Pearl Grant

Ann greeted everyone and when she was introduced to grandma Hanada, the older woman was filled with joy. She had seen many of Ann's movies and dramas due to Ashley, Ann's number one fan.

"Oh, my! You are more beautiful in person. The camera doesn't do you any justice. I'm a fan, and I love all your movies and dramas." Said grandma Hanada while still holding Ann's hand.

"Thank you!" Ann shyly replied with a sweet smile plastered on her beautiful face.

Just then, grandma Hanada saw Ava and her eyes twinkled. "This must be your daughter Ava, the one that..." Unfortunately, she didn't get to finish what she was about to say because Tanaga intervened.

"Ann! How have you been? I heard you accepted the collaboration between THJ Entertainment and World Group. Can I have a word with you before you take off?" It was only an excuse that Tanaga needed to speak with Ann. Grandmother Hanada almost let the cat out of the bag. Luckily he was swift enough to prevent her from spilling the beans.

Ann was momentarily stunned that Tanaga wanted to speak to her. She looked in Ashley's direction and confirmed if it was alright for her to talk to Tanaga.

Ashley winked at her secretly, and she understood.

"Sure! I could spare a moment." She then let go of grandma Hanada's hands and followed Tanaga. Ashley followed right behind them to join them in their conversation.

"That was close," Said Ashley as they sat down at one of the sofas further away from everyone.

Ann was at a loss for words. She had no idea what's going on. She looked between Ashley and Tanaga, curiosity showing on her face.

"I'm sorry! My grandmother was about to mention the marriage arrangement, and we know how Ava feels about it. Also, Akira has no idea, and we don't want her to know either. We promised that we would discuss it when the time comes, and this is not the time." Explained Tanaga while looking in the children's direction, making sure they don't hear their conversation.

Ann finally understood what was going on, and her lips slightly curved. "It's no big deal, but yes, we also don't discuss it at home. Jeff said to let Ava grow up normal and not have to worry about the marriage arrangement until the time comes. I'm sure when she meets her husband, she will fall in love with him." Ann looked around, trying to find James, but he was nowhere in sight.

"Where is he, by the way?" She asked when she couldn't find James anywhere.

Ashley and Tanaga both looked around as well and couldn't see James. "Let me call him and find out where he's at. I wanted to see their reaction when they met," said Ashley, unknown to her that James is no longer Ava's intended. Tanaga never divulged to her that he agreed with James that Ashton will be the one to marry Ava when the time comes.


Just as Ashley was about to dial James' number, a text message came in. It was from James.

[Mother, take care and have a safe flight. Tell Akira that I will miss her and will try to visit her when I have time. Unfortunately, I had a headache and decided to go home ahead. I love you!]

[It's okay, I will be back in a couple of days anyway. I will give your message to your sister. I love you too!] She then hit the send button.

Ashley showed Tanaga the message while glaring at him. "It's your fault, you know that!" Her eyes were saying. She then typed a message back to her son.

Tanaga raised his hands before preparing to get up.

When Ann saw, she also got up while Ashley followed suit.

Soon the final goodbyes were said, and the two pairs of mother and daughter walked toward the gate to board the bullet jet that would take them to the Kingdom of Stonasia.

On the way home inside the car, Tanaga and James weren't speaking with each other. James had his eyes closed while both of his ears had earbuds on. He was listening to nothing; he just didn't feel like speaking to his father.

Tanaga kept quiet on his end while busy looking at the financial reports on his laptop. He wanted to say something to James about Ava but changed his mind and let the future decide.


Queen Alexa had prepared a lavish banquet for the girls when they arrived. She also invited the headmistress and some of the faculty members of the Royal Academy, where the two girls would be attending. She wanted to introduce the girls and let the Royal Academy faculties know that she's the girls' sponsor.

Ann had been in the palace many times, and so has Ava; therefore, they were used to the way of living in the palace. However, it was Ashley and Akira's first-time visit, and they were overwhelmed when they saw how extravagant and huge the whole place was.

Queen Alexa's assistant was already waiting for them at the palace's front door when they arrived. "Welcome! The King and the Queen await you in the east wing." She then curtsied as a welcoming gesture.

Ann nodded, and Ashley followed. Ava and Akira held hands as they stood, waiting for the assistant to direct them where the east wing was.

"Please, follow me!" Said the assistant while making way for the four to enter.

Just as they were about to walk inside the palace, another car came bearing a flag at the four corners of the vehicle. It was the United States of America flag, and everyone stopped and turned around to look.

The driver came out and swiftly opened the door for the people inside to exit. The first to come out was President Daniel Grant, followed by his wife, Andrea Grant.

The last one to step out of the car was a young 13-year-old 'Pearl Grant' who also would be attending Royal Academy with Ava and Akira.