Chapter 8: A Love Letter?

Unfortunately, King Levin did not accompany me because the law officials had arrived earlier to hold a meeting about the incident. Instead, I was accompanied by General McGunning.

The yacht has finally entered the country of Starnstadt. I can see the carriage with the knights of Hunllef and Father on the shore. When the ship landed on the cliff's edge, two of Mondreich's knights assisted me in boarding the yacht.

"I'm sorry for what happened, Princess, and I'm also sorry that I had to bring you here instead of to the castle."

"Things are unexpected, General. I still thank you for accompanying me in the middle of circumstances." he smiled then nods.

"Same to you, King Zoltan. We're sorry to give the Princess an affliction."

"The important thing here is that she's safe. Princess was trained, and she may be scared at first because this is the first time she's encountered this kind of situation. State officials passed by here, and they let me see the letter that King Levin sent to them about the assassination."

I was suddenly disappointed in myself because I had just remembered that I had been trained from the time I was a child until now, but I had failed and my fear had won out over my bravery.

"We must return now, Princess Oceana and King Zoltan," he says, bowing and performing their signature homage. They started the boat and climbed aboard, and the carriage is now moving.

"You appeared to be cast down," my Father, who is standing beside me, said abruptly as I looked down, uneasy.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of; everyone has been there, including me," he says with a moderate smile.

I sighed, still upset, until I had an idea.

"Father?" I finally spoke.

"Hm?" he hums in response.

"Can we train again?" he looks at me confused.

"What do you mean by train again? You still train and doing drills once a week."

"I-I mean, daily."

"Daily? You mean, every day?" as I nod then he pats my head.

"My Princess, you don't have to put forth a concerted effort. Just one rehearsal a week will suffice. You have the strength that you haven't shared with everyone, and that will also come out in two ticks."

"Okay, Father" I smiled at him broadly.

I looked out the window and saw the palace. When we arrived, I saw Mother waiting at the gate with the knights. When I came down from Landau, he ran towards me as soon as I got down.

"Goodness gracious! I thought something happened to you!" she said as she reached for my cheeks and held them, making my face mushy.

"M-mother, I am fine." I slowly remove her hands from my face, step back, and turn around like a ballerina.

"See? I don't have any wounds and I am not in pieces. I'm perfectly intact."

"Honey, that's not the point. You're the next hope of Starnstadt and my one and only daughter that I most treasure more than my life." she walked over to me and hugged me.

"Now, let's go inside. When the state officials passed by here, they also lend us a letter from King Levin."

A letter from him?

"What is it about?" we started walking into the palace. When the casement opened, we were greeted by butlers and handmaids, already in a curtsy.

"Eliz and Mr. Luca, keep the Princess in a company." Mother ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty." they both said at once.

"Dear, please do assign two knights to guard our Princess in her chamber."

"Will do, My Majesty." I heard while walking through my chamber.

"I kinda got cringed."

"Hm... you'll experience it later on, Your Highness." Eliz gagged.

"Stop it, Eliz." as I heard her chuckle.

We entered my chamber and notice that my sleeping gown was already in my bed and toiletries can be seen on the open door of my lavatory.

"Your Highness, you haven't eaten yet. We prepared dinner for you."

"Oh, kindly put that down on my bed. I'll go get some wash first." she bows then left my chamber.

I was about to get into my tub after taking off my clothes when I smelled something familiar.

I wrapped my towel around my body and returned to my bed to inspect it because I knew the scent of an everlasting aroma was there since I told Eliz to place my sustenance on my bedchamber, but there was a knock on my door.

"Your Highness, I forgot to give you this," Mr. Luca said from the doorway, and I saw him slide an envelope down the door. I notice a logo that appears to be normal, and seconds later, I recognize it as belonging to the Kingdom of Mondreich.

The very first idea that my mind thought about whom will send me this letter is obviously from King Levin.

I hastily tear down the envelope to open it and gazed for a second caused by the cultivating handwritten.

Before I read it, I searched for his signature and finally saw it at the bottom. Just making sure this isn't somewhat of a trap since it's hard to trust now after that incident.

After I was mesmerized by the handwriting, I carefully started to read it.

'Dear Princess Oceana,'

I sincerely apologize for not accompanying you to your home. But I think it's also the best option because neither of us knows who this letter is addressed to. We should part ways for the time being, and I will ensure that this sinner is punished severely. I may appear persistent to you, but I would still like to maintain contact with you by sending letters as our mode of communication, if that is acceptable to you.

I hope to get a reply from you soon.

Yours truly,

Levin Ross Gruber

PS. Have some Dover Sole :)'

And now that I realized that it was the savor of Dover Sole.