6. You Lose! Mana VS Tanshu Clash of Ideals

Mana just kept waiting for Sugemi to make the first move, after all, wasn't his clan so famous for their ability to make complicated plans and being so incredible at enemy displacement and battlefield control? At least such traits were typically given to Nara as the kunoichi could remember a lot about them being told in the Academy. Shimo must've been waiting for Sugemi's move as well as the boy remained still in hiding and did not take any action, most likely thinking similarly to Mana. Despite that, Sugemi not only didn't make any moves but he also remained outside everyone's vision.

That was not what both Mana and Shimo did, the smart boy managed to leave a slightly frosted leaf which alerted the most perceptive ninja to his location, the frosted white leaf could not have been seen from the degree of vision where the clone was situated in however Mana could see it. The magician also left a clue about her location by removing a poster that was on a tree near the bush, also visible only from the side but not from upfront, where sensei's clone was. This was a rather drastic mean of telling teammate of her location as it could've been picked up by the enemy too, Mana could've just as easily left a carving on the tree bark but she wasn't as fast, by the time she got to the location the clone had already dealt with the projectiles so she had to improvise.

The clue that Sugemi left either did not exist or couldn't be picked up by Mana, whether he forgot to leave one deciding to act solo or made it indistinguishable was equally as bad. Now the two that did have general understanding of each other's locations had no idea where Sugemi was or what he was going to do. To make matters worse, sensei's clone started moving rather fast to the thick area full of trees making it only a matter of time when one of the three would have been sighted. The clone was rushing but not in a way that made the impression of it being reckless or using too much effort. Just in case Mana's grip on a kunai she held tightened as she got tenser in order to better perceive the clone's movements.

Much to the surprise of the magician, lurking a moderate distance further from the clone's left side, and most likely, to Shimo's as well, Sugemi decided to rush at sensei's clone by jumping out at him after the clone got close. The girl was surprised at how fast the clone moved and how close it got to Sugemi's actual location, almost as if it could accurately sense where Sugemi was. It wasn't like the clone showed much effort at telling the exact location, it just started heading at the specific direction and probably pressured the boy into attacking as it got too close.

Right as Sugemi leapt at the clone with a kunai in his arm and swung it to leave a wide gash, aiming at its chest the clone swiftly moved out of harm's way. He wasted no moves as he positioned himself right behind the boy, quickly grabbing the boy's wrist with one arm and his head with the other and then lifting his arm in the air applying pressure while slamming the boy's head to the ground. "Your movements were so loud that I got an audible clue as to where you hid yourself, where your teammates tried to move fast but also silently, you just ran rustling every patch of grass and breaking all the twigs around, you didn't leave any clues for your team to your location either despite having most time to do so since you didn't bother about being silent."

Tanshu-sensei's voice was angry and annoyed, it wasn't that Sugemi's mistake was such a simple one, Mana herself was never a prodigy in stealthy movement and was just as stealthy as anyone else in her class were. It didn't look like Shimo was any more of a stealthy fellow as his clue was currently quite visible from the clone's current location so he was likely to be the clone's second target. Sugemi yelled out in pain as he made a handseal, "Shadow Tendril Technique!" he yelled out as an appendage shot out from under his jacket and went after the clone, this was not a Nara technique that Mana had ever seen before – that shadow didn't come out from the shadow on the ground but it came from inside his jacket. This was quite a revelation how inventive true masters of clan techniques become compared to common knowledge about them.

Sugemi's attack was quite effective too, it would've forced the clone to let go of the boy buying him time or doing some amount of damage if it hit. Unluckily for him, sensei did not let go of his arm, his clone just leapt sideways doing a flip to the side to avoid the tendril. Sugemi shouted out wildly – clone's movement must've done something with his arm, it could've dislocated a shoulder or messed it up pretty bad but the boy was definitely out. This clone was brutal, it barely pulled any punches and it fought to incapacitate, there wasn't a lesson to be learnt, no hidden point of the training – the clone was just out of their blood.

Mana couldn't stand around, she threw the kunai at the clone without waiting to see what he'd do with the injured boy, the genin rushed recklessly at the clone trying to get to her enemy faster than the kunai that she threw, obviously unsuccessfully but she didn't want to waste time. After getting to the man the girl observed him deflect her kunai with the side of his palm - she probably threw it incorrectly due to stress and concern over her teammate's well-being.

Mana didn't even attempt to fight the clone up close, back at Hanada estate she struggled to keep up with casual mercenaries that were swarming the woods outside the village walls, there was no way she'd keep up with the clone. The genin simply jumped onto his raised arm and using his wrist as a platform leapt over the man throwing an explosive kunai into his back, one advantage of fighting a clone was that she didn't have to worry over the clone's life. The clone caught the kunai, why? Didn't he see the tag on it? Either way, Mana made the handseal and tried to set it off.

