Chapter 9

(3rd Pov)

The next day

Yukino, kaya, and shiro all woke up early because they really well last night.

The only one who didn't sleep well was misaka as she is being pressed by lumps of fats the entire night.

Anyway, the 3 girls went to the deck while Mikoto took the best coffee in her treasury and supplementing her body with mana.

Mana is a panacea as long as the quantity is enough. Since mana is a panacea then she used it to supplement her body.

She tiredly walked to the deck and sat on a golden chair cause why not?

[Inside Mikoto's mind]

'System, combine with great sage.'


Without hesitation, she clicked yes.

[Changes Shown]

'This is neat, so I'll call you Great sage.'

[Understood, Master.]

'Ok then connect to the akashic records in my treasury.'

[Connecting to the Akashic Records…]

[Connection Established.]

'Then can you give me the first and second true magic?'

[Yes Master.]

[New skills:

[Denial of nothingness]

[Kaleidoscope: Operation of Parallel Worlds] ]

'Nice, then combine [Denial of Nothingness] and [Arc of Embodiment].'

[Synthesis Skill Acquired.]

[Synthesizing [Denial of Nothingness] and [Arc of Embodiment]…]

[Synthesizing Complete]

[Skill created [Creation] ]

'That is interesting… Give me a description of the skills.'


[Description: The skill is able to create virtually anything as long as mana is enough.

Drawback: Large Mana Consumption

Limitation: Cannot create living beings ]

'ok great sage, can you give me some missions?'

[Mission Created

Task: Get shirahoshi to follow you through your adventures.

Reward: 1 x God Lottery

Penalty: None]


'This is quite a good reward. So shirahoshi… I think that is easy, with my charisma she should be able follow me.'

She then closed the system and got up from her golden chair. Finding kaya, she brought her to her room.

As kaya is being dragged to Mikoto's room, she was very confused. All she did was watch anime with shiro until she was dragged to her captain's room.

'Did I do something wrong?'

That was the only thought of kaya as she is brought to Mikoto's bed.

Mikoto then turned to kaya and said:

"Kaya, I'm going to give you a powerup as you are not very strong."

When hearing this, kaya is a bit embarrassed to be called weak even if it's true.

Mikoto then created a skill called [Magic Creation] and gave it a physical form so as to bind with kaya.

All kaya saw was a ball of pure energy floating on the palm of Mikoto's hand. Mikoto then moved the ball of energy to her and it then binded with her soul, so that no one can steal or plunder it from her.

During the binding process, all kaya felt was the cooling sensation throughout her body but that only happened for a moment before it disappeared.

After that, she received information about the skill misaka gave. [Magic Creation], A skill that brings both creation and destruction and to be able to stand on par with gods.

It would sound amazing if ignoring misaka because she can casually slay gods with just her weapons. From anti-divinity to anti-immortal weapons, those are just a fraction of the many weapons in the treasury.

After giving the skill, she drank another cup of coffee and said:

"Kaya, you figure out your skills while I go do my own things."

Before kaya said anything, Mikoto opened a portal and went to a random dimension.

Seeing Mikoto leave, kaya just looked at the empty spot where Mikoto was before starting to create some magic.

'I need something useful… From what I know, I first need to increase my mana capacity and regeneration. Could I create Magicule Breeder reactor or something similar? I'll try.'

[Magic Creation]

[Creating 'Magicule Breeder Reactor']


[Degrading the skill 'Magicule Breeder Reactor' to two separate skills]

[Created 'Mana Expansion' and 'Mana Regeneration']

'Er, this didn't work but at least it gave me something… then let me see what it is.'

[Mana Expansion

- Mana capacity will expand indefinitely.]

[Mana Regeneration

- Mana will regenerate quickly.]

'this should be enough. Now for some offensive and auxiliary magic.'

[Creating 'Healing Magic', 'Mana Manipulation', 'Gate of Babylon Magic']

[Created 'Healing Magic', 'Fire Magic', 'Gate of Babylon Magic']

[Healing Magic

- The ability to heal all wounds including fatal ones as long as mana is enough.]

[Mana Manipulation

- The ability to manipulate one's own mana.]

[Gate of Babylon Magic

- a separate space is created and using this magic connects to that separate space.

Note: This is only a replica making it not as good as the real one. It also has nothing in it, so the user has to put in weapons or etc. this magic has many limitations so don't expect anything good.]

'Hm, the [GOB] Magic isn't what I imagined but it is good enough. Captain could give me some weapons to put in so its ok.'

This is kaya's only thought after creating these magic.

Back to Mikoto, A portal can be seen opening in a barren dimension.

There is no life in this dimension that's why it's called barren, there is basically nothing so that she could experiment to her hearts content.

'First I need to test my magic.'

She closed her eyes and began to release her mana. A blue aura appears around her as she releases her mana, a heavy pressure fell on the dimension because of the mana density.

