Chapter 10

(3rd Pov)

The next day

We can see 5 girls on the deck of a ship. One of the 5 girls had a golden chain tied at her waist like a belt. Anyone passing by would mistake them as a slave trader because seeing a beautiful girl in chains is already a red flag.

"Otouto, who is that girl?"

Asked Yukino as a random girl tied with golden chains tied around her waist isn't normal.

Mikoto changed to a poker face and said calmly:

"She is aqua. She's my follower."

Yukino and the other 2 girls nodded and left.

After the 3 girls leave, misaka then opened her system and started a lottery.

[GOD lottery]

[Congratulations, you got:

Omnificence (Rank EX)

- Ability to create anything without limits.]

[Host, your skill [Creation] is synthesized with the new skill [Omnificence].]

Mikoto looked at it before going to the girls.

"Girls, I'm going to kidna- I mean invite someone to join us."

Yukino and shiro just nodded while kaya looked at Mikoto for a sec before asking:

"Didn't you just say kidnap?"

Ignoring kaya's question, Mikoto jumped in a portal she created.

'Is captain going to kidnap someone? Nah, she is a good person. She won't kidnap someone; she probably just made a mistake.'

(3rd Pov)

A portal appears in the shell tower on fishman island. Walking out of a portal is a beautiful girl with chestnut hair, she looked around before seeing a giant bed.

On that bed is a huge mermaid asleep, she had pink flowing hair, soft white skin, and relatively huge in that area.

Admiring the mermaid's beauty for a while, she walked silently to shirahoshi and changed her to human.

She then opened a portal and brought her to the ship, on the ship, the 4 girls saw Mikoto bringing a beautiful girl.

Even though this is weird, they still want to know who that girl is.

"Nii-chan, who is that girl?"

"Captain, don't tell me you really kidnapped her!?"

Hearing what kaya said, Yukino and shiro looked at Mikoto for an explanation while aqua is drunk because she usually drinks beer in the morning.

Mikoto tried to explain herself that what she did is very normal and not evil.

"I didn't do anything drastic ok? It's not like I destroyed the world. I just invited this beautiful girl to join me without her permission or while asleep."

Her answer made kaya and Yukino dumbfounded at her excuse while shiro just said monotonously:

"That is the textbook definition on what kidnapping is, Nii-chan."

This made her speechless as she can't refute shiro. She then reluctantly admitted her crime.

"F-Fine, I did kidnap her."

Shiro walked to Mikoto and patted her head while saying:

"It's ok nii-chan, just don't do it again."

seeing this weird scene, kaya decided to convince herself that this is totally normal.

After a few moments later, shirahoshi woke up and is very confused. She was first at her room sleeping when suddenly she is on a random ship in the middle of the ocean.

"W-what happened? Where am I?"

Looking at the woken up shirahoshi, misaka walked to her and smile warmly

"Hello, shirahoshi. I'm Misaka Mikoto."

Because of her natural charisma(Cuteness), shirahoshi didn't suspect that she was the kidnapper and naturally trust her subconsciously. She then shyly replied:

"H-hello Mikoto-san, can you tell me where I am?"

"You're at my ship, shirahoshi-san."

"C-can I go back home?"

"No, but you can follow me on my journey."

Shirahoshi blushed a bit and shyly replied:

"H-Hai, Mikoto-san."

After that, Mikoto sailed to Marineford as it's almost time for ace's execution.

(3rd Pov)

A few days later, the crew of 6 arrived at Marineford. But they didn't ride on their ship but Vimana, yes that flying ship. Vimana was in stealth mode the entire time so no one noticed it, even people with observation Haki can't see it.

These last few days, Mikoto had been training the shiro with daggers and shirahoshi with a bow.

Shiro is fairly talented in swords, so the progress is quite but no matter how talented she is, she's only at intermediate mastery.

Mikoto then trained shirahoshi in the tracing magecraft so that she would be able to trace a noble phantasm and the mana capacity of shirahoshi has been expanded so much by misaka that she would be able to use it without any difficulties.

As kaya thinks its useless to use her magic because she isn't really proficient with it, she just focused on learning fire magic and some other auxiliary magic.

At the battlefield, there are 10,000 elite marine soldiers but they are fodder in this war.

