Don't TouchThat!

Ava had finished speaking with Jeff over the phone by the time Akira and Pearl arrived back in the villa. Her father promised to take care of the matter ASAP. She talked to her younger sister Arria a little before bidding them goodbye so she could get ready for bed. Unfortunately, Ann had not made it back yet and was still in the air, so she could not speak with her.

She was getting ready to take a shower when she heard someone knocking on the door. She assumed it was one of the two girls or both. "Come in! The door's open!" She hollered from her bathroom.

The door opened, and both Akira and Pearl walked in with sad faces. Akira was pouting while Pearl was almost in tears. They were both upset because Ava left them to fend for themselves. Prince Edmund was kind enough to accompany them back to their villa, but they preferred to go back together with Ava.

"Are you guys alright?"

"We're fine!" Replied Akira coldly, as she jumped on Ava's bed and laid flat on her back.

"No, I'm not!" Complained Pearl while her finger pointed at Ava. She was inwardly conflicted if she should say it. "Y-You! I'm mad at you!" Was all she could say, expecting Ava to know what she meant.

"And why is that? What did I do?" Ava replied.

"Y-You left us. You left us with that pompous playboy. I don't know what he is thinking, but I don't like him at all." Pearl said, still attempting to hold back how sad she was.

"And do you know why I left?" Ava asked.

"No, I don't! Unless you tell us." Pearl said.

"I left because of you said, a pompous playboy. Hahaha!" said Ava as she burst into laughter.

All three girls began laughing out loud. Then all three of them came together and did a sisterly embrace while still laughing.

After they got that out of the way, Pearl and Akira went back to their rooms to prepare for bed. Ava did the same thing. Once they were ready for bed, Pearl and Akira came to Ava's room bearing their favorite pillows, blanket, and stuffed animals.

Ava was sitting in front of the vanity doing her nightly skincare ritual. Since she was a child, her mother had taught her this to keep her skin pure and beautiful.

When Pearl and Akira saw her, both sat next to her and began doing the same thing as what she was doing. They just grabbed her stuff on top of the vanity without asking. Of course, Ava didn't like that at all.

"Hey! What are you two doing? You can't just use other people's personal things. Don't you have any of your own?" She was grabbing her things back from both girls as she scolded them. Both girls came from rich families, why would they need to snatch her stuff.

"I only use soap and moisturizer; I've never had all these... You have so many goodies." Said Akira while trying to take back the bottle of toner that Ava took from her hands.

"My mom and dad said I'm too young to be using skincare products. They said it will ruin my face if I start young. So, I don't have any of that." Said Pearl while her finger was pointing at all of the skincare products on Ava's vanity.

Ava only shook her head; she started to feel like the older sister to them, which was weird because they were all the same age. She was raised with beauty products since her mother is a model and a celebrity. Unlike the two girls, Akira's mom is a businesswoman and the same as Pearl's. Her mother is a famous fashion designer, but she never was a fashionista.

Ava gave in and let the girls play around with her skincare products. Then, she started tutoring them on which one to use and in which order.

As she was watching the two girls cleaning their faces, she was in deep thought. But, first, she would have to ask her mother to send her two extra sets of skincare products for the two girls so that she didn't have to share in the future.


The next day, the girls were asked to go to the guidance counselors office to talk about their class schedules. Then after that, they needed to meet with the uniform department to choose and fit their uniforms.

Prince Edmund was already outside waiting for them when they stepped out of the villa.

"Good morning!" That was all he said while standing regally with his two hands in his pocket.

He was already wearing his uniform, a black jacket, white polo shirt, black tie, and pants. His coat had an emblem of the Royal Academy by the right breast. He looked magnificent and dashing.