Studying Overseas

Ava's baby fat was long gone by the time she reached her teens. Getting good genes from her parents, she became more and more beautiful as she got older. By the time she was in middle school, she was already a popular child actress, and her face became well known all around the Philippines. This then made it hard for her to continue attending her usual school.

Because of all this, Jeff and Ann decided to let Ava go to a high school overseas where no one knew who she was. At least that's what they thought.

But where overseas was the question? That's when Ann decided to contact her cousin, Alexa Grant, who was the daughter of ex-president Grant of the United States of America and a former beauty queen who was now married to King Alexander, and now the Queen of Stonasia.

When Alexa heard what Ann and Jeff wanted, she was touched that they thought of her and decided to trust her with their precious child. She more than welcomed Ann's request and immediately informed King Alexander and asked to arrange Ava's smooth admission to a prestigious high school in the Kingdom of Stonasia.


Ava called to inform Akira of her parents' plan to let her attend high school in the Kingdom of Stonasia. When Akira heard of this, she suddenly wanted to go to the same high school as her best friend too.

"Are you sure? Please go! We can be roommates for the next four years. Hahaha!" Ava was thrilled to hear that Akira wanted to attend the same high school as her.

"Do you think your parents will let you go? If you want my parents to speak to your parents, I will ask them. Just let me know!" Ava was so excited that she didn't realize she was speaking loudly, and Ann heard it as she passed by her room.

After hearing what Ava said, she hastened to her room to make a call to Ashley.


Akira immediately bid Ava goodbye so she could ask her parents. Unknown to her that Ann was already speaking to her mother. Ashley had already agreed that she would first talk to Tanaga and the final decision was his.

By the time Akira arrived at the parlor where her mother was having tea, Ashley was on the phone with a big smile on her face.

"Speak of the devil, she just arrived. I'm going to have to let you go so I could give this little girl the good news. I know why she's here, and from the look on her face, she can't wait. Talk to you later!" Ashley then hung up the call and gave her undivided attention to Akira.

Akira was standing right in front of Ashley, waiting for her to finish her conversation with whoever is on the other line. When she saw her mother hung up, she quickly sat next to Ashley on the sofa. She put her head on her mother's shoulder like a little kitten while she linked her arms between Ashley's.

With her puppy dog eyes looking at her mother, she asked. "Mom, I just spoke to Ava and..." But, unfortunately, she didn't get to finish what she was about to say when Ashley put her finger on her lips.

"Shh! You don't have to tell me. I just spoke to her mother just now." Said Ashley with a straight face.

"And?" Asked Akira without blinking an eye.

"I will discuss it with your father tonight, and I will give you an answer tomorrow at breakfast. How's that?" Replied Ashley while she slowly removed her daughter's hands so she could reach the cup of tea on the coffee table.

Hearing what her mother just said, Akira jumped up and started jumping for joy. She knew her father loved her and would give in to everything she asked for; this meant that it was a sure win. She will be attending the same high school as Ava. She was looking forward to the years to come.

She swiftly bent over to give her mother a peck on her cheek, then rushed out of the room to call her best friend to tell her the good news.

When Ava learned that Akira would be joining her, she was thrilled, and that night when she played a video game, she informed the big brother who had been helping her play the games of her news.

"Yea! I'm so glad because now I will not be lonely. My best friend will be joining me." She was saying to big brother while they were playing.

"I'm happy for you! Just make sure that you don't forget me when you get there. With your best friend by your side, you probably forget all about me. Hahaha!" Banters big brother on the other line. The two always chat while they're playing, and Ava feels comfort whenever she's speaking with him. She doesn't know why?


Days went by quickly, and then the day arrived when it was time for the girls to fly to the Kingdom of Stonasia. Ashley and Ann were to accompany the two girls and settle them into their dormitories. The two mothers also wanted a chance to visit and chat with the Queen of Stonasia.

They were going to fly using Tang's new toy. It was a bullet jet, a one-of-a-kind plane that was designed just for him. He wanted to tag along with the girls, but Ashley was adamant that he shouldn't either since Jeff wasn't coming. There was nothing he could do but pout like a spoiled child and bid his wife, daughter, and toy goodbye.

Young Jeffrey was not happy that he would be separated from his twin sister for the next four years. However, the thought of getting all the attention from everyone without competition was much more appealing. So he gave his twin sister a tight embrace and bid her a sweet goodbye while smiling from ear to ear.

Nine-year-old Arria was not happy learning that her older sister was studying abroad, and she wanted to go with her. Ann explained why Ava must leave, and she sadly accepted but was not happy about it. She insisted that when it was time for her to go to high school, she would also attend the same school—Her parents reluctantly agreed to stop her from crying.

Sophia, Albert Tan, Grandpa Go, Grandma Tan, Ethan, and Eva went with Jeff, Arria, and Jeffrey to the airport to see Ashley and Ava off. It was heartbreaking for the older family members to watch Ava leave, but they understood her situation and let her go with a sad smile on their faces.

Ava gave everyone a tight embrace and bid them goodbye with a wide grin plastered on her beautiful young face. She was over the moon and was looking forward to her next adventure with her best friend, Akira Jones...


Author's note:

Thank you for your continued support. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. If you have time, I would greatly appreciate a review to let me know how I'm doing and also for other potential readers that might not give this story a chance otherwise.

I really like to hear from all of you. Comment, Review, and if you have spare power stone... Vote!

Thank you! And may God bless you all!