There are also the seven warlords and the vice admirals in the front line. The admirals, however, is guarding the execution platform where ace is in, while the fleet admiral and Garp guards the execution platform by being next to ace.

The battlefield looked really cool from misaka's perspective, but the marine foot soldiers are scared because they might die at any time.

A few moments later, a huge ship came from under the water. That huge ship is the Moby dick, there isn't one but two, signifying the whitebeard pirates.

the flag ship of the whitebeard pirates is the Moby dick, where whitebeard stand at the bow of his ship.

Fleet admiral sengoku looked at whitebeard from the execution platform.

10,000m above the battlefield is where misaka and her girls are.

She gave shiro a random noble phantasm sword from her treasury as giving an anti-army sword seems a bit overkill. And also showed caladbolg to shirahoshi for her to trace it.

She then told the girls except aqua to go on the battlefield as aqua is not suited for battle.

Shiro, Yukino, kaya, and shirahoshi went into the portal that she created.

On the battlefield, the 43 subordinate crew of the whitebeard pirates arrived and began fighting the marines.

Just when the pirates and marines are going to fight, a portal then appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

This causes confusion for both sides as a mysterious portal appeared, thinking that it is a devil fruit ability, the marines and pirates prepare to confront whoever comes out of it.

Walking out of the portal are 4 beautiful girls that are not inferior to boa hancock, some even surpassed her.

(A/N Kaya became more beautiful because of mana.)

Those 4 girls are Yukino, shiro, kaya, and shirahoshi. Seeing the 4 unknown girls in the battlefield, Kizaru teleports to them with Yata no kagami instantly arriving near Yukino and asked:

"Have you ever experienced a light-speed kick?"

Lifting his leg, which shines brightly with yellow light, and he kicked Yukino, sending her flying but luckily she protected herself with Armament Haki.

Shiro summoned all her shadow soldiers to attack him. The 100+ shadow soldiers covered their fist or weapons with mana and ran to Kizaru.

However he sent a light beam which caused a huge explosion destroying the shadow soldiers, which revived later.

The marines and pirates on the battlefield resumed fighting as the pirate's goal is ace while the marine's goal is to execute ace.

Kaya flew in the sky and sent multiple fireballs at both the marines and pirates killing a lot of them.

Seeing a random girl shooting fireballs, the marines and pirates are shocked but quickly attacked her.

Yukino got up from the rubbles and became angry because getting kicked by Kizaru hurts. Sending 10 shadow clones she made to take care of the marine soldiers and pirates, she went directly to Kizaru.

Covering her hands with armament Haki, she engaged taijutsu / hand-to-hand combat with Kizaru while having the Sharingan to see his attack patterns and movement.

While Kizaru is distracted with fighting Yukino, shiro got away with her army of shadow soldiers and began killing and collecting shadows.

Her efficiency at killing may not be good but with a hundred loyal undead subordinates, she killed hundreds of marines and pirates in a few minutes.


Shirahoshi flew to the sky where she traced caladbolg and bow. She used caladbolg like an arrow and randomly shot it somewhere in the battlefield, obviously the attack avoided where her friends are at.

The arrow broke the sound barrier as it travelled faster than the speed of sound, it almost immediately arrived at the group of pirates and marines who were fighting.

When the pirates and marines saw this sword flying so fast, they tried to run away but obviously it's futile as the sword began to shine and exploded.

The size of the explosion is obviously not small but shirahoshi only put enough mana for it kill 100 people.

The burned corpse of the marines and pirates were collected by shiro's shadow soldiers where it is placed in a pile in front of her. If it is big enough then she will say: "Arise!" to which the corpse will become a shadow soldier.

(A/N A shadow soldier is an undead.)

You may be wondering why they are indifferent to killing or mass-murder.

Well, it would be because misaka already taught them of killing and stuff like that…

Seeing that those 4 girls are killing both sides crazily, the marines and pirates decided to focus on the girls first.

Hundreds of marines and pirates surrounded each of the girls, but it didn't do anything as shiro immediately eliminated them.

Yukino, on the other hand, ran to Kizaru and began engaging in taijutsu. As she didn't have much battle experience, but it doesn't matter as she has HAX.

Using her Sharingan in battle, she dodged the attacks that can be dodged and blocked the attacks that can be blocked.

