Elder brother:

Xiao Lin – How cruel are you to point the sword towards your younger brother, my brother? You didn't whether I am good after a long time. I haven't meet you for years. It seems you already forgot about me. No one cared about me in the Xiao family anyway, including our father. Elder brother Qi did you forgot me Xiao Lin, the son born out of concubine died 18 years ago.

Xiao Qi and others were shocked to hear this news. "What young master of Xiao family?"

Xiao Qi remembering something.

Xiao Qi – Oh, you are the bastard who lives…

While he speaking, Xiao Lin slashed his sword and cut the mouth of the Xiao Qi, and spoke.

Other soldiers who saw this were surprised.

Xiao Lin – How rude of you, my brother? You just meet me, but you are already speaking nonsense. I will complain to the father later. You can soon see him in the hell.

Seeing the Xiao Qi was crying in pain and the culprit was in front of them speaking casually. Others got annoyed and attacked Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin – Your followers are also rude as you. I will clean them and we will have a good conversation.

Xiao Lin slashed at the soldiers and killed all of them within a minute.

Seeing this Xiao Qi was Shocked. "What kind of monster we have offended?"

After killing others Xiao Lin moved towards the Xiao Qi and spoke.

Xiao Lin – Oh my brother. Why did you side with them? Otherwise, you could have lived.

Without expecting anything good from his elder brother, Xiao Lin killed him.

Xiao Lin – I don't know what father will do after seeing this? Oh, I could have tried my illusion skill. I can try it next time.

Xian Lin moved towards the nearest water source to wash. After half an hour he saw a spring from the mountain. He washed and replaced the blood-stained clothes with the new clothes. While burned the blood-stained cloth.

Xiao Lin walked towards the inn saw on his way to have dinner and good sleep. It took him another one an hour to reach the inn.

Xiao Lin entered the inn wearing a hood to cover his face. Xiao Lin saw the inn which was crowded with the marital artists of different families and others drinking in the inn.

Xiao Lin – It seems all the slaughter has made them alert. I should fasten my progress but should be careful of the traps.

Xiao Lin sat on the chair in the corner of the inn, while ordering some dinner from the waiter who came to his table.

After 10 minutes, his dinner came. Xiao Lin started having his dinner without paying attention to the sound in the inn.

A group of martial artists of the fire sect entered the inn with the lady as their leader. They found the inn to be crowded with other martial family disciples. The tables are almost filled. They have 8 people in total in their team.

When looked for the free table, they saw the table in the corner had only one person. One table can accommodate 8 persons in the inn. They moved towards the corner table.

Xiao Lin was focused on his food after a long day of slaughter. He did not care about the other people's focus on his table.

Seeing Xiao Lin didn't care about their presence, 7 of them sat at Xiao's table while the last person sat at the nearest table waiting for Xiao Lin to finish his dinner.

Xiao didn't care about them; he ate his dinner and went back to the waiter to pay for the dinner. While also to ask for a room. But there were no free rooms available for him. Also found that nearest inns also don't have free rooms.

Thinking he is unlucky Xiao Lin moved towards the forest near the inn to find a place to have good sleep. Xiao Lin found a thick tree and used his sword to flatten the thick branch for him to sleep.

By hugging his backpack, he went to sleep in the branch of the tree.

While on the inn.

Fire sect disciples were having dinner and talking about their assignment.

Lady – I don't think we can find any clue regarding these incidents like other sects.

Disciple 1 – It is very hard. But the only thing everyone knows is only one person is responsible for this slaughtering of the Assassin sect.

Disciple 2 – What do you think the reason?

Disciple 3 – From the words, we found in the Assassin sect it seems to be revenge against something.

Disciple 4 – Assassin has offended a lot of people in their lifetime. We could expect all of them to have revenge against the Assassin sect.

Disciple 5 – Why don't we focus on the recent incidents first? It is better than nothing.

Disciple 6 – The recent incident they caused is under the order of the emperor. The slaughter of the White blossom family. But they don't have a strong person like this. It seems it will hard for everyone.

Disciple 7 – Maybe the text is to distract us.

Lady – I don't think so. But maybe. Anyway, we don't have any evidence to prove that idea. We have to focus on this case with the idea of caused by revenge. But did you guys noticed the guy who we saw earlier?

Disciple 3 – Yes, he seems to not care about us.

Disciple 4 – The most martial artist will have a little fear when they meet the disciples of the 10 sects. But he seems not to be.

Disciple 2 – Maybe he doesn't know about our background.

Disciple 1 - Yeah, there are people like that in our nation.

Lady – I am saying about the aura he had and he never showed his face like he is hiding something. He seems to be a sword practitioner from the sword he had with him. Maybe we should investigate him. He seems to know about us, but never cared about us. He behaved like we are ants to him.

With that, they moved towards the waiter to ask about Xiao Lin. Later, they moved towards the forest to find Xiao Lin.

Other family disciples who were also eating in the inn also heard that. They decided to investigate Xiao Lin. Even if Xiao is innocent, they never cared about it. It will be fun for them to play with prey like Xiao Lin who seems to have no family background from his clothes. Every other in the inn followed what the fire sect did and moved towards the forest Xiao Lin was sleeping.

Xiao Lin who sleeping at the top of the tree woke up from sleep hearing the sound of movements of people in the surroundings.

Xiao Lin observed them for a minute. Seeing they are looking for him Xiao Lin smiled while also got mad for not letting him sleep peacefully. When he knows they are looking for him, to interrogates him without any evidence. His anger only increased.

Xiao Lin – I thought I should have some rest for a night. But it seems heaven wants them to die today.

Lady – Where is he? He couldn't have run away that easily right.

Xiao Lin jumped from the branch leaving his backpack in the branch. Xiao Lin landed in-crowd.

Xiao Lin – I think you should be looking for me. Can I know the reason?

Lady and others were surprised.

Lady – We think you are suspicious of crime. You should come with us. Don't try to run. You can't escape us.

Xiao Lin – Oh, you became suspicious of me and wanted to investigate me. So, anyone can take law into their hands in this nation. Why should I escape from you?

Xiao Lin took out his katana and said "You guys are unlucky."

Xiao Lin started killing all the family disciples who came to the forest to capture him without mercy.

Finally, after killing others he walked towards the Lady and said: "You seems to be from the fire sect and responsible for disturbing my sleep."

Lady – Who are you? Why are you killing innocent people?

Xiao Lin – There are no innocent people for me in this world. There is only one person who opposes or supports me. Your family will oppose me when I go to the imperial family for revenge because of your loyalty. I should clean you first to prevent the interruption in the fight against them. Good luck in your next life.

Without mercy, he killed her and moved to the next place to have good sleep.

"I think I should clean the fire sect first. As I have killed a Lady of that family. They will definitely come for me. Instead, I will go for them and slaughter them. It will take time like the Assassin sect as they also have branch families and fire is a problem for me. But I can use the illusion technique to kill them slowly.

Xiao Lin had a good sleep in another tree branch and woke up when the sunlight hit his face. Xiao Lin cleaned him in the river and moved towards the next goal.

After three hours.

Guards in the gate are having a conversation with each other. While they saw a young lady of their clan is running towards them with wounds and blood-stained clothes with fear. She seemed to run away from something.

Head guard – Young lady what happened?

Young lady 'Zheng Shuang' – Help me, with that she fell on the floor losing consciousness.