Nothing happened… How? Why? Mana could set off tags easily, it was one of few common techniques that she used, it wasn't an actual jutsu to Mana, but just a way to use her tools so even to her twisted wish to only use techniques she herself invented it was fair game. The clone looked annoyed, maybe it did something? What sort of a trick could he have pulled? How could he just negate Mana's technique like that? Even worse, the girl felt that her chakra was reduced, she clearly set it off properly but nothing happened. This clone apparently was strong enough to use techniques, but this was not like any technique that Mana had seen.

At least the magician bought her comrade some time to escape – even with his injured arm, Sugemi was nowhere to be seen. Tanshu grunted out, "Well well, I didn't really want to use it like that. That's right, your gut is telling you the truth, I negated your technique. All those stories of me beating a Sannin in my teen years are true and this is how I did it – a seal of my own invention that negates ninjutsu techniques and special abilities by interrupting the user's chakra flow, it's sort of a mixture of genjutsu and ninjutsu. You weren't supposed to see it as I don't usually honor kids like you by showing it."

Now it made sense, a lot of things did, the Sannin that Tanshu must've faced as a teenager must've relied heavily on some sort of ability, sensei must've just used his seal and negated it bringing the two ninja to equal ground by forcing them both to fight physically, Tanshu was just a superior kenjutsu or taijutsu user… Still, Mana was just like that Sannin in his past, she relied incredibly on her techniques, genjutsu and ninjutsu. Now like this her only hope of beating the clone was destroyed. Tanshu-sensei's clone stretched out and pulled out his katana again…

"Truth be told, I expected this, YOU of all people ruining your team's chances to victory…" the man spoke up as he took a fighting stance. Mana was too intimidated to take a defensive stance or prepare a weapon to try and fight back – this was over, even if he only used the technique out of instinct for that one moment… The fact that such a technique existed at all made the girl lose all her wish to fight, still, she didn't understand what the man meant so she looked at him with a confused and scared look, the way that a child who doesn't know any better looks at their parents when they do something stupid and make fools of themselves in public.

"I attacked that idiot-otaku on purpose, don't you get it yet?" Tanshu smiled as he jumped forward thrusting the handle of his katana hitting Mana in the solar plexus, the girl coughed up and collapsed, the clone was so incredibly fast! And the real sensei claimed that this was only a fraction of his true physical abilities, so that was how Uzumaki Tanshu fought, he negated any special abilities of his enemies and kept the fight purely physical and built his body to be the best physical body of any ninja automatically granting him victory over any kind of opponent.

Even worse – Mana understood now, she understood what he meant and she wanted to yell it out, to alert Shimo but she couldn't because the attack left her without an ounce of oxygen and she struggled to catch a breath just to keep conscious on the ground. Tanshu attacked Sugemi first because he knew of Mana's ideals – to protect all life, he knew that if he hurt Sugemi rough enough she'd jump out at him and he also knew somehow of Shimo's obsession with girls, maybe he observed the kids before Hokage showed up, maybe he read it from Shimo's Academy reports. Now he had all three kids, all of them attacked him and all he had to do was take them out.

"YOU BASTARD LEAVE MANA-CHAN ALONE!!!" the voice of comrade that anyone would normally be pleased to hear came from the woods as a barrage of shuriken flew Tanshu, the man's katana swung in a circle to deflect all of them, then the barrage intensified, "Multi-Shuriken Technique!" Shimo yelled out as the shuriken he quickly emptied his pouch by throwing shuriken at incredible rates, still, Tanshu deflected them near effortlessly. A loud "Heh" came from the boy as he made another handseal. "Glaciation Technique!" he yelled out as a small puddle which Tanshu's leg was in instantly froze leaving his shoe entombed in it.

"Multi-Kunai Technique!" Shimo yelled as he emptied his kunai as well, Mana knew he planned to mix in some explosive ones too and set them off when deflected because it only made sense. Shimo was the smartest kid out of the three, he knew that if shuriken barrage made little difference to Tanshu, so would've kunai, even with this small entrapment he devised using his Yuki technique. Either way, the kunai didn't set off, sensei's clone must've used that chakra disrupting seal again. It was still unclear how it worked but it completely blew into both Mana's and Shimo's faces.

Within a fraction of a moment sensei's clone jumped right up to Shimo's face, forcing his leg out of the shoe that was frozen in the small puddle, and thrust at his throat using the side of his palm. The boy fell down on the ground struggling with breath, sensei then quickly turned and threw his katana at a tree, a loud thud was heard and Sugemi's shout of pain came moments later. The boy tried to use the wire to climb up the tree using just one arm that he had working, sensei used the katana to cut that wire and made Sugemi fall down and injure himself even more. The clone stood by the tree and relaxed, locking his arms around his chest as the real sensei walked up to the beaten kids. Out of all people he stood by Mana, he was right, it was all her fault.