Even though Kizaru always says he is as fast as light, but she can dodge light speed attacks because of Madara skills. Anyway, she began adapting to kizaru's fighting style as he usually relies on his devil fruit.

Predicting on where he will go, she began releasing ninjutsu. A massive flame sprays from her mouth as in gaming terms it is an AOE attack.

Kizaru tried to escape but her eyes changed and transformed to its EMS form allowing her to summon her Susanoo.

With her Susanoo, she swung a Susanoo sword at Kizaru cutting one of his legs off making him lose a leg.

Cutting off his leg caused him immense amount of pain as he desperately use Yata no kagami to escape from the battlefield as losing a leg caused his combat power to drop by a lot.

On another part of the battlefield…

Yukino's 10 clones used Susanoo to eliminate many of the marines and pirates near them, Aokiji then went to solve those 10 clones.

Nearing the 10 clones, Aokiji began using his armament and observation Haki to enhance his attack and protect himself and dodge their attacks. Obviously, this is a brain-dead strategy as 10 Susanoos is not the same as 10 normal people.

The clones created a Susanoo sword and began swinging it at him, this actually looks ridiculous at how 10 huge swords are swung at a single person. Aokiji then dodged the swords as it gave him a feeling of danger.

But more swords are swung at him which made him to use his armament Haki to his limit. When the sword hit him, it made him cough up blood and numbed his hands.




The swords were either parried with or dodge with Haki, so the clones decided to use more power.

Covering their Susanoo swords with armament Haki turned the originally dark blue sword to a navy blue, they then used their EMS to its full potential, letting them see and predict Aokiji's attack and with a swing, the swords hit Aokiji.

Because of the size and power of the sword, Aokiji's hand is gone leaving only him only one hand. This caused him to grit in pain as he proceeds to freeze his wounds as to not lose too much blood.

The surrounding marines were shocked as their admiral, the strongest military force of the marines, lost an arm. This brought the morals of the marines down while pirates were equally shocked.

Seeing Aokiji in a bad position, Akainu came over to deal with the clones.

His hand turned into magma as he punched the Susanoo, but it only caused slight damage to it.

He then continued to hit the Susanoo but was surrounded by the other clones. Because the clones coated the Susanoo sword with Amaterasu flames instead of armament Haki, the lethality increase by a lot.

When it hit Akainu, it burned him severely even though he is a magma man. The Amaterasu flames spread through from his hand to his elbow before he decisively cut it off to himself.

Akainu's combat power drops drastically as he left the battlefield because of severe injury. The clones ignored Akainu as their chakra is low and began killing the pirates with its remaining chakra.

The clones alone wiped out 1/4 of the marines and pirates meaning a lot of deaths for them.

A few hours has passed since the clones dispelled and a lot of marines and pirates are killed, only 1/4 of the marines are pirates are left.

Then luffy came to the battlefield from the sky with prisoners from impel down. Half of the shadow soldiers of shiro went and took care of the prisoners.

Luffy, however, ignored the shadow soldiers and went straight to ace as he wants to save him.

Seeing that the war is almost over, vimana's stealth mode is deactivated as it descends down from the sky.

Yukino, shiro, kaya, and shirahoshi all detected that vimana is descending. Yukino could detect it with chakra sense while the other 3 detected it with mana sense.

The 4 stopped fighting and looked up in the sky while showing a slight smile.

This weird action caused everyone in the battlefield to look up in the sky.

When looking up, everyone can see a golden and emerald ship descending the battlefield.

Everyone is confused as to what that is and some panicked.

the flying ship then went into a golden ripple that appeared leaving only a beautiful girl with chestnut hair floating in the air looking down below, like a goddess looking at mortals.

(A/N *COUGH* Aqua was put into the treasury as Mikoto might've forgotten about her when she tries to play god.)

She then released a fraction of her mana on everyone in the battlefield except the 4 girls, they received then felt something heavy pressing on them.

This release of mana caused natural disasters like natural thunder, heavy rain, and earthquake. Those are natural disasters caused by nature as a result of releasing heavy / dense mana.

Many marines and pirates fell to the ground while the stronger ones kneeled down including whitebeard himself. No matter how hard he tries to stand up, he will never get up as long as she doesn't allow it.

