I will protect you

The plane landed on the private aviation ramp. Steven, Ruby, and Maria got off the plane. After they got down the plane, Adrian came out helping Katherine to walk whereas little Sam was carried on the stretcher by the bodyguards.

Steven, who got down, waited for both and welcomed them to his country. 

" Trust me, this place is safe for our stay till little Sam recovers. I arranged more than a hundred security guards and also installed surveillance cameras to monitor, " Steven said looking at Katherine who was so frightened by the past incidents. Then, he continued to say," I will take you to my Mansion now which is near to this place. You can freshen up, and later we will have dinner there. I already made a call to the doctor about our arrival. He will come and check little Sam. Then, we will decide about the next move. " Steven said. 

Before the plane landed, a Limo car was already waiting for them. The Chauffeur opened the door for them to be seated.