Chapter 16: Days without Him

Day 01:

"My Princess, you don't have to attend your training anymore. You have to prepare for your upcoming wedding." Father scolded.

I was in a training camp to kill my boredom. I'm not allowed to go out and do any physical activities to prepare for the nuptials.

"Father, what am I supposed to do? Just lie on my bed and not to go out from my chamber?" I lazily lowered my back and look at him.

"That's not what I meant. Just relax there and wait for the wedding day. A bride should be pretty in her ceremony." I rolled my eyes as I sit.

"But Father, I'm bored---"

"No buts. Go back to your chamber or you'll get scolded by your Mother too."

"Uuughhh. Fine." Eliz approached me with a towel.

"Your Highness, lunch is ready. Her Majesty is waiting for you at the dining hall."

Oh no...

I am wearing a training uniform. Mother will sure scold me for this.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. I got you." Eliz winks.

"Ooohhh thank you, Eliz!" I squeeze her with a tight hug.

"Dress quickly, Oceana. I will cover you up for your Mother only just now." Father said.

"Yes, Father!" I hurriedly ran to my lavatory with Eliz and gets dressed. Father waits outside of my chamber until I come out and walk with him to the dining hall.

"You're finally here. I was already drooling over the foods." Mother said.

"I'm sorry, Mother."

"It's okay. Let's eat now. The food is getting cold." we started to eat then, Mother noticed something at me which made me nervous.

"Oceana, you're sweating. What did you do before eating?" I loudly gulped on my food and glance at Father who has just looked away while drinking water.


"We were searching for the rings, Your Majesty. It felt out of Her Highness' hands when we are on our way here." Eliz suddenly speaks.

'Eliiiizzz. Thank yooouuuu!'

"Y-yes, Mother!" I utterly said.

"Hmm, but I don't see the rings on your fingers."

I'm doomed.

I pulled Eliz's skirt to help me again as she carefully elbows my shoulder while smiling.

"I saw them go back to her chamber so, I wait for them there." Father finally speaks.

"Oh, okay." as she started eating again.

'Phew! That was close.'

I sigh in relief and continued eating.


Day 02:

"Eliz, can you bring the watering pot for me?"

"Yes, Your Highness." as she gave it to me.

I was in the garden, watering the plants.

Again, I'm bored. I was just chilling in my chamber doing nothing so I ask Mother if I can water the plants in the garden.

"Tch. It's so hard to use this. We have huge garden and some of you still use watering pots?" I complained.

"Well, we use watering pots for planting, Your Highness. We only use hoses when the plants needs to be showered." Eliz explained.

"How about the indoor plants?"

"We use spray bottles for them not watering pots. It can't be used there since it will cause the water to spill on the floor."

"Then let me use a hose instead of this." I annoyingly said.

"But, Your Highness, Her Majesty limited you to only water this area. The plants on the area she prohibited are sensitive and it needs more care."

"I know. I won't go there. I just wanna use the hose so I can finish watering these plants in a quick way." I heard her sigh for being importunate myself.

"As you wish, Your Highness." she goes to the hose where it hangs then gives it to me.\

"Let me know when I should open it."

"No. Do it now, please." she gripped it to open the faucet but there's no water coming out.

"Uh, Eliz? I think the hose is broken." I checked the small hole of the hose where the water should come out but there's still nothing.

"Your Highness, you should also open it. You see that connector?"


"Grip it open on the right."

"Like this?" I opened it as the water sprouts directly at my face.

"Ahhh!!!" I fell over in shock on the ground as I felt my butt cheeks got impaled.

"Ouch! Ouch!!!"

"Your Highness!" she approached me and helps me to get up as I look behind and saw that I sat on the roses and got my butt cheeks hurt by its thorns.

I stepped back to stay away from but my clumsiness prevailed.

The last thing I knew, is I am dripping wet and already covered in mud.


Day 03:

"Motheeeerrrr!" I whine while annoying her at her office.

"Oceana, if I said no, it's a no."

"I won't go and meet King Levin! I promise!"

"Still. No."

"But why is he allowed to go out?!" I drop myself on the floor and frowned at her.

"Oceana, he is a king. He has duties inside and outside the Kingdom."

"But Eliz said she saw King Levin was strolling around here!"

"Of course, he is still paying a visit here to have a discussion about the preparation on your wedding day. And you already know that he is strolling around here yet you still want to go out?" she lowers her eyeglass and looks at me suspiciously.

"You just said you wanted to go out, right?" I look at her in disappointment and was about to stand up and leave.

"Oceana, honey, Please don't think that I'm prisoning you here. We are just following the traditions. Bare with it in a few more days. Don't be disappointed because it's all for you. After the ceremony, you will get your freedom back to normal. Lastly, it's getting dark now. Women shouldn't go out at night. Understood?" I slowly nod in agreement.

"Okay? Now, get up and go back to your chamber. We will soon be having our dinner in an hour." I exited her office and saw Eliz together with the handmaids.

"Oh, Your Highness! I was about to go to your chamber- Hm? Your Highness? What seems the problem?"

"I don't want to talk about it anymore. But I'm okay now. I'm just bored and restless."

"I understand, Your Highness. But your wedding is already in two days. Stay patient and you will finally see His Majesty again." she teased.

"Eliz! Don't tease me!" as she giggles.


Day 04:

The last day of waiting.

I once again look at the rings he gave to me and to my wedding dress as I smile in admiration when a knock on the door suddenly breaks my moment.

"May I excuse me, Your Highness. The bouquet of flowers has arrived. Her Majesty wants you to take care of it so it won't easily wilt during the ceremony.

"Oh, I'll get it." Eliz volunteered.

"Thank you, Mr. Luca." I heard her say as she closes the door. I saw her suddenly blushed and smell the flowers. I raised my eyebrow in confusion, thinking that she might expect that the flowers are for her.

"Don't you dare claim that flowers, Eliz. That bouquet of flowers is for my wedding." I teased.

"I-I know! I just got- Uhm..." I laugh at her cuteness for trying to deny what she did.

"Your Highness, don't laugh! I saw you having a moment there a while ago but I didn't encroach so I grab a chance to moment too!"

"Wait, you saw that?!"

"Yes." we stared at each other as we laugh.

"Guess we're both really in love now."

"Oooohhhh, you're admitting that you're in love now?" her eyebrows wiggles while looking at me until I realized what I just said.

"N-no! I mean-- Arggghh!!!" and then she laughs.

"Stop laughing! Help me pack my things up now!"

"Okay, okay, Your Highness." she put the flowers on the vase and puts water in it.

"Wow, white tibet rose flowers are really suitable and for weddings." she said.

"Oh? Really?"

"Yes, Your Highness. White roses like tibet are the most delightful among focal flowers that will perfectly fit in weddings. It symbolizes purity, simplicity, and elegance."

"Wow, you know seemed to know about flowers too like Mother."

"Of course, Mother and I also collect any kinds of flowers and tibet roses are one of my favorite flowers."

"I see. That's why you smelled it."

"Yes, you just jumped into other conclusion."

"Still. You blushed." she rolled her eyes as I chuckle.

We were now packing my stuff because, after the wedding, I am officially living with King Levin.

"Aahhh, Your Highness, you will now go live with him. When you have time to visit here, you must bring a child."

"Eliz, not now." she laughs.


Did I heard it right?


"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Did you just said when I have time to visit here?"

"Yes?" she looks at me confused.

"It means you're not coming with me?" she sweetly smiled.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. I can't be with you anymore." she kisses my forehead and then hugs me.