Chapter 11: Wedding Plan

The sun rays on my face and birds chirping outside my window woke me up in the morning.

"Oh, good morning, Your Highness; I was about to wake you up for breakfast," Eliz said, holding a tray of food.

"Huh? But it's still 6 am in the morning." I said while rubbing my eyes.

"Your Majesty wants you to acquire a wedding dress." as she happily puts down the tray.

'Oh, yeah... The grand nuptials will be held next week...

"Mother said that?"

"Your Highness, someone wants to meet you." Luca appeared at the door.

"Who? Tell the guest to wait. I'll get dress---"

"No need. I'll see that soon enough though." King Levin showed up beside Luca.

"K-King Levin?" I said as I heard Eliz giggle.

"I should go now, Your Highness. I will soon prepare your bathe." she bows then goes out with Luca.

"I'll wait for you to get ready. Pardon my sudden intrusion."

"You said that just now when before leaving not before entering?" he chuckles.

"My bad. I just wanted to surprise my soon to be bride." he smiles then walks away.

Maybe everything will be fine when we get married and there will be no problems waiting... right?

I mean, even though we have only known each other for a day, I can already see in him that he is kind, caring, and above all, he's able to do everything just to protect me.

I suddenly remembered yesterday's incident.

But I also believed that some men were only good at first. I still don't know everything about him, so I'll try to avoid becoming too comfortable with King Levin as soon as possible.

I started eating and Eliz arrived with the other handmaids to prepare my attire for today.

"Your Highness, the bathe is ready." one of the handmaids said as she left with the others.

I didn't finish my meal as I hurriedly go to my lavatory to take a shower so that King Levin wouldn't have to wait too long.

I changed into the dress I had just seen after taking a half-hour bath. I was baffled because I knew I didn't own this dress. As far as I know, this is a brand new dress that I saw in a store two weeks ago when I went for a walk.

"Maybe Mother and Father bought this for me for the coronation day." I sigh, remembering the supposedly the best day of my life.

I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror.

"It suits me well." I said and turned around to see my dress sway.

I delighted in putting on makeup, jewelry, and perfume. I curled my hair and simply let it down as a finishing touch.

I exited my chamber and walked straight to the vestibule, where I saw King Levin conversing with Mother.

When Mother saw me, she pointed at me as King Levin swerved in my direction.

He suddenly gets stunned at my appearance as when our eyes met, the atmosphere had slowed down.

He leisurely smiled at the motion.

I astonishingly stare at him after he showed off his unforgettable smile.

"The dress looks good on you." I'm still staring at him, then shake my head after the realization that I've already arrived in front of him.

"I'm glad you wore it." he said.

"You're the one who bought this?"

"No one else but me." he winks.

"My Princes~" Mother approached me then came for a big hug.

"You look more stunning! You seemed going on a date."

"That's the point, Mother." we both look at King Levin to his sudden call for Mother.

"Did I heard it right or, am I deaf?" as we let out a giggle.

"Well, Princess and I will soon get married. I must practice calling you Mother since you will be my Mother-in-Law." he explained.

"Mhm, I would love that." he smiled at Mother then looks at me.

"On our first objective, we will buy a wedding dress. Mother wants you to wear the traditional wedding dress of Starnstadt. I accepted it since I have to respect what's your culture here."

"Hm? Is the wedding dress different from your land?" I asked.

"Not at all. I actually think they're the same as yours. I assumed it's because you're marrying a man from another country, so you have to wear a wedding gown made of Starnstadt." he positioned his arms next to me as I clung and locked my arms into his.

"Yes, my dear, because you are the princess of Starnstadt, they should see our traditional ways performed on this special occasion."

"Oh, then where will be the venue?"

"We've already discussed it, dear; now go. Levin knows which store you'll visit first. It's a parlor where I previously purchased my wedding gown." I noticed that King Levin's eyes widened slightly when Mother said only his name.

We said our goodbyes to Mother and Father, who appeared to have only just awoken. We left the palace and entered the prepared carriage.

"You like that?" I suddenly asked.

"Hm?" he looked at me then raised his eyebrows.

"Mother calling you by your name." I state then he chuckles.

"Why not? It's already 18 years since someone called my name."

"What? Seriously? Then what Prince Ephraim calls you?" he froze on his tracks then looks at me.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about brother."

"Wow, you two seemed close yet you forgot the one who calls your name often?" he assisted me to go inside the carriage then it starts moving after we completely sit up.

"Not like that. It's just Mother and Father used to call me by my name often than my brother." his face went poker as I cleared my throat.

"Oh, okay. Anyways, Mother didn't mention the exact venue of the occasion." I said, changing the topic.

"About that, Mother approved that it be held in my Kingdom. My land had been quiet since I sat on the throne, so I wanted them to enjoy the special occasion we were having," he smiled.

"The people of Mondreich must welcome you as their new Queen."