Keith’s True DNA

I went to the house Keith said he was gonna meet Sabrina's mom at To make sure he was there. I saw him in the form of an older version of himself. I guess he has transformation powers but my ghost sense didn't appear.

"What are you doing here?! I told you to bring that letter to Sabrina's mom!" He yelled as he put the earplugs back into Sabrina's ears.

"I think you're holding a secret from me. My ghost sense isn't going off at all."

"what are you talking about? I'm just a ghost that's much stronger than you. I have transformation powers." He responded. As Keith started to walk away I put my foot out in front of him to trip him. Keith fell over and skinned his knee.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" He said and then I looked at his knee to see it was bleeding a little.

"I'm sorry. That was an "accident"...but ghosts can't bleed!!! Only green goo comes out."

"OK fine. I'll show you." Keith said as he rolled his eyes. He transformed and looked just like the ghost that was holding Sabrina hostage in the Ghost zone. 

"How the heck can you be a half ghost?! There's no other portals around and I don't think Desiree granted you a wish." I said

"Fine. I took form of Olivia to get Sabrina to come.

I'll tell you the sad past of Keith ruthless.

It started before I was born. My parents had been trying to have a baby for a few years after getting married but they were unsuccessful. Then my dad unknowingly died from a car accident when he was 30 but he was still dying to see my mom so my dad used his powers to leave the ghost zone and he brought her back with him. She was sure surprised but still happy he returned. The ghost zone must've been more lucky for them since my mom got pregnant with me right away and then she left to go to her house when it was almost time for birth. I guess ghost DNA and human DNA equal half ghost.


"I will but you better not turn into your ghost form or make Sabrina change when she comes." I said. "Fine." Keith said as he rolled his eyes and I headed back to the Spirat's house.