Chapter 2: Meeting Him

"Princess..." Eliz called. I walked back and forth for five minutes, thinking about what Mother had said.

"Eliz, what am I going to do?" I asked as I took a seat in front of her.

"I don't know either, Princess."

"But what if I ask you what you would do if you were in my position?" I look her in the eyes as she looks away and thinks.

"I would marry a man I love," she replied.

"Exactly! That's what I wanted!" I exhale deeply.

"But how? The people of Starnstadt need me," I said as I flopped on my bed.

"I am concerned, Princess. King Levin is a terrifying and strict man."

"I know! If Prince Ephraim were King, I wouldn't hesitate!" Eliz looks at me and smiles.

"N-no! That's not what I meant to say! I- I mean, he's such a good man!"

"Princess, I know you like Prince Ephraim," I blush and look away, embarrassed.

Yes, I like Prince Ephraim. It's too bad he's not the King. Others made disparaging remarks about him. Some say he's unfit to be King, while others say he's not the former King and Queen's favorite son. But the real reason he isn't King is that he is ill. I'm not sure how ill he is. But Mother learned that King Levin and Prince Ephraim's Grandfather temporarily reclaimed the throne because King Levin was too young to be a King at the time. Mother also claimed that King Levin ascended to the throne when he was only a teen.

"My, Princess Oceana is blushing," I hid under my pillow as I heard her laugh.

"You've matured a lot, Princess, and I can't believe you're in love."

"Please understand, I'm not in love."

"Really?" I nod cutely.

"Your Highness, I've been your age, and falling in love was a wonderful feeling; just make sure you choose a trustworthy man for you," she pulls me up and forces me to sit in front of my dressing table.

"Look at your face. Pretty, blooming, wears beautiful dresses and gleaming expensive jewelry. You are a woman now, Princess, not a girl I always chase in the garden for being so stubborn," we both laugh at the memory.

"Every woman on this planet, including me, wishes to have what you have, Princess, because a woman like you is loved not only by men, but also by the people of our country," she says as she fixes my hair.

"Even if you're marrying someone you don't love, at least give it a shot. It might be worth the risk. Besides, Her Majesty said the King wants to marry you, which means he has feelings for you because he requested it."

"But Mother said it was a compensation for the death of the former Queen and King of Mondreich," my worried expression changes.

"But, Your Highness, he is a King. King Levin certainly knows how marriage works. Marriage is not a joke to be just compensation. Perhaps it's just the King's excuse to have you. You know, boys and men are both mostly cold and shy when confessing."

"Speaking of cold, isn't King Levin a cold person?" I inquired.

"Your Highness, you wouldn't know it yet. I just heard it from the people of Mondreich."

"Of course, they'd know the King's personality based on how he governs his kingdom."

"Hmm, I'm still not sure. A true man can be changed by the woman he loves," she says sweetly, holding my hand.

"But remember, if you love someone, you must be willing to be hurt," she said as she patted my shoulder.

"I'm saying you still don't know who King Levin is; he could be what his people said, a good man who will look after you, or a mysterious one."

"An enigmatic one?"

"Mhm. Like, he's secretive and he's a good person in front of everyone except you," I think as a knock on the door interrupts our conversation.

"Your Highness, Queen Cliodhna, and King Zoltan have arranged a meeting at the throne hall right now, and Her Majesty would like your presence there as well," one of the butlers said.

"I'll be there in a second," I said as the butler bowed and exited.

"Princess, we should leave right now. It must be urgent," Eliz said as I sighed.

"I understand it's about the marriage."

"I'm afraid I can't help you this time, Your Highness, and I apologize."

"Well, this is how monarchy works, and don't be sorry! It's not your fault." I stand up and walk out of my chamber, holding Eliz's arm.

Mother and Father were already seated on their throne when we arrived. As I sat in my seat, the law officers, dukes, and representative nobles of each nation far away from here had already gathered. I began to notice an increase in our law enforcement officers. They appear to be holding silk papers. The discussion has yet to begin after only three minutes of sitting here.

"Mother, may I ask why we haven't started yet, and why are there so many law enforcement officers with us?" I asked.

"We're waiting for someone important, my dear, and half of the law officers are from Mondreich," I said, puzzled.

"Someone important?" she only hummed as an answer.

"Her Majesty the Your Imperial Majesty has arrived!"

Your Imperial Majesty?

My eyes widened as I realized who had just arrived.

Tall with dusty blonde hair and gleaming golden eyes.

Even though I'd never met him before, I knew who he was...

I looked out the big window and saw the knights of Hunllef mingling with the soldiers of Mondreich outside the palace's gate. I look at my Mother, who is smiling as brightly as Father.

We stood up and curtsied.

"King Levin, welcome to Starnstadt."