"Romantic Encounter"

Paolo, Fabio, and the salesgirl arrived at the section where the three-piece suits were kept inside the garment bags and were assigned in a line on the hanging rack. The salesgirl then showed them the suits.

"Sir! This is the three-piece suits section, Sir, before you try a suit may I know which size of suit you usually wear?"

Paolo had no idea about it because it was his first time buying a suit for himself. A clueless Paolo looked at Fabio. Fabio then replied to the salesgirl.

"I am sorry Christine, my friend is buying a suit for himself for the first so he has no idea about which size could fit him perfectly."

The salesgirl said.

"No problem sir! We will take measurements of his body and see which size could fit him perfectly."

Paolo agreed to give measurements of his body, the salesgirl called a male employee nearby and asked him to take measurements of Paolo's body. The male employee started to take measurements of Paolo's body with the help of inch tape and wrote down all the measurements in his small notebook. While Paolo was giving his body measurements the salesgirl curiously asked Fabio.

"Sorry to interrupt sir, but I want to ask is this the first time your friend is going to such a dinner night, I mean he never went before?"

Fabio answered.

"Yes, you are right, it's his first time going into such a thing but how do you know?"

The salesgirl answered.

"You told me right now that he is buying a suit for the first time, and because of it, I got an idea."

Fabio smiled and said.

"I have to say that you are not just a hard-working girl but also a smart girl as well."

The salesgirl blushed and said.

"Sir! Please stop calling me a hard-working girl or a smart girl."

Fabio replied.

"Why, are you not a hard-working girl?"

The salesgirl answered back.

"No, sir! It's not that what it means."

Fabio replied.

"Oh! I understand so don't like to hear praise for yourself."

The salesgirl answered.

"No, sir! You are misunderstanding me."

Fabio then said.

"Or are you just shy because I am praising you?"

Fabio and the Salesgirl Christine were having a flirty conversation with each other, suddenly the male employee who was taking body measurements of Paolo interrupted and told the salesgirl.

"Christine I have taken the body measurement of the customer here it is."

The male employee gave the notepad in which he wrote all the measurements to the salesgirl and left the scenario. The salesgirl looked at the notepad and said.

"Great! Sir, I have to tell you that fortunately, we have suits of your size. According to your body measurements, the L-size suits are perfect for you. I'll take you to the section L-size suit."

The salesgirl took them where L-size suits were kept on the rack and Paulo and Fabio followed the salesgirl. She took them inside where many suits of different sizes were kept on the racks. She stopped at the third row and said.

"Sir! Here are the L-size three-piece suits. All of them are L-size you can try any of them."

Paulo was hesitant to take a suit by himself and try so he asked the salesgirl.

"Ma'am, can you give me any suit of your choice? I mean you know very well which suit might be perfect for me."

The salesgirl replied.

"No worries sir! I will help you to select a suit for yourself."

She looked at some suits and pulled out a garment bag in which the suit was kept and said.

"Sir this suit might be perfect for you charcoal gray. You try it in our trial room."

Paulo anxiously took the garment bag from her and asked.

"Where is the trial room?"

The salesgirl replied.

"Sir, just go straight and take a left turn you will see the trial room."

Paulo thanked the salesgirl and left for the trial room to try his suit. The moment he left Fabio turned his attention towards the salesgirl and continued having a flirty conversation with her. Fabio said.

"Charcoal grey? well nice choice."

The salesgirl replied.

"Thank you, sir."

Fabio continued.

"Well, in which suit color I will be perfect?"

The salesgirl answered.

"Sir, you are wearing it right now. The black color looks perfect on you, I mean you look very handsome in this."

Fabio replied.

"Really! I look handsome in this suit which I am wearing right now. Do I look handsome while wearing this suit or am I handsome?"

The salesgirl smiled and answered.

"Well, being honest sir, on television, you look great but in reality, you look even more handsome."

Fabio was delighted by her comments he continued the conversation.

"I am seriously flattered by your comments."

Both shared a smile, a romance was now brewing between them. Fabio asked.

"Christine, I've never seen you before in this showroom, I think you are newly joined?"

Christine answered.

"Yes, I joined here two weeks ago."

Fabio continued.

"Yes, I bought this suit from here three months ago but now I think I should come here more often."

The salesgirl responded.

"Sure sir! You are most we have a lot of new suits coming in the next few weeks you can try them."

Fabio replied.

"I think not just for buying a suit but also to see you as well, I think now we know each other well. So can I come to meet you?"

The salesgirl answered.

"Sir, if we know each other now then I think we should not meet in the store but somewhere outside of the showroom."

Fabio smirked and asked.

"Where? Where we should meet Christene?"

The salesgirl answered.

"Anywhere! Where you say."

Fabio and Christine were sharing a lovely moment. They both maintained strong eye contact, Fabio was about to say something but before he could speak Paulo came back from the trial room and said.

"Fabio, how am I looking?"

Fabio and the salesgirl distracted themselves, Fabio answered.

"Ah! You look great in this suit amigo but you know what amigo, It appears like you are going for some office work, not for dinner, I think you should try another color, what do you think Christine?"

The salesgirl replied.

"Yes, I think you are right sir, try maroon this might look perfect on you."

The salesgirl handed another garment bag to Paulo's hand, Paulo took the garment bag and headed back to the trial room. The salesgirl turned her attention to Fabio and asked.

"Did you deliberately tell him that the suit was not looking good on him or was it true?"

Fabio answered.

"Well, kind of both you can say at least we both can have a little bit of time together."

Both shared a laugh and were having a romantic moment together.