Chapter 20: Take Amiss

And now, we reach the palace, the gate was surrounded by the knights. General McGunning signaled them to make us enter thru as they welcomed us in. I get down from the horse with Rainier's help as General McGunning guided us to the door.

He opens the battens and once I set foot on the mat, the fear gets back from the day that King Levin and I almost got assassinated.

I shook my head and starts to walk calmly when suddenly, General McGunning step to my side.

"Felt another goosebumps?" he said.

"A little." I honestly replied.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. You're safe." he smiled as I smiled back. We continued walking and stops at the door with their knights that also combined with our knights.

General McGunning opens the door as the people including, Mother and Father and...

King Levin...

turned their heads in our direction.

"Apologies for barging in, Your Majesties and dear visitors but, someone is here to catch up on the assembly." he bows as I did too.

"Oceana?! What are you doing here?!" I heard Mother exclaimed but I gazed at King Levin who is staring at me blankly.

"I apologize for the disturbance. But allow me to be here. I have something to tell that all of us would likely hear."

Mother was about to stand up when Father pulls her arm and looks at her as she sits down.

The officials and monarchy leaders adjusted their seats backward to have me seated next to King Levin. I sat down as I took a glance in the corner of my eye to see his reaction yet he is just sitting quietly with his elbows on the table and hands on his chin.

"It seems you're having a discussion earlier before I came in. You can now continue then, I'll thrash out mine."

"Okay. I shall continue then." King Rupert from the Almondia Kingdom said.

"So, as for what King Zoltan said, he would like to conduct an investigation to Viscount Besen Charles' daughter, Lady Lucinda."

I was surprised by what I heard because all I knew was that King Levin told me that he would investigate Lady Lucinda and not my father. I told him about the argument that had taken place between us that day but my Father did not mention that he would investigate.

In disappointment, I look at him completely to make him look at me, eye to eye, and explain a little on his broken proposal about the investigation. After just a minute of waiting, he doesn't get an urge to look or just glance at me so I gave up and shrugged it off, still feeling disappointed.

I know that I'm being sensitive, overreacting and a bit being bossy since I told him to investigate her if she is the mastermind and hired that wrongdoer. But I'm not usually 'this' sensitive. I just felt something isn't right.

"I actually have no rights about this since Viscount Besen is the guardian and father of Lady Lucinda to prepare a warrant of investigation. But, do you have any permission from King Levin himself?" he asked.

"And why do I need his permission when you just told us that Viscount Besen is the guardian and father of young Lady Lucinda?" Father asked.

Another astonishing moment.

"Either I, have no rights about this decision so, there's no need for my permission." he finally speaks.

"But if I am to ask about that, I would like to team up an investigation together with Father." a smirk appeared from Father's lips.

A sudden blush brightens up my cheeks for calling my father his father too as I just act it normal to hide its visibility.

Maybe I was just paranoid a while ago...

"Oh, so you want your ex-lover to be thrown away in jail?" King Rupert asked.

Why does it look like he is threatening King Levin? Sounds fishy...

"From the word 'ex-lover', you should have known what it means. And you shouldn't have mentioned that especially in front of my wife." he answered right away.

I have no time to blush now because King Rupert is being somewhat defensive over Lady Lucinda.

In this case, I want King Rupert to get involved in the upcoming investigation. I hope King Levin noticed King Rupert's justifying.

"I don't like the way of your tone when you replied to me. Show some respect."

"First of all, I'm being respectful towards you so, you should respect me first."

"Are you insulting your elder-"

"Elder or Grandpa thing is nothing to me when they're not showing respect like you do, King Rupert." his voice changed into serious and deep. Everyone's attention turns to the two Kings are having a misunderstanding.

"As what I said, you should have not mentioned a thing about my ex-lover in front of my wife. Is that considered respect?" King Rupert became quiet but his eyes tells that he should fight back his words.

"We are both Kings, King Rupert. But place yourself properly because as far as I know, you are in my land." King Levin ended with an understandable sentence as King Rupert just averted his eyes.

"Let's just skip this matter. It seems not relevant to talk about it." Father said.

"No, Father. I have an idea." we all look at him and he looks at King Rupert.

"I would also like to have your assistance in this investigation. If you would also like that?" he said. King Rupert seems to be in hesitation.

"Silence means no. So--"

"Okay, then." he finally answered.

"Great. Let's prepare for it tomorrow by morning. Mr. Havoc, please add that on my list as my first appointment."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Mr. Havoc bows as he starts writing.

"Oceana, my dear. You came here to tell us something, right?" Mother suddenly speaks as the attention towards the topic earlier comes back.

"Oh, yes, Mother. May I discuss now?" I asked King Levin as he nod.

The eyes of the people inside here were all on me.

I stood up and put the paper on the table, right in front of King Levin.