She's Bad News

Everyone stopped and waited for the Grant family to reach them. Daniel was helping his wife, Andrea, as they walked towards where everyone was standing still. Followed by shy Pearl, who was sauntering behind her parents.

Andrea, with a smile plastered on her face, saw Ann among the people waiting. She quickened her pace, and once she reached where Ann was standing she exclaimed, "Ann! How have you been? It's been a while since the last time we saw each other!" She said laughing as she gave Ann a light embrace.

"Andrea! Yes, it has been a while. And who is this beautiful young woman? Could it be?" Ann asked sweetly while returning Andrea's embrace.

"Yes! It's her; she's now a bashful young lady, as you can see." Andrea whispered, only for Ann to hear.

Ann then remembered President Daniel Grant standing right behind his wife Andrea.

"Hey, cousin! It's nice of you to be able to come and join us. If Jeff finds out that you came, he would be upset because I didn't let him tag along. Hahaha!" Banters Ann while her arms were stretched out for a hug toward her half-cousin.

Daniel, looking immaculate in his suit, hugged Ann back. "Hahaha! Don't worry, I won't mention it if you don't." He bantered back while looking in Ashley's direction.

"Mrs. Jones! How are you? How's CEO Jones? He didn't come as well?" Daniel remembered Ashley from when she visited the White House a long time ago, back when his father was still the President.

Ashley was surprised that Daniel still remembered her. It was many years ago since the last time they went to the White House for a visit. She quickly extended her arms for a handshake.

"Yes, it has been a while. Many, many years ago. Hahaha! Tanaga had some important business to attend to and was unable to accompany us. I'm sure he too would be disappointed if he learned that you also came." She then introduced her daughter Akira. The young girls shyly said hello to Daniel and Andrea. Then they went towards Pearl so that they could introduce themselves to her.

"Hi, Pearl! It's me, Ava; I'm your cousin! This is my friend Akira Jones. We're all the same age, and it seems we're attending the same school; I hope we can all be friends!" Said Ava in a friendly tone before grabbing Pearl's and Akira's hands and then walking together towards the opened palace door.

"Let's all check out inside the palace; I promise you that you will love it!" Exclaimed Ava while pulling the two girls along.

Smiles protruded on all the adults' faces. They loved that the three girls liked each other, hoping that they stayed that way. One less thing to worry about for each of the parents. They would be able to comfortably leave the children to the care of the headmistress of the school.


The queen's assistant directed them to the East wing, where everyone was gathered. When they arrived, they found another young girl and a young boy among the people inside.

However, the young girl of about the same age as the three girls was not very friendly. On the other hand, the young boy was the opposite; when he saw the three girls walk in, he swiftly got up to welcome them. Then, he excused himself to the person he was speaking with and sauntered towards the three girls happily chatting as they walked inside.

When the young boy reached the three girls at the threshold of the East wing, he slightly bowed to them before introducing himself.

"Welcome! I'm Prince Edmund of Tresha. It's a kingdom not far away from here. I'm 15 years old and a junior at the Royal Academy. If you need any help settling in, don't hesitate to ask me for help." his pearly white straight teeth were visible, and a small dimple was showing on his left cheek as he smiled.

Ava was the first to introduce herself. "Thank you! I'm Ava Go, I'm 13, and I'm from the Philippines." She said while waving her hand.

Next was Akira, "Hello! I'm Akira Jones from Japan, and I'm also 13 years old." She waved her hand as a greeting.

Last was Pearl, "Hello! Thank you!" That was all she said and shyly put her head down and looked at her feet.

Ava nudged Pearl, "What was that? Raise your head and introduce yourself properly." She whispered so no one could hear what she said.

Pearl raised her head and looked at Prince Edmund straight up, "Oh, I'm also 13 years old, and I'm from the United States of America." Her voice was barely audible. Luckily they were in close proximity when Prince Edmund heard what she said.

"And your name?" He asked while his eyes wide, giving all his attention to the shy girl.

Pearl fidgeted before she responded, feeling very awkward. "I'm Pearl Grant."

"Oh, you're President Grant's daughter. Nice to meet you!" He proudly said while looking back and forth between the three girls. But, deep inside him, he was saying, 'This is impossible!! Why are they all so pretty? I can't choose and pick between all three of them. I'm going to have a blast this semester and for the rest of my high school career.'

Prince Edmund invited the three girls to where the young lady was and planned to introduce them to her. However, when the young lady saw that they were coming towards her direction, her eyebrows knitted, and she swiftly made an excuse to go to the ladies' room.

Ann, Ashley, and Andrea, who were busy chatting with queen Alexa, all saw what had happened and shook their heads simultaneously.

Call it a mother's instinct, they all could sense that the young girl would be a troublemaker. So they quickly discussed with each other to give the girls a warning to stay away from her.

Daniel was busy eyeing Prince Edmund and not paying attention to King Alexander. When he saw how friendly the young boy was to his beloved daughter, his brows almost collided with each other.

King Alexander saw Daniel's reaction, and he smiled and decided to tease Daniel.

"Are you sure you can bear to leave your precious daughter here in my kingdom? She might never return home, you know." He bantered with a big grin plastered on his face.

"Your Majesty!" Exclaimed Daniel as he was about to get up.


The dinner was fabulous; it was definitely fit for Royalty. Queen Alexa overdid herself. She made sure that they had a lot of food. In the middle of the long table were Filipino and Western food, among other delicacies from other parts of the world.

Everyone had enjoyed the banquet, and King Alexander complimented Queen Alexa for a job well done.

After dinner, the adults continued chatting over tea while the youngsters went on a tour of the palace lead by Ava, who had been in every nook and cranny of the palace.

The other young girl was finally introduced to the three girls by Prince Edmund. Her name is Lady Crystal of Edenburg. She was also 13 years old and the daughter of the Duke of Edenburg. She was betrothed to the crown prince of 'Treshna,' Prince Edmund's older brother.

However, Lady Crystal had no feelings for the crown prince of Treshna. Instead, she liked Prince Edmund, who knew what kind of trouble this would become. Especially to the person that Prince Edmund will eventually fall for.

While Ava was busy yapping about everything they passed by, Akira was seriously listening.

Prince Edmund was not interested at all. Instead, all his attention was on Pearl, who was quietly following and nodding once in a while. On Prince Edmund's right side, Lady Crystal was shooting daggers at Pearl unknowingly...


Author's note:

I hope you're still enjoying the story. It's a little slow-burn right while I'm introducing some of the characters to give you all a better idea.

Of course, our main characters are the twins and Ava.

Stay awhile and see you at the end. Please, don't forget to support and vote.

Thank you!
