~ Two

As a result of the meeting, the whole company was really happy. So, to celebrate their happiness and the togetherness of the two companies they planned a great party on the night of '6th feb'.

Both the companies were totally the same, 'thief'.

As the party was already planned, there was a small gathering between both the companies before the party on 5th February.

All were really excited for this contract as it was a big deal.

The whole company was busy preparing for the party.

Meanwhile there was a meeting going on between Basil and Abrahim. Both were planning about the contract and then Louis interrupted their talks.

Basil became very angry and seeing to Basil's reaction Abrahim slapped Louis in front of everyone.

"You mad boy!! Are you insane!! How dare you interrupt. I will take your job! Now goo!!" Abrahim shouted at Louis.

Louis felt very low and angry. How can someone just slap anyone in front of everyone. Basil didn't do it right.

It was the 5th of February today . "Finally the day came!! I've been waiting for soo long for this day. Now finally! it's today.'' Basil talking to himself.

He was very happy but nervous too.

The whole company gathered together to welcome 'THE ARTHOS GROUP' .

Now finally, the waiting time is over.

They finally arrived.

"Welcome Sir, Welcome!" The very excited Basil welcomed The Chairman of the group.

Few moments later, after welcoming the company, the gathering between both companies started.

"Let's start sir, there's a lot made specially for you. Fire away sir." William Howard trying to impress Mr. Arthos , the president of ARTHOS GROUP.

Mr. ARTHOS PARKER was a very rich and successful businessman. He was very aggressive and 'A Clever Fox'. The whole company was afraid of him.

Another thing is that he was fearless, but each and every fearless person in this world has that one big fear which he hides from everyone and so his big fear was from red color. Whenever he saw something red or even blood, he was scared to death.

So they all started eating and while eating they planned a meeting in Basil's cabin after they had finished the meal.

Now, One more meeting with one more entry and a TWIST.

Entry of the current babble(COO)of the company and the second son of William Howard.

'David William Howard' ,who was all in one

He was tall, handsome, wise, cheerful, good in everything- business, sports, art, music and even in cooking. He was a brilliant personality with a good heart and a heart fluttering smile😊. He deserved the first position of the company but he had the second. He managed everything in his company.

Now let's come back to the meeting.

It was already started, all the men were planning for their biggest goal that could only be won by cunning.

They planned to convert their deal into a lifetime partnership.

Now their plan was to build the biggest skyscraper within their country.

But now there comes a big problem for them. The land in the middle of the country, where they wanted to build the building, was owned by someone else."

"Sir, we'll have to find a solution for this cause the best land for this building is this land." Basil asked for a solution.

"I've already talked to the owner of the land and he can't sell us the land cause he had already made the deal with someone else." David explained the situation.

"Nothing to fear brother, there's a simple solution, just talk to the person who has owned the land before us...."Basil replied to Louis.

"Already done sir. And the owner has already denied...."

"Do whatever you want to, I just want the land, use any method, if not agreeing from talks ,then violence is necessary.", Mr. Arthos said interrupting between David's talks, in a bold voice.

David felt that it was very wrong but stayed quiet.

And so here, they stood up in their chairs and the end of the meeting came. They went back and the day ended.

A new morning with new drama because today is '6th February'. Everyone , really excited for the party. But they didn't know what's gonna happen today.

In the morning only, Basil, Abrahim and his companions went for the settlement of the land. And when they reached there, the same thing happened as they thought, the owner of the land refused to sell them the land because he already had some plans for the land.

"So, you are not gonna give us the land... I'm giving you one more chance, think about it clearly." Basil gave a warning to the owner in a bold voice.

"What are you gonna do!! Are you threatening me?

Hahahahahhaha, I'm not scared at all!!!!" replied the owner in a fearless way.

Basil became angry and ordered his men to take the owner to their place.

"Ok now!! I'm giving you one more chance and if you don't want this chance, then just tell me straight away. Don't waste my precious time....And now listen carefully cause this is the last voice you will be listening to...' weather you approve or deny the fact is that the land is ours in both the case', so now die peacefully😊.'' Basil then gave a smirk and went away with his people.

"Hahahahahaha.... I just have this much courage.....What a coward!!! WHERE are you going....Come back!! Without sending me to heaven how can you leave.....", and suddenly BOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!A bomb blasts, when Basil tap a button in his hands.

" Huh!! Coward and me.... Have a safe journey to hell..." Basil won the land by treachery and went back to deliver the good news.

" Hahahahahahahahaha .... Now the party's double with triple fun. Now , my child once we announce this partnership in public then no one can stop us to become richer. Once we make this partnership fully written on paper. Then after some time the whole company will be ours , just wait and watch...." William Howard talking in private with his two sons

" Sir! Sir! ,the guests have arrived for the party. The media is here too.", one of the staff members informed them.

" Let's hurry sons! The media is out there too...!"

And they all hurried to welcome them.

After some interviews with the media they went on for the party.

And ,no more waiting now, the party of 6th February started.

"Guys please! attention! Here over Here.🥰 Mr. William Howard is going to announce something important...." Abrahim gathered everyone's attention towards Mr. William.

"So!, honorable guests and everyone present here, I'm not gonna take long but it's a huge thing for us and who knows if for you all too. So , today in this grand celebration.....aaaa!! You all must be thinking about celebration for what, so listen carefully this celebration is prepared for the very new and grand partnership between two companies. So! The waiting time is over now and the thing is out now. We The GOBLET CORPORATION AND THE ARTHOS LABEL GROUP ARE TOGETHER IN A PARTNERSHIP....whooooooooo🎆🎆" William Howard made the announcement.

" And now ladies and gentlemen, we would like to present before you our new plans for the sake of our country. And... Here is it....!" Basil announced and.................