Chapter 1: Introduction

Aged 18 and the sole successor to the throne of Starnstadt, my name is Oceana Fleur Saoirse Hansen. My mother gave me the names Fleur, which means flower since she likes them, and Saoirse, which means freedom. Oceana is from the name of the blue ocean, which is how my eyes are named. I was born during the war to free our Queendom, according to my mother. My height is 165 cm, and I am a small woman with long blonde hair. Since I was little, I've been recognized as a cheery person. Up until I was sixteen, I was spoiled growing up.

Health issues prevented my mother from having more kids. The entire palace believed that Mother would never bestow a monarchy on this country at some point, yet a miracle occurred. Since I was born, everyone in Starnstadt has been delighted and has come to see me frequently. I have a ton of things that I've gotten from friends and potential partners.

Since I was 8 years old, I have been preparing to take the throne as Queen, which I shall do when I am 18 years old. Father served as my instructor when I received my training outside of Starnstadt. In the woods for improving fighting techniques and occasionally in the mountains for survival challenges. Being a bow master major in archery, my father was so pleased with me that he even handed me a gold medal.

The coronation, which made Mother and Father happy, will take place next week now that I'm 18 and ready to take over as the next monarch of Starnstadt. They got me new outfits, a few pairs of shoes, gold and silver jewelry, and sparkly hair accessories.

And today, as I was rehearsing my speech for the coronation, I heard the sound of horses outside.

"It's Mother!" I exclaimed as I hurled my script outside to greet her.

"Your Highness! Wait! Don't run!" the servant yelled as she followed me out the door, but I ignored her and opened it.

"Welcome back, Mother!" I say as I bow.

"Your Majesty! I'm so sorry! Princess Oceana ran—" Mother motioned the maid to stop speaking while I smiled.

"It's okay, I know my Princess still acts like a spoiled child when I'm here," she walks while holding her dress, and the butler assists her on the stairs as the handmaids drop a deep curtsy.

"Welcome back, Your Majesty," the handmaids said.

"Oceana, please accompany me to my chamber; I need to speak with you about something important."

"Yes, Mother," I replied.

"Also, bring Eliz with you," she says as she kisses my cheeks and walks out past me.

Eliz is my handmaid and my only best friend. Eliz was 17 when I first met her, and I was 8. She was always watching me train and taking care of me. We've grown close since then. My former personal servant, her Mother, has retired due to the palace's age limit rule.

"I wonder what Her Majesty wants to discuss with you, Your Highness," Eliz said as we walked to my Mother and Father's room.

"Come on, Eliz, you can call me Oceana."

"Oh my, I always need to call you Princess for respect. Even though we are best friends, a rule is a rule. I like staying here with you so I need to follow this simple rule, Your Highness. That's why I'm still here," she sweetly smiled.

"Fine," I say, pouting as she giggles.

We arrived at Mother's chamber, but before I knock, I put my ear to the door, expecting to hear something. I can see Eliz's puzzled expression.

"Uhm... Your Highness, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, I'm just checking to see if Mother and Father were attempting to do something so that I could have a little brother or sister."

"Princess..." I say as I knock on the door, giggling.

"Mother, we've arrived."

"Come in." As we both enter the chamber, it appears that Father is not present.

"Where is Father?"

"Your Father is in the command center."

My father is a former general of the Knights of Hunllef, Starnstadt's soldiers.

"Your Father is busy recruiting," she say, nodding.

"Mother, what do you want to talk about with me?"

"Elizabeth, bring us some tea," Mother orders.

"Oceana, please take a seat first." I take a seat in the chair next to Mother and Father's bed as Eliz returns with a cup of tea and pours some into our cups.

"How is your speech going?"

"I already remembered, Mother." Mother sips her tea as I stare, attempting to trace her.

"Oceana, you're aware that staring is impolite when someone is drinking or eating."

"But, Mother, I came here for a discussion. What was it?" Mother sighs deeply.

"Will the coronation take place next week?"

"Yes," I frowned and began to think negatively.

"The coronation will not take place," my heart pounded loudly, and I became nervous.

"M-mother..." I stutter while trying to remain calm.

"I'm sorry, Oceana..."

"Mother... I trained for 10 years. 10 years for Starnstadt. What happened? I thought I passed all the challenges that Father gave me!" I slam my hand on the table, thinking that I wasted my time because all I did as a child was train.

"No, Oceana, please calm down a little and let Mother finish talking." Mother holds my hand and caresses it, attempting to calm me.

"You'll still be a Queen," she said, resting her palms on my cheeks.

"But not here in Starnstadt," Mother was clearly concerned. I'm now perplexed.

"Why not here? What's going on?" my face was puzzled.

"There's a letter sent from an unknown kingdom declaring war on us and the Mondreich Kingdom. I just returned from visiting Mondreich and had a meeting with the King. I asked to form an alliance and work together to fight our common enemy, to which the king agreed under certain conditions..." I just stare at her, knowing she's not done yet.

"The former Queen and King died in the war 18 years ago, and the current king demanded restitution for killing his parents." Mother grips my hand tightly.

"The King wishes to marry you, Oceana."