Time to take a decision

" Because I Love you so much…." She sobbed. The scene made his heart wrenched. But he doesn't want her to show his pain.

" Kathie….Still, you are awake? Didn't I tell you to sleep! " he asked her, walking towards the bed.

" Just, I was looking at our Sam…" she replied, rubbing her tears with the back of her palms. " Doctor said to take some rest…" he said and gestured to sleep her on his lap.

" Are you not angry at me? " she asked him. He gave a small smile and said, `` No''. Then he helped to keep her head on his lap.

" Really! " she asked, looking at his face. " Hmmm… sleep. We can talk about it later" he said. Then he crouched over her head and pressed his lips on her forehead.

" Do you know what Forehead kiss means? " he asked her. She blinked her eyes innocently and waited for his reply.