how may I help you?"

Fabio replied.

"Yes, actually we are both going to dinner at Bella Italia and we are here to buy a suit for my friend Paolo."

The salesgirl asked.

"Oh that's great, sir may I get to know what type of suit you are looking for a breasted suit, a double-breasted suit, a tuxedo, a stroller, a blazer, or a three-piece suit."

Fabio replied.

"Well show us a three-piece suit."

The salesgirl said.

"OK, sir! The three-piece suit section is upstairs, please come."

Both Fabio and Paolo head their way upstairs along with the salesgirl