
Xiao Lin woke up from a deep sleep. He looked at the surroundings and can only grasp some air into his mouth.

Xiao Lin – "I still can't believe that this happened to me. I used to be an orphan in my previous life. But died of disease at an earlier age. But got incarnated with a sign-in system."

Xiao Lin wanted to sleep more and have some good sleep. But Xiao Lin opened his eyes, got up quickly, and walked outside the house.

He went to the farm and said "Sign-in."

System: Host got the "(9/10) Basic of farming knowledge."

Xiao Lin can only sigh. He is 22 years old. Xiao came to this world 9 days ago and he found his system is a farming sign-in system. Xiao Lin used to live with his grandmother but she died last year due to old age. When Xiao Lin came into this body of Xiao Lin when he got a fever and died.

It is a coincidence that both of us died of disease. Xiao's family was not rich. They are a normal farming family. So, I have to farm daily to have something to eat.

Atleast, I got the memory of Xiao and some skills from the system but it will take another day to get it. When I was reborn, I thought I will get some system that will make me the strongest in this world. But everything was spoiled with the farm sign-in system.

Xiao Lin was originally the five young masters of the Xiao family in the capital but because I am the son of the Concubine who was hated by my father, I have to leave the Xiao family to live with my maternal grandmother after my mother's death.

My grandmother was everything for me because my mother died when I was 5 years old. My grandmother begged my father to bring me with her. Even though we are a farmer family we lived a happy life. But until my grandmother also left. Her last wish was to see me get married and have a good life. But she was unable to see until the end.

To follow the last promise of my grandmother, I have asked for the marriage proposal but until now no one seems to be accepted. I also want to preserve my bloodline by passing them to my children's but it seems it is not possible for now.

To avoid death without food, Xiao Lin has to farm every day to earn something out of it. Everyone in his village knows about him. They also helped him after his grandmother's death.

This village is called the Bamboo village as it is surrounded by green bamboos. Xiao also did not reveal his family background to have a causal relationship with the villagers. His life in the Bamboo village is happier than his home in the capital.

Xiao Lin also didn't want to offend anyone as he doesn't have any martial skills which are popular in this world.

Xiao Lin walked towards the mountain god temple under the mountain for prayer. On the way, he met the fellow villagers and greeted them with morning wishes.

When he entered the mountain god temple, he saw a monk sitting in front of the gold statue.

Monk saw Xiao, had a big smile and said "Xiao never forgot to come to the temple every day for last 15 years to pray. You came to wish for a wife right. Everything will happen. Be patient, fate will be there for you."

Other junior monks who heard this laughed and had a greeting with Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin smiled seeing this. As it is a daily occurrence in the temple. He greeted them and went to pray to the mountain god. After 15 min he left the temple to return to his farm for farming work.

Xiao Lin who came out of the temple turned back and saw the old mountain god temple which tells some stories. He felt different today seeing that temple.

While a villager who came to pray in the time of seeing the Xiao Lin, asked: "What are you looking at the temple like you have seen a god, Xiao Lin?"

Xiao Lin – Nothing, I felt something good will happen today.

Villager – It is good right. Okay, I am going to visit the temple. I am already later today. See you later.

Xiao Lin - Okay.

Xiao Lin walked towards his farm which is near his home while is in the remote area of the village. When he reached his farm, he took a broom to sweep the courtyard of the house. After cleaning the courtyard, he took a bucket of water to water the plants.

But he saw unexpected surprising seen on his farm.

Xiao Li – Nowadays gods are faster in fulfilling the wishes of the people?

Because he saw a woman younger than him is sleeping on the farm. After thinking for some time he moved near her and waked her up by sprinkling water in her face.

She wakeup and asked "Water, I am thirsty. Some water."

Xiao Lin her some water to drink. After drinking to relieve her thirst, she asked "Can I have some food?"

Xiao Lin with happiness gave her some food in his house. After eating that she seems to regain her energy. Xiao Lin helped her to his house.

The woman started explaining after washing her face with water. "My name is Sakura."

Sakura – I am far away and traveled here on my own. My family got killed and only I escaped. I ran for there and somehow reached this place. I am from a martial arts family. I am sorry for causing trouble for you.

Xiao Lin – I am Xiao Lin, a normal farmer in this Bamboo village. It's okay it is not a big trouble to give some food and water to someone who needs it. You can stay in that room until when you decide to move from here or you can stay here if you want.

Xiao Lin thought – How can I allow the woman to leave when God has sent her to him as a wife? She is also beautiful and caring. How can I miss this chance? I use this chance to get her heart and marry her. While also children in the future.

Later, Xiao Lin came out of the house to work on the farmland. He continued his watering, weeding, pestering of plants on his farm before returning to the house to have lunch.

When Xiao Lin entered the house, he saw the Sakura is arranging foods on the table for them to eat.

Xiao Lin – Are you okay now. Have you had a good sleep?

Sakura – Thanks for the help. I had a good sleep. I leave later to avoid giving trouble.

Xiao Lin – It is not a trouble for me. As I live alone. There is also an extra room for your stay. I am troubled by your stay. I love to have someone waiting for me in my house to have lunch with me than having lunch alone. You can stay here if you want. I will never force you to do anything.

Sakura had a smile and said, "Thank you."

Xiao Lin – No, I should be thanking you for living in my home. It is lonely to be live alone you know.

After lunch, Xiao returned back to the farm to continue his work.

When Xiao Lin left Sakura seems to be smiling seeing Xiao Lin's departure to the farm. But the smile got lost and she started thinking about something worrying her.

Sakura – Sorry, father I can't do that. Please forgive me for that.

Looking in the direction of the sky Sakura said.

While Xiao Lin was happy as he never had a family in his last life and he was a lonely kind of person. And the farm is his best working space. While singing a song he started his work.

Originally Xiao Lin thought he would die without getting married but God himself has shown himself such a beautiful woman in his life. He will waste this chance.

Xiao's thoughts fluctuated thinking about Sakura.

Xiao Lin thought he has to be careful when he speaks with Sakura as he doesn't want to seem to be a vulgar person to Sakura. Xiao Lin wants to prove himself to be manly and worthy of her.

With determination, he started his work on the farm. When Xiao Lin returned home, he saw Sakura welcoming him with a smile. But it seemed like a wife waiting for his beloved husband with a smile for the Xiao.

Xiao also entered with a smile. Both of them had dinner and returned to their rooms to sleep. This time Xiao Lin had a good sleep as he has a family member to take care of.

Next day.

Xiao Lin woke up from his sleep and started checking his surroundings but he was happy to have Sakura living in his house. When he went out of the room, he saw Sakura who has to awaken earlier than him.

Xiao Lin – Good morning, Sakura. I wish you had a good sleep.

Sakura – Yes, I had a good sleep after a long time.

Nodding his head Xiao Lin went to wash and started preparing to go to the temple. Seeing this Sakura asked.

Sakura – It is early to go to work right.

Xiao Lin – Oh, it's just every day, I will go to the mountain to pray. I am doing this for the last 15 years.

It is the wish of my grandmother and it became a daily habit for me. Now I am following it. I go there to tell my worry and wishes to the mountain god.

Hearing that Sakura smiled and started focusing on her work. Two weeks went by, While Xiao and Sakura started living like a family.