"People like you are not suitable to be ninja, ninjutsu is an art to kill, jutsu are tools of death. Using your techniques for laughs and entertainment is pathetic. Going easy on your enemies because you're afraid to kill them is even more pathetic." the man spoke in a condescending tone looking at Mana as she struggled to get back at her feet from above. The magician picked herself up and looked sensei in the eyes, with just a short distance separating them. "I don't care, ninjutsu is a gift that I am given, it is up to me how I use it…" she moaned out through pain. The real sensei punched her in the stomach with his palm making the kid fall down again.

"You should be glad that you're hearing this from me, I am saving your life by making you quit, most fools hear it from their opponent's blades as they go through their hearts or even worse – hearts of their comrades. Right now, there is nothing stopping me from killing your friends and it would all be YOUR fault because they lost because of YOUR inability to act calm and rationally." the man spoke as the clone picked up Shimo's weightless body and placed a kunai to his throat. "People like you are a danger to themselves and their friends, a danger to loyal and skilled ninja that are an asset of the village, out of all ninja, I hate ninja like you the most. Luckily enough I have the means to stop you from becoming a ninja before you make a mistake like this in the field…"

After letting this be known Tanshu started walking back to the field of grass, most likely intending to head to the village. If the three of them lost, that meant that he had the right to return all three of them to the Academy at any point, meaning even right now if he felt like it! "To be fair, I never intended to stick with you guys, you're always a pain in my side, you'd always be. I'll save your lives by returning you back the moment I have the right to, just like I planned to all along." their sensei said as a final farewell before Mana finally managed to pick herself up on her feet again.

"Stoooop! I'm up! We didn't lose yet!" she shouted out, "Sure maybe this is my fault, maybe you modeled this fight after focusing on me as the weak link… But if I can get stronger… I can stop this from happening, I can protect my teammates and my enemies, defeat my enemies without killing them, no matter the means…" another painful impulse forced the girl down on her back, she couldn't open her eyes because they were full of tears. She could feel a sharp kick in her side, then another, sensei wasn't really trying to hurt her, he was trying to make it so painful that Mana would shut up. Still, he had strong morals and upheld the rules that he made, he didn't just declare their loss and leave, he wanted to actually win, make his opponents acknowledge it. That in itself was admirable.

"That's what every stupid brat thinks, that they're some legendary hero who can make every enemy into their friend, that the world is about holding hands and singing songs but the truth is – world is about killing your enemy before they get the chance to hurt someone you care about, before they burn your village down and kill the people inside. That's my ninja way, the ONLY ninja way. World out there is kill or be killed, until you don't accept that I won't accept you as my student." the man stopped kicking and turned around again, Mana coughed up some blood and started slowly rising again. This wasn't a fight, this was sensei trying to test how hard Mana stood by her beliefs, she wasn't going to stop, she'd rather die!

"I know the enemy wants to kill me, all the time…" sensei kicked her back down again, "But I don't care… I'll fight them but won't kill them…" Mana grunted out through pain as the man kept kicking, he wasn't using his real strength, the clone stroke much harder than this before. "Wait, you're fighting Mana-chan, not the clone! That means we won! You said you wouldn't interfere!!!" Shimo yelled out of the top of his lungs, somehow managing to stand up while this little chat took place. Tanshu slapped his forehead with his palm, "Shit… You got me… Damn, this girl is kinda smart, how much of this did you plan ahead?" the man asked as Shimo smiled and jumped up and down couple of times "I bet Mana-chan was planning it all along, since the "Life is magical" speech!" he added.

Mana stood up and fixed her clothes that were now all dirty and messed up, "I planned none of this, I really meant what I said about life, every word of it and it just sort of happened…" the girl could feel pain all over her back and chest. Tanshu turned around and shouted out in pure misery, "Shit, I'm stuck with you losers… Now I'll have to torture you guys until you quit yourselves, you just made it worse for yourselves…" the man said as he started heading for the village again. A loud laugh came from somewhere in the bushes, where Sugemi was down for the count.

Mana could barely remember how she got home, the three all helped each other and all three of them needed a checkup, luckily enough Mana's father was a ninja and knew how to do some basic field treatment. "So Tanshu-san is your sensei?" he asked later that evening as he was patching daughter's injuries, her whole body was covered with blunt traumas and bruises. "Yeah, you know him?" Mana asked as her father rarely used honorifics especially the respectful ones. "Worked with him couple of times… He's a piece of work but he always gets his team home, at the very least your mother and I will always know you'll be back alive." the man laughed. The magician just sighed, still, she was quite excited about her team – stronger pressure from her superior only means she'll grow up to be that much stronger!