5. Ruthless Sannin Tanshu!

The three kids rushed out of the classroom, doing their best so that they didn't fall behind their sensei. Having his behavior in mind, how he decided to not even show up to pick them up until Hokage himself forced him to, he wasn't likely to be the nice kind of guy that waits for his team. Something about his intimidating stature and squinting eyes just freaked Mana out and from the looks of her teammates – she wasn't the only one utterly scared of the man. He just had that certain kind of feeling coming off of him.

Even following him from behind, looking at his flowing dark cape and messy hair from behind him, being too far to even see him in much detail instilled fear, something made the magician wish to stay at such range and not get any closer. Out of nowhere the man stopped and turned sideways at them, his angry and freaky stare made the three almost stop in their tracks. One could've only speculated what this incredible energy coming out of the man was, strangely enough Mana was the most bold and came up to speaking distance the first, the boys followed her shortly.

After the team finally gathered in close enough range to each other to be associated with the others the man simply turned around again without any words and started walking, this time a little bit slower. "T…This aura…" Mana wondered looking at the man's back, strangely enough the magician hadn't noticed a symbol of some sort on the back of sensei's cloak. It looked like it meant something, perhaps sort of reminded Mana of a hieroglyph of some sort but it wasn't any language she could identify. The girl was a self-made prodigy at history as she loved to read historic books and legends as a child and continued to do so throughout her life.

"You've got to be kidding me… This is… Uzumaki Tanshu, one of the Konohagakure Sannin…" Shimo, the lady-loving teammate uttered, he obviously attempted to only let the other two teammates know but something told Mana that their sensei must've heard it as well. If he was at all the ninja his incredible presence implied him to be, he would've been aware of everything going on in the same room as he was, the fact that Shimo could identify the man however was quite interesting. Mana didn't know about the most famous and the strongest ninja in the village, she wasn't one that engaged in gossip or dreamed over their pictures in the textbooks, she only could identify some by their key features.

The man then pushed the Academy door and left into the yard, the three quickly rushed after him and left through the door before it closed. After sitting so long in a closed room, waiting for their sensei to come pick them up, Mana appreciated a breath of fresh air and some sunlight. The man then started moving at an incredible pace, as if he wanted to get somewhere in the village but he only moved around the Academy building, then jumped and his feet stuck onto the wall of the Academy building. Shimo jumped quickly to follow him, Mana and the otaku boy who was yet to introduce himself remained on the ground. The boy sighed and jumped onto the wall as well, scaling it as quickly as he could and trying not to fall too far behind.

This situation annoyed Mana because she didn't want to use the ordinary Tree Climbing Jutsu that the Academy taught the students. It was a basic technique that also served as a tool to train one's chakra control, it was useful but Mana was not the one to invent it and that was enough of an obstacle to make the girl wonder how she'd scale the wall. The girl ran to the side a little bit further and found a backdoor entrance, she instead decided to use the stairs up to the exit to a balcony. After leaving to the balcony the magician observed her team stopping at an upper balcony as she quickly made some handseals and jumped straight at the wall, then kicking off of it to gain some altitude as a small gust of wind propelled her higher.

The jutsu was a simple invention of Mana's, the girl called it the "Mystical Wings Technique" despite the fact that it didn't actually serve the same purpose. It didn't allow the magician to fly, it just made a single powerful wind current below her and propelled her upwards for just a moment, it barely only made those directly below the current flinch so the only uses there were for such a technique were to get small boosts of altitude or breaking one's fall quickly. Mana managed to grab the ledge with her arms as she pulled herself up and got into the same balcony that her sensei stopped to wait for his team.

The man's eyes looked like the man really hated Mana, not in a deep and personal way, she just annoyed him by wasting his time and he obviously didn't care that much about her to begin with. The man only grunted out a simple but effective "You're slow" as the only scolding that the girl ever needed. The otaku boy was also annoyed, "Ugh, I guess you'll be the weak and useless member of the team, every team in manga has one, our enemies will have to take you out fast to establish that threat is serious…" he started his tirade before being interrupted by Shimo's "You're amazing, Mana-chan, I remember that technique from your show!" the boy yelled out.

It was quite clear that the only reason why Shimo even liked Mana's performance was because she was a girl, the technique wasn't really that impressive visually or efficient. She wasn't sure which reaction hurt more: the genuine annoyance of her sensei, the deep rooting dislike of all female beings that otaku had and their trait to see everything as one clich� or the other or being praised just because of something that had nothing to do with anything. Now that it was out of the way the previously identified Konoha Sannin spoke up, "I'd like the three of you to tell me something about your personalities, don't get any ideas, I don't care too much so don't go too deep into it. It's just that I'm unlike my idiot colleagues, I understand that personalities and goals matter because they let me understand how you use your combat abilities."

