I wasn't feeling that happy to leave Danny behind but I got over the feeling and walked away with Olivia.
As soon as we walked out of Danny's view Olivia suddenly changed into a ghost man with red hair and he looked a little like me. As he was about to reach out and grab me I yelled out "HELP ME DAN…" but I couldn't finish yelling cause the man put his hand over my mouth. Suddenly he ripped a hole in the air that looked like a portal and he flew in with his arms clasped tightly around me. As the portal to the ghost zone was closing I saw Danny make it in so I bit into the man's hand and as soon as it came off my mouth I started screaming "HELP ME DANNY!!!! FOLLOW MY VOICE!". Unfortunately after I yelled the man took out a bandana and tied it over my mouth. Suddenly I felt a weird feeling and I started to see my clothes change color but as soon as it happened the man took out another bandana and covered my eyes. I don't remember anything else so I probably fainted.
When I came to I was tied in a chair with a weird sort of rope. The bandanna was removed from my eyes but I still had my mouth covered and earplugs in. The man that kidnapped me was next to me and I looked over to him. As soon as I started to move my head I saw Danny coming through the door of the weird looking house we were in. I started trying to scream "HELP ME DANNY!!" But my mouth was too gagged and as soon as I tried to scream the man took a dagger and started to push it against my throat. I saw the man and Danny start to talk. I tried to tell what they were saying but I couldn't read their lips. Suddenly Danny started to walk toward me with a determined look on his face but as soon as he did the man dug the dagger into my neck harder and it brought a couple tears to my eyes. Danny backed up and then continued to talk. After a few minutes the man untied me partly, removed an earplug and said "Come on my daughter. Don't you remember me? I'm your father Keith. Transform. Or as Danny says it "go ghost". Do it like you did earlier remember?"
It confused the daylights out of me and I was just terrified when suddenly suddenly my body changed!!!!! Keith put a mirror in front of me and I saw My hair became snow white and I had glowing green eyes like Danny!! My outfit also changed. It basically looked like an opposite colored version of the one I wore at the park. As soon as I saw myself in this form I fainted again. I must've been out longer than before cause when I came to I was still gagged and tied in a chair but the earplugs were removed and we were sitting in front of a different house out of the ghost zone. Keith now looked like an older human version of the one that had kidnapped me.