Chapter 21: Clues

Eyebrows knitted, he analyzes the paper I put down in front of him. He grabs it and reads it.

"Mr. Havoc, please go to my office. I need you to get the paper we received from the mysterious kingdom." King Levin said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." he answered.

"Wait." I stopped him before he walks out.

"King Levin, may I also request about the piece of paper from the time we had dinner?" he looks at me and looks like he is under a process of thinking. After just seconds, he realizes what I was going to brag.

He signaled Mr. Havoc as he walks out.

"Let's proceed until Mr. Havoc comes back." King Levin said.

"Then, shall I suggest something?" the Kingdom of Marevia, King Heron stands up and look at King Levin as he only nods in response.

"Your country helped us during the water crisis of Marevia by the succor of the late king, King Roko. As for indebtedness, I am willing to help in this case by sending a set of army for Mondreich and Starnstadt." King Heron stated.

Mother's face brightens up as King Levin nods once again but this time, with a smile.

"That's actually too much. You can contribute anything without sending your soldiers to us. It might be dangerous for you to protect your land."

"No, it's fine. Accept that as my gratitude. I'm not talking big about this but, Marevia is known for having more than a thousand army. Please do approve my support. The help I will give to you is from the decision of my brain and heart." King Heron smiled.

"Then, I'll accept it wholeheartedly." King Levin said as he stands up then, approaches King Heron, and shake hands with him.

"I'm delighted that you're with us in this emergency assembly, King Heron."

"Please, call me Heron. We are just in the same title, young man."

"As you wish, Heron."

"Tch." I heard King Rupert as his face plastered frustration. King Levin walks back to his seat as he smirks when he passed King Rupert. I guess he also heard him.

The door opens as Mr. Havoc showed up with papers in his hands.

"Your Majesty, here's the papers you asked for." he gives the papers to King Levin then, he grabs them and puts them down on the table.

"Let's get back to the main topic." he rotates the papers to the front so that the people inside here can see what was written in these following papers as he set aside the identical papers and excluded the paper we had received the day we had dinner.

King Levin gesture me to stand up beside him to let me explain what's written in the papers.

"These are the papers we had received a week ago. These two on the left is the same letter we received from the mysterious kingdom." I said as I put my index fingers to both papers.

"And this one on the right is a note that we found on the nock of an arrow that nearly killed King Levin and I when we are having a dinner." then, points at the piece of paper.

"We aren't sure if these papers are the same where they came from since the last paper I presented doesn't have signage." the monarchy leaders and the government officials nod in interest and begin to chit-chat. It seems they are convinced by my statement.

"And let me also tell you that I have two possible basis about this." as I once again sit down.

"The first one is these papers are actually from the mysterious kingdom or... someone is throwing hatred to us." I said as an official stands up.

"May I ask, Your Highness?" he said.

"You may." I replied.

"About your second basis, is there someone you suspect?"

"Oh, I think it's Lady Lucinda." King Rupert suddenly speaks.

"That's why you want to investigate her." he continued.

"Exactly." King Levin also suddenly speaks.

"Then why didn't you told us earlier?"

"I'm sorry for that. Perhaps, it wouldn't get to open that issue since I haven't actually thought of it." King Levin apologized.

"I see. Okay then, I am enlightened now. I'm just concern earlier since the reputation of the nobles in my country might affect in the investigation." King Rupert nods as King Levin nods back.

"As for Judge Wiatt's question, yes, I do have someone in my mind and yes, King Rupert is right. It's Lady Lucinda Charles." Judge Wiatt bows and sits again.

"May we also know what is the reason why you're assuming it's Besen's daughter?" King Rupert asked.

I look at King Levin and he looks at me back as he nods in response, agreeing.

"I will only sum this up since the incident is too long to be discuss with." remembering what she almost did makes me feel a fit of sudden anger again. I took a deep breath so I can calm a bit and sits properly.

"It's the same night it happened after the miscreant got caught. Lady Lucinda came at night and confronts me out of nowhere about marriage planning. She was about to hurt me but luckily, King Levin came on time and managed to kick out Lady Lucinda."

"What an attitude. The nerve she has..." Queen Yzabelle, Queen of Isabeau Queendom rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, already criticizing Lady Lucinda.

"It's against the law to disrespect a royal member just suddenly without a sin. Act of #0725 Code No. 8 of Royal Regulations: disrespecting an uppermost will face the condemn from victim's own decision without death penalty but will be penalized or disciplined." Chief Judge Josiah stated as he fix his eyeglasses.

"It's fine now. I don't want to file a case just because of that. Besides, an investigation will be held tomorrow." I explained as Chief Judge Josiah nods and bows.

"There's one more thing I would like ask." King Rupert stands up as I allowed him to speak.

"The incident has happened before she came, right?" he asked as I nod.

"So, how will she know and react about the marriage planning when she came there late and the incident was completely done?"