Adrian likes a raging bull...

" Bastard….what did you do to my wife?" Adrian yelled, fuming in anger.

On hearing the voice, Duke ran into the room where Katherine was there. He didn't expect Adrian at his home and stood rooted in the place. 

Adrian noticed Duke was shirtless and gritted his teeth in anger. " How dare you drug my wife! Huh!! " he shouted and punched him in the face. " How could you do to her? You…" Adrian punched him again. He looked like a raging bull.

Just in time, a young girl came to the room and asked him to stop. " Please calm down….Mister…"

" You want me to stop him beating...see….at my wife. She was drugged…" Adrian shouted, looking at Kathie.

" Please calm down...she was not drugged. She fainted due to a cold and fever. I think she hasn't had any food since morning…" She said, 

" Mr.Wilson….listen to me...once " Duke pleaded.