Chapter 12: Wedding Dress

When we arrived at the parlor, an old man approached us and immediately greeted us.

"I am glad that I will also make the wedding dress for the daughter of Queen Cliodhna!"

"I'm also glad to meet you too, Mr. Esteban."

"And you will be married to a king! Welcome to Starnstadt, King Levin!" Mr. Esteban bows as King Levin smiled.

"Thanks for the warm greetings." he said.

"Oh, just a minute. Excuse me, Your Highness and Your Majesty. Sarah! Que estas haciendo?! La princesa y el rey ya están aquí!" Mr. Esteban shouts.

"Espera un minuto, Papá!" I heard the girl shouts back.

King Levin let go of the locking of our arms as he observed the parlor and slowly walks around.

"I presumed you don't like here." I suddenly spoke.

"Not at all. This place is small and unappealing but, they have a good quality of clothes." he stopped at the dress on display.

"Like this one. This dress has a simple design but the fabric looks luxurious that this dress made it at a higher price than someone would expect." he brought his face close to the dress then nods as if he is interested in the clothing. I come too to have a closer look.

"It's dupion."

"Yes. You are right, Your Majesty." a woman who I assume is Sarah, Mr. Esteban's daughter suddenly speaks from behind.

"Do you like it?" she asked as King Levin hums in response.

"What do you think, Princess?" he asked.

"I think my wedding dress will be more elegantly beautiful if this is the fabric you will use." I honestly answered.

"Great! I have samples of designs to show for you. I'll get them so you can wear them one by one in the fitting room and choose what matches your taste. Please follow me, Your Highness."

"Okay." Mr. Esteban moves a couch for King Levin to sit and wait. I entered the fitting room as Sarah gave me the first design.

"Your Highness, try this on. This dress has the plain design of dupioni silk with half long sleeves, a long v-neck type on the top, and a carefree dress. Its skirt has long, medium-thin fabric and in the waist, there's a unique garter with a touch of gold and shimmering glitters to look simple but elegant." I put it on as Sarah opened the curtains and showed it to King Levin.

"Hmm... the dress is beautiful but, it's quite too simple. It doesn't suit for the occasion since it's a grand wedding." he pointed to the left with his index finger signaling for the next design. She closes the curtains and shows me the second design.

"Our second design is a tube type of dress and is fitted from chest to knees with a garter fabric thin flowery plain pattern. As you can see, the skirt with dupioni silk was on the knees to your feet and, it's longer at the back of your feet to lay on the ground so if you walk to the altar, the dress will get pulled while you're walking. I suggest you acquire a long vail as long as this dress if you choose this." I wore it then the curtains were once again opened by Sarah.

He slowly observes me with his knitted eyebrows, looking like he doesn't like the dress.

"The dress looks too tight and revealing by how thin it was from the top. Show me something more decent." he commented. He then points at the left again for the next design.

"I am sorry for that, Sarah."

"Pardon, Your Highness? For what is your apology?" she confusingly said.

"For King Levin's words if that hurts you." I replied while carefully taking off the dress.

"It's nothing, Your Highness. It's normal for me to receive that kind of comment. Besides, I know that my dresses are beautiful. Maybe King Levin doesn't want you to wear this kind of dress since it was really revealing." she sweetly smiles.

"You're lucky, Your Highness. I can see that the king was just protecting you from nasty men." as I smile back at her.

"Let's proceed to the last dress." she unfolded the dress as my mouth opened in amazement.

"This!" I shout as she gets startled.

"I think this is it!" I widely smile and felt excited all of a sudden.

"Then, would you like to wear it for a fit?"

"Yes!" I eagerly said.

I wore the dress and told Sarah that I should check this out first in the mirror before opening the curtains.

"This dress contains thick dupioni silk as requested and there's bridal lingerie for the second layer with atomic shining pearls designed in each pattern that is on the linen part of the cloth, small artificial white flowers in the garter fabric to cover the chest area and I added some more garter there for your shoulders. It's your choice if you would do it in sleeveless or off-shoulder style. The skirt has a balloon to expand the dress so it would look more sophisticated." she explained in detail while I mesmerized the dress.

"I'm now sure that this would be good enough for me."

"As you wish, Your Highness. Now, let's open the curtains to let the King see it." I nod.

Sarah opens the curtains as I saw King Levin still chillingly sits on the couch as his head rests on the attached back while his eyes are closed. Mr. Esteban was already stunned at my appearance.

"Y-your Majesty... Your Highness is so beautiful..." Mr. Esteban said while still enraptured.

"I know." King Levin said, still not looking at me.

"She is such a beauteous bride to be..."

"Yeah, yeah." he boringly said.

"How I wish I am the same age as her--"

"Okay okay, that's enough. I know she is beyond beautiful. And If someone dared to say she's ugly then he's extremely blind." he confronts Mr. Esteban while looking at him, still didn't notice that the curtains are now open.

"I get it, Your Majesty." Mr. Esteban steps backward in fright with an awkward face as Sarah and I giggle.

"And why is she taking so long? I just heard them giggle. She and I have to go to the other shop after this." he complains. I cleared my throat for him so I could get his attention.

He alarmingly lifts his head and got stupefied.

I charmingly smiled at him and started to walk slowly to him.

He stands up as I turn around leisurely to have him a look on the dress.

"My beautiful bride."