James Could Only Wonder...

While on the way to the kingdom of stonasia, the bullet jet had to stop over in Japan to pick up Ashley and Akira. Ava was so excited, she couldn't sit still, and it was driving Ann crazy just watching her.

"Sweetheart, what is wrong with you? Do you have ants inside your pants?" Banters Ann, while sitting looking very elegant in her cream suit.

Ava did not hear what Ann had said; she was too busy watching the video promo of the school that they would be attending with a headset covering both of her ears.

Ann only shook her head and continued reading the script she bought with her. She will be acting in a new movie as the lead actress, and they will start taping once she comes back after helping Ava settle into the new school. Ava would have been in the film as well if she weren't starting school abroad.

The whole flight was swift, having ridden a bullet jet. Soon, they arrived in Japan without delay.


Meanwhile, the Jones's were already in the VIP lounge waiting for them. The whole family went to the airport with Ashley and Akira to see them off. Even grandma Hanada and her assistant Harumi were there. The only one missing was Ashton; he was too busy training with his group and was not allowed to leave; they were about to make their debut, so the rules were even stricter now.

James, who had been living in the school dormitory, came home this time only to send his sister off. He knew that it would be a while before he saw her again. He was a junior now in high school, and after graduation, he would be going abroad for college. Then it would be another 4~6 years that he would be away.

Ashley and grandma Hanada were busy chatting as they waited for Ava and Ann to arrive.

Tanaga knows that Jeff will not be able to accompany the mother and daughter, which is why he didn't insist on accompanying them; although, he really wanted to.

James was standing by the glass windows, looking out onto the tarmac, and was in deep thought. For some odd reason, he's feeling anxious. He couldn't understand why? Then, Tanaga saw him from the corner of his eye and decided to tease his son.

He pulled James to a corner a little further away from everyone and whispered, "Aren't you curious? Don't you want to sneak a peek and see what she looks like now?" He teased while tapping James' shoulder.

James gave his father a look that could kill. "Father!" That was all he said and hurriedly went towards his mother to kiss her goodbye, then to his younger sister. Then he swiftly went towards the restroom and decided to hide there until they left.

Ashley saw what her husband had done and was annoyed with him. She then got up and walked toward Tanaga, who was still chuckling from what he did.

"Tanaga Jones! Come here!" Said Ashley in a whisper while pulling him further away from everyone's earshot.

"What did you say to James? I hope you didn't remind him of Ava. Remember to shut your mouth and don't spill a word about it to Ashton, if you do—just wait till I come back, and you're dead meat." She warned, and she meant every word she said.

Tanaga acted innocent, and with puppy dog eyes, he gave her a sweet kiss on her lips before answering.

"I was only playing with him. I saw him standing there," his lips puckered, pointing toward the transparent glass where James was standing earlier. "He looked so anxious while staring outside. If I guessed right, he's curious and afraid at the same time." Said Tanaga sheepishly.

"Well, he should be. Although she's still in her teens, Ava is now a beautiful, smart, and sweet young lady. Ashton is the lucky one that's going to marry her, thanks to James. So he can forget about being curious. And.. stop teasing him!" Warned Ashley with a teasing smile on her face before turning around to go back and sit down.

Tanaga could only follow his wife like a bit of puppy with his tail tucked in between his legs.


They didn't have to wait much longer; the bullet jet had finally landed and was waiting to be cleared.

Once the bullet jet was cleared, Ashley and Akira could go ahead and board. Everyone got up and bid the mother and daughter goodbye. Unfortunately, they were busy saying their goodbyes and did not realize that Ann and Ava had decided to exit the plane and go down to the VIP room to say hello to everyone.

Akira saw Ava and ran to her friend and gave her a tight embrace. "Ava!!!! Oh, I'm so excited!" She exclaimed as a form of greeting.

Ava shyly smiled at her friend and returned the tight embrace, and whispered. "Me too!"

Meanwhile, her eyes were looking for someone, a young man. But when she didn't see any young man around, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Ava didn't want to come out and greet the Jones's, but Ann was adamant that out of respect, she must. Ava had no choice, even though there was a certain someone she didn't want to meet at all— Her future husband.

Akira sensed that Ava was looking for someone, but who? She didn't know and had no idea. She didn't know anything about the marriage agreement between her family and Ava's family.

Tanaga and Ashley made sure no one ever mentioned it in their household when the children were around. Therefore, only James and his parents were the ones who knew about the marriage agreement.

Meanwhile, James decided to sneak out and went back to the car to wait. He, too, didn't want to face Ava. He was afraid that she had not forgiven him yet and didn't want to be a party pooper.

He felt that it should have been long forgotten, but the mere mention of the marriage agreement was taboo inside their home. It could only mean that Ava and her parents still haven't forgiven him, and he had no face to show. Although, he was really curious to see what she looked like now.

James could only wonder...