Info: this is the previous chapter but in Danny's POV
I flew into the ghost portal to go on my search for poor Sabrina. At first it's pretty quiet when suddenly I hear "HELP!!! HELP!!! WHERE ARE YOU DANNY???!!" and I knew it was Sabrina so I followed her voice. It lead to a weird house that I had never seen before in the ghost zone. I walked inside and up a staircase to a room where I saw Sabrina tied in a chair with ecto energy rope and she was gagged so she couldn't speak (Sabrina was still trying to). It also looked like she had earplugs. Next to her was the ghost that had taken the form of Olivia and kidnapped Sabrina, and he was holding a dagger up to her throat. I'm not quite sure he was a ghost since my ghost sense wasn't going off though.
"Hello Danny Phantom. My name is Keith and if you take one step closer to me or my daughter or try to attack me I'll kill her." He said.
"That's not your daughter and even if she was then why would you kill her?" I asked.
"Cause then she'd be a ghost and live freely with me in the ghost zone. This girl IS my daughter." Keith replied with a smile. Sabrina looked terrified and nearly screaming behind the fabric blocking her mouth and I knew I just had to free her🥺🥺
"If Sabrina WAS your daughter then she'd be half ghost wouldn't she?! Besides Sabrina already has a father that she looks a lot more like." I said.
Unfortunately this seemed to anger Keith more cause he put the blade closer into Sabrina's neck.
"She IS half ghost!!!" He said pretty angrily as he untied Sabrina halfway from the chair and disconnected the ecto energy rope.
"Come on my daughter. Transform. Do it like you did earlier remember? "Go Ghost" just like lame little Danny says it." He said to her and Sabrina looked so terrified. I was two seconds away from attacking and trying to get the dagger away when suddenly Sabrina changed!!!!! Her hair became snow white and she had glowing green eyes like me!! Her outfit also changed. It basically looked like an opposite colored version of the one she was wearing at the park. As soon as Sabrina saw herself in this form she fainted.
"There's your proof Danny!" Keith said as he tied Sabrina back into the chair with the ecto energy rope which made her transform back.
I was both in shock and confusion.
"I've mapped out just about the entire ghost zone and fought a million ghosts but haven't seen you once!" I said.
"Maybe you didn't see me cause I'm a ghost and spent most of the years you fought ghosts in the human world." Robert said.
"Why the heck would you be a ghost living in the human world?!" I said.
"Fine. I'll tell you the sad past and present of Keith.
I died when I was only 30 years old from a car accident and then I became a ghost with powers much better than yours. I can shape shift and open portals to the ghost zone along with all the other ones you have. I was lonely a few years later so I shape shifted into a couple different sexy guys looking for a girl and that's when I met Sabrina's mom. After around 4 years we broke up but I kept form of the guy and moved somewhere else."
"Then how did she become half ghost?!" I said pointing to Sabrina.
"I guess that Megan just got pregnant with my leftover ghost DNA along with the other guy's since we broke up pretty close to when she got married and pregnant. She does have some of my transformation's hair color and more of my facial features." He responded a little nervously. I am pretty sure he wasn't telling the truth cause Sabrina would've only gotten the genes of him as a ghost and I knew that she looked a lot like him in human transformation form too.
"I'm tired of telling you all these damn details of my past. What I want is for you to bring Megan Spirat here so I can tell her the truth." Keith said.
"Nobody at that house believes in the ghost zone or thinks portals ever open up so I doubt they'll believe me!" I said and then Keith took out a pen and paper to write a letter.
"Fine! I won't tell her anything about me being ghost. Give her this note. I will be at a green house around a block away from their house with Sabrina.
I think he had a feeling of what I was considering to do so Keith took out a pen and paper and started to write a letter.
"Here. Give this to Sabrina's mom. I'll be at the green house a block away with Sabrina."
"You BETTER be transformed into your "sexy"human form!." I said.
"I will. I'll do it now if you want!" Keith said as he transformed into a guy with reddish hair And blue eyes.
"Thanks. I'll deliver the letter."
On my way out of the ghost zone I read the letter to make sure it had the right info. It said:
Dear Megan,
I have your/our beloved daughter Sabrina held captive in my house where we last met. If you want to know all the info about the past and to free her come down here within 20 minutes. Danny Fenton can't come with you.
- Your ex bf Keith."
I guess that's good enough. Maybe I'll try to sneak there invisibly