Both the marines and pirates began to fear her, like a mortal seeing a goddess. The only ones who didn't feel fear is whitebeard, the admirals, the fleet admiral, Garp, and some of the seven warlords. All they felt is worry and some of them just smiled fearlessly.

While being forced to kneel, Sengoku tried hard to lift his head to face her, gritting his teeth and said:

"What brings you here, Mikoto-sama?"

This shocked the marines as the representation of justice, fleet admiral sengoku, talked very politely to this pirate, granted she dominated the battlefield but even so…

Looking at sengoku, she slightly smiled and said:

"I'm here to stop the war. If you have any objections then say it as you'll be facing me."

The smile of Mikoto caused most marine soldiers to blush even some vice admirals blushed as she is that beautiful. Mikoto is naturally becoming more and more beautiful, surpassing most of the goddess in terms of beauty and will just grow more beautiful as she becomes stronger, but she suppresses her charm most of the time, only this time she decided to lessen the suppression of her charm.

However, only the marines decided to compromise as whitebeard still didn't save his son.

While still kneeling, he lifted his head with concealed difficulty and said:

"I will save my son today or I won't be called whitebeard!!!"

Hearing this, ace cried while shouting at him: "POPS! Stop! You don't need to save me!"

If any person were to see this 'touching' scene then he or she would probably let them go but she didn't care as it had nothing to do with her, she only tilted her head at whitebeard and said indifferently:

"So, does that mean you will fight me? Whitebeard?"

Whitebeard still showed a smile while saying: "Of course I will, but let's make a bet."

This shocked his crew as whitebeard never compromises. Mikoto looked at him with slight interest and said:

"Fine, A bet. Your terms."

With her answer, whitebeard said without hesitation:

"If I win, You will help ace and my sons to leave Marineford safely. If I lose then you can take my life."

Hearing the terms of the bet, Mikoto looked at whitebeard with slight amusement and agreed:

"I accept the bet, Mortal. I would only use my physical strength to defeat you."

Whitebeard nodded at her causing her to show a wide smile. She then raised her hand in the air and like heaven's declaration: "The terms are set. Contract Established."

She waved her hands and then a platform was created where everyone can see the fight.

Whitebeard on one side while Mikoto on the other.

While in the platform, misaka stopped releasing her mana causing the pressure on everyone to dissipate. Everyone focused on the platform including luffy.

Whitebeard then ran to Mikoto and punched the air in front of her causing it to have a mirror-like crack.

A shockwave erupted from it and travelled to Mikoto who also punched the shockwave and because of her monstrous physical strength, she negated the shockwave.

She then quickly followed up with a punch at whitebeard knocking him back. Her punch caused internal damage to whitebeard making him cough up blood.

"POPS!!!" shouted the sons of whitebeard.

She punched whitebeard again but with more power. This time it killed whitebeard.

Seeing whitebeard dead, the marines looked at her with a lot of fear in their eyes as whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, is dead. This solidified their belief that she is a goddess.

Whitebeard's sons on the other hand looked at her, not with fear but with anger. All the whitebeard commanders tried to get their revenge, but the 4 girls killed them.

When the whitebeard commanders died, this signifies the end of whitebeard's reign as an emperor and also the end of the whitebeard pirates.

Shiro walked to the corpse of whitebeard and said a single word that brought deep fear to the marines and pirates seeing this.


They saw something incredible, whitebeard's corpse turned to a black color then it got up and kneeled to her.

"Meet the Monarch!" Shouted the shadow whitebeard.

Everyone: ヽ(°〇°)ノ

'Good thing I didn't continue the war, even whitebeard became their subordinate.' Thought sengoku for a second.

Seeing that the war has ended, Mikoto decided to leave so she opened a portal and walked into it.

The other 4 girls followed her with a steady face while sengoku had a solemn face as he thought of what had happened:

'*Sigh* The marine's situation is very dangerous, the 3 admirals are very injured. It will take a while for them to return to their duties…' thought sengoku as he said: "I'm too old for this sh*t."

(A/N I think I got too excited to write at the part when misaka joins the battlefield. I was listening to dramatic music when writing this chapter, so it seems a bit 'edgy' or 'cringy'. Also whitebeard's personality is quite weird in this fanfic… just don't mind it. Also no chaps for 3 days.)