He then took out a small file out of his coat's pocket and flipped it through, "You three were put in team to balance out the grades, the teams were built to have one great student, one with horrible grades and an average one, the Hokage wanted to make all teams balanced and have an equal beginning." Despite Mana's genuine hope that the man won't go too deep into their grades his sharp and long finger shot forward at Shimo, then proceeded to point at her other teammate and then at Mana. "You, white haired boy, your grades were really good, you were the fourth top student in the entire year, you, weasel-looking guy, yours were second worst from everyone that graduated… You, girl, contrary to what your magic shows make people believe your grades didn't stand out in either direction, you're average in every way."

Being average offended Mana the most, she could've handled being called the worst because for some reason being worst was still special, being average wasn't anything, it was just sort of there. "Since in the Ninja World leaders always get all the responsibility and all the fame, the one with the good grades will start." the man spoke again, his tone was rough and it didn't look like he was asking them to do something, he was pretty much ordering it. Every moment of his presence radiated that impossibly thick and cold air, only him being there made all three of the kids feel uneasy.

Shimo sat onto the edge of the balcony and began after fixing his glasses. "My name is Yuki Shimo, my parents moved out of Kirigakure several years ago with their business and moved to Konohagakure. They had to do it because the Mizukage was getting crazy according to them and started ordering having his own villagers murdered…" the boy's head slightly went down, it was a topic that summoned a reaction in him despite the fact that his family avoided the cruelty which was interesting. "I don't really care about the Mizukage or Kirigakure, honestly, I don't really remember it and Konoha is my real home, it's just that I want to make sure that scum that order their own comrades to die would never come to power in Konoha and I'll fight such a person if I have to!"

After a brief moment of silence the boy sighed and looked at Mana to continue. Him being a descendant of a rich family that had some sort of business inside Konoha would've explained his interesting attire, his clan was also quite a rare one and the magician only barely remembered it from being taught about them in the Academy. It was interesting how being both rich, successful and being an heir of a rare ninja clan did not make this youth arrogant and prone to bragging about his life. He was very different to Mana in terms of his origins but he was not so different from her in terms of personality.

Mana got a strand of hair out of her face and moved it past her ear, her hair was curly and rather wild so the girl usually wore a hat, this day was the kind when she really wanted to wear one. "I am Nakotsumi Mana, some people know me as "Konoha's Sorceress" from all the posters in the northern districts and the magic show that I started recently. It's not ACTUAL magic, I just use ninjutsu that I learn for different purposes because I believe that lives of every person in this world are magical and sacred and that ninjutsu is a tool to preserve it, not to take it."

Sensei sighed, he obviously disagreed with that but so far he didn't let the girl know that, or at least didn't tell her anything because his face pretty much spoiled it all. It was impressive how much Mana managed to piss him off because usually whatever thoughts he had remained secret as his face was quite strict and static, now his emotions were incredibly clear. Why did he hate her ideals? Will it be a problem? Maybe he was the kind of person who killed a lot and ninjutsu was his tool to accomplish that? The man could've felt offended by existence of a youngling like Mana.

It was then that the otaku boy spoke up, still reading his manga and not bothering to put his eyes up. "My name is… Nara Sugemi…" the boy spoke in pauses as his eyes were still running through the letters and pictures of his magazine and his brain was struggling with multi-tasking. "I don't really know why I became a ninja, I like manga about ninja and I love action, to read about it at least… I want to be able to do cool things like Rock Lee from that manga one day, if I can be as cool as the guys I read about, if I can inspire my own epic manga, that is all I need!" the boy spoke as he flipped the page and finished his introduction at the same time.

Sensei took a deep breath and massaged his tired eyes. "I'd imagine you yelling "Sensei" all the time would be annoying so I'll introduce myself at least, as rich-boy here got right earlier, I am Uzumaki Tanshu – one of Konohagakure Sannin. You have no business or interest knowing my personality, I am more than capable to handle myself and watch over you guys for as long as we'll be working together. Now that I got to know the mental part, I'll need to see your actual abilities, follow me to the Training Grounds, I'll give my final impressions about you guys after the test. Just know that I am allowed to send the lot of you back to the Academy until we complete our first mission so don't mess it up!" the man exclaimed after leaping off of the building and starting to slowly walk towards the Training Grounds.

At least this time the kids knew the destination so they didn't have to keep following their sensei's back. Also, now sensei's weird shade of red in his brown hair made sense – Uzumaki were known for their amazing vitality and flowing red hair. The kids rushed up to and descended the stairs, using the more conventional means to gain access to the village streets leading up to the Training Grounds. As they finally accessed the streets Mana asked her teammates something, "Say, guys, sensei seems to be really proud of his rank but I've never heard of a rank of "Sannin", isn't "Jounin" the highest rank in the village?"

Shimo looked quite happy about his chance to talk to Mana and to show off his brain a bit more, "Yes and no. "Sannin" isn't an official rank, not really, it is a rank that is passed through word, officially Jounin is still the highest rank but if one becomes so much more powerful than a Jounin, so much so that they surpass any common classifications of ninja they are declared a "Sannin" by the respective Kage. Each village has three of them, they are easily the most powerful ninja in the village, being a Sannin also grants you a certain amount of diplomatic freedom, for example a Jounin being in another village is weird and suspicious but Sannin commonly travel around and they are usually respected everywhere for their power and achievements. Also only the Great Villages are allowed to have Sannin, so there are twelve in total around the world, Sand Village used to have them too but they lack high ranking ninja to select theirs so they haven't had one for ages…"

Sugemi closed his manga and put it into his small backpack, "Maybe if I become a Sannin by killing sensei one day they'll make a manga about me…" he wondered out loud scratching his chin as if he was actually considering it. "That's not how it works, Sugemi, there is no single right way of becoming a Sannin, in a way it is similar as it is with Kage – there needs to be a vacant spot and you need to be way above everyone else in terms of skill and achievements. Sannin have been beaten and killed before but that didn't really make people rise in ranks, in fact, if rumors are true, Tanshu-sensei once beat a Sannin in his teen years, he didn't even have a ninja rank, stories say that he may have been a nukenin at some point…"

Finally all the talking had to cease as the three reached the astonishingly beautiful patch of nature surrounded by a fence with a sign "Training Grounds" with a number on them. Teams used "Training Grounds No 3" all the time so that was where the three went, the other grounds had different purposes, No 1 was made for sparring, No 2 was for physical training as it had a lot of dummies to punch, No 3 to 5 were for teams, No 6 to 8 were for ninjutsu training as they were pretty much battlefields, they were always decimated and blown up by one technique or another and had to be fixed all the time. Someone took the time to rebuild the rock formations and plant the trees, a lot of Doton users and Senju must've been occupied with keeping those grounds in check. Mana had never visited No 8 to 12, but there were twelve grounds in total.

Sensei was already waiting for the three. His hands went through a couple of handseals and an identical copy appeared out of the lake nearby. The man looked at his clone and grinned with half of his mouth, "This is a clone of mine, he is many times inferior to the original, I'd say my own physical abilities are twice as great as this clone's and this clone has ten times less chakra than me, if the three of you are able to kill it – I'll promise you guys that I won't send you back, if you mess up, I'll make no such promises. If you annoy me, if one day I'll feel like you guys aren't worth the hassle, I'll just send the three of you back, it could happen at any time so you better win. Don't worry, I'll just be standing here."

As the man signaled the three to begin all three of them did the same thing, dashed towards the nearest bush throwing a barrage of shuriken at the clone, Mana was too busy rushing for a safe hiding spot to see how the clone did with such an overwhelming barrage of shuriken, loud and deafening clanking of steel suggested that he deflected all of them somehow using a weapon of his own. As the darkness of the thick trees planted one by the other surrounded Mana she carefully peeked at the clone – the weapon he used was a katana in its arm, sensei must've been a masterful swordsman so it may not have been too hard for him to deal with these shuriken.

Mana started weighing down her options, her ninjutsu was nothing too impressive, mostly they were relatively harmless techniques that looked pretty so that they could be used for her magic shows. She also did not like that she had no contact or mean to communicate with her teammates, there was no way to coordinate their assault, they may have hidden from the clone but they also hid from each other. Both other boys had very effective clans to set up a diversion: Nara had amazing abilities using their shadows and from what the girl could remember they had awesome displacement abilities, Yuki used the Ice Style just like their name suggested. The young kunoichi realized that her best option was to wait for a diversion and then try to follow it up. Maybe eventually the three will get the feel of the abilities of each other and start to work together well!

Either way, when their opponent was a man who was rumored to have beaten a Sannin in his teenage years, likely being just a bit older than Mana was now, nothing could've been taken for certain…