Adrian's promise

Exist you getting angry at me for seriously talking with your wife? Maria asked her son.

" It's not like that…" Adrian replied.

" I mean to tell you that you can talk to her after some time…" he said.

" Okay. Take her to your bedroom and let her rest for some time, " she suggested. He nodded his head and ascended the stairs carrying her in his arms.


He placed her on the bed and sat beside her at the edge of the bed, then asked, " Why didn't you let me tell the truth? " 

" If Aunt came to know that you are drunk. She would have a bad impression of you. She would think you would be upset for small problems instead of being strong. I don't want her to think about you like that because she always thinks of you as a good son and responsible person, " Katherine explained.

" How could you think like that?? " he asked, caressing her cheeks.