Royal Academy

The children had fun touring the palace, except for lady Crystal. She was in a bad mood the whole time and didn't care about the tour.

When the children arrived back at the East Wing, the faculty members were all gone, and only the headmistress was left with the parents. King Alexander was called for something essential, and Queen Alexa was left to attend to their guests.

After the children's arrival, the headmistress prepared to leave and bid them goodbye.

"Children, I'm looking forward to having you in the Royal Academy. I'm sure you will enjoy your next four years with me." She then winked at them before giving her final goodbye and walked out the door.

Prince Edmund and his attendant also departed with the promise that he would be waiting for them at the Royal Academy.

Lady Crystal was to spend the night at the palace and decided to have an early night. So she left with her attendant after paying her respects to the Queen and the other adults. However, she only gave the nod to the girls before walking out of the room like the lady.

Ann, Andrea, and Ashley all saw what Lady Crystal had done and wasn't happy about it.

"Aunt Alexa, mom... If you'll excuse us, we will go to our room already. I'm tired and want to go to bed." Ava said while looking at Akira and Pearl to also say something. The two girls got the message and also excused themselves.

All the mothers and Queen Alexa only nodded in agreement before continuing on with their conversation.

"Before we leave Stonasia, we need to speak with the headmistress and the children about that young lady. I have a bad feeling that she will create trouble for our girls in the school. Although I know that my girl can take care of herself, you never know what could happen, right?" Ann voiced her opinion of what they saw.

"I agree!" Ashley and Andrea said simultaneously.

Queen Alexa raised her brows when she heard Ann's comment. She didn't realize that there was hostility among the girls.

"Cousin, rest assured that I will not let anything happen to any of the girls. They are my girls now, and I will protect them with my life. I promise you that!" Alexa's feisty side came out.

The three mothers felt at ease after hearing Queen Alexa's words. Luckily, President Daniel Grant was no longer in the room. He was called for some important matter and excused himself early on. If not, he would surely leave a dozen secret services instead of just two to watch over their precious daughter.

Once they got that out of the way, the mothers and Queen Alexa began discussing what had been going on with their lives in the past years. They had many years to catch up on, and it was very late in the evening when everyone had gone to bed.


Meanwhile, the girls decided to share a room instead of sleeping in separate quarters. So they all first went to their own rooms assigned to them to take a shower and get ready for bed. Then once that was done, Akira and Pearl went to Ava's room to sleep.

Ava was sitting on top of her bed playing games on her cellphone. She had earbuds on both of her ears, so she didn't hear the two girls come in.

Ava was startled when suddenly the two girls jumped on both sides of the bed. They squeezed her to see what she was doing.

"What are you doing?" asked Akira while peeking into Ava's phone to see what she was playing.

Ava didn't respond and continued to play. She was in the middle of the game, and her big brother was talking to her. She had gotten better at playing games, and big brother no longer had to carry her to rank up. She was busy listening to what he was saying and playing at the same time.

For many years now, they had become close, although they had never met in person. She never told him her real name, and he never asked either. She let him call her little sister or her in-game name 'little fox.'

'The King' is James' in-game name. However, Ava only called him big brother and never asked for his real name either. They never discussed their personal lives, and they liked keeping it that way until the day that they could actually meet in person.

While Ava was engrossed with playing and chatting, Pearl peeked a little, and when she saw that she was playing games, she lost interest and opened the book that she took with her. Once she started reading her manga, she was in her own world.

Akira also lost interest when Ava didn't respond to her. Instead, she grabbed her tablet and started searching for her idols online. She hasn't had the chance to check if there were any new posts or content since they had arrived because she's been busy with dinner and the tour.

Soon, the three girls were busy doing their own thing. Finally, after a few hours, they all fell asleep on one bed.

The next day, the girls woke up early because of their excitement. They couldn't wait to go to Royal Academy and see the new school. They only saw the video sent to them, and from what they have seen, it's a magnificent place.

They couldn't wait to see the place in person because this was where they're going to spend the next four years of their teenage lives.


After breakfast, the girls quickly ran excitedly back to their rooms to pack and prepare to depart for the Royal Academy. The mothers' did the same thing since they will be leaving to go back home as soon as the children are settled in.

Meanwhile, at the Royal Academy, the headmistress informed everyone that the King and Queen of Stonasia would be visiting. Therefore, all the students and faculty members must go to the auditorium to welcome their arrival.

Only the Headmistress and Prince Edmund, who was looking gallantly and radiant in his Royal Academy uniform, were outside the front door waiting for everyone to arrive.

A moment later, cars were lined up in front of the Royal Academy...