Space distortion starts to appear near her as it is the nearest to the dense mana. Those space distortions spread throughout the dimension to lessen the burden on a single space and evenly distribute the pressure.

Outside of the dimension, cracks start to form as a sign that it can only support the dense mana for a few more moments.

Any being whether gods or demons who is near this random dimension or passing by would immediately leave as the explosion of a collapsing dimension would be fatal for any beings.

So, many gods, demons, cultivators, or any beings whether high or low would flee immediately.

Just when it is about to collapse, she stopped releasing her mana.

Stopping the mana release cause the huge pressure on the dimension to dissipate. The space distortions throughout the dimension is being fixed as quickly as possible, eliminating the possibility of it collapsing.

Anyway, the countless cracks and distortions disappear within a few seconds like nothing ever happened.

If it weren't for the massive distortion still being fixed, then the event that happened a few seconds ago would be like a dream.

'so just releasing my mana can cause a dimension to collapse. Interesting, now I need to start the real test.'

After that thought, she started manipulating her and gathers it on her palm and then it form a fire.

She started to increase the mana output, making the fire brighter and hotter.

After a while, a huge fireball the size of a small hill is the result of pumping a constant mana flow. She then compresses it to the size of a regular basketball making it look like a traditional fireball, throwing it to a random land a few hundred-miles away to test out its destructive capabilities.

The fireball flew almost instantly to the target and upon impact…

A mushroom cloud that engulfs anything within a hundred-mile radius appears. That fireball might not be a nuclear bomb, but it is stronger than one.

It isn't exaggerated to say that she has the fighting capacity of a country but that would be nerfing it a bit…

'Hm, this is nice… now to create some more powerful magic.'

Behind her, multiple energy balls appear. Those energy balls doesn't have any attribute, it is only pure energy and the energy contained in it is immense.

The energy balls then began to rotate in all directions at the same time defying the laws of physics, it rotates almost infinite times per minute, rotating faster than a blackhole.

When she launched those energy balls, she scattered them throughout the dimension. Flying as high as possible, she looked at everything below as the energy ball all detonated at the same time.

A spectacular scene appears, yes it is that beautiful. If megumin was here then she would probably die of orgasms. The reason is an explosion larger than the size of a star, not to mention multiple explosion setting off at the same time…

'This is a very successful experiment, A beautiful explosion. Megumin's Obsession towards explosion magic is very justified.'

Yes, this is Mikoto's thought of her experiment, a dimension that is already barren becomes unlivable. Just one of the explosion would destroy the one piece world including the planets around it.

Satisfaction appeared on her face and just when she is about to leave, a portal appears.

Walking out of a portal is beautiful girl, she had Waist long Light blue hair and eyes, and a slime figure. Yes she is the famous useless goddess, Aqua.

'Isn't that Aqua?'

That was the first thought of Mikoto when seeing this beautiful girl.

It is interesting to interact with a goddess, so she is quite amused then said cutely to Aqua:

"Why are you here, Aqua?"

Aqua looked at the cute girl with chestnut hair confusedly and asked:

"Aw, such a cute girl. Why are you here? Do you need help? Also did you see any big mean guy here? He was releasing a terrifying amount of mana. That guy might be a big bad wolf, so I need to take him down."

The countless questions of aqua made Mikoto realize that she is being treated as a child but at least aqua is concerned about her, not many deities care about mortals… so she answered simply:

"I was the one who released the massive amount of energy, Aqua."

Aqua looked at Mikoto for a second before laughing and pointing at her:

"Y-You released that amount of mana? Puf- Hahaha… *COUGH* I mean don't hide that big bad wolf, tell onee-sama that you're in trouble then onee-sama will help you."

Seeing that aqua is sincere, misaka had enough and decided to just tie her up and bring her home. Aqua is a nice person in general if you ignore her low IQ.

3 golden ripples appear behind Mikoto, 3 golden chains come out from it and directly went and tied aqua up. A neat thing about those golden chains is that it has anti-divinity property and is designed specifically against gods.

When aqua saw those chains, she became dumbfounded. How can a harmless loli have those chains? Do children nowadays carry anti-divinity weapons?

That thought happened for only a moment before the countless golden chains wrapped her up like a caterpillar only leaving the head not wrapped.

"Aqua, why are you here?"

Mikoto asked again as she is quite confused on how aqua came here. Was she near this random dimension or was the energy she released so large that aqua came here to check?

Aqua was still dumbfounded and subconsciously replied:

"I came here because my fellow goddess asked me to check it out… I was here to check what happened here and tell my findings."

After hearing aqua's answer, Mikoto nodded clearing some confusions and then walked to a portal she created while dragging aqua back.

Arriving at the ship, the other 3 girls are already asleep while Mikoto changed her pajamas and went to her room.

She placed aqua next to her before looking at the system.

[Hidden Mission Completed

Task: Defeat a god/goddess

Reward: 100,000 SP]

'So, I finished a hidden mission. Neat.' That was Mikoto's last thought before going into a deep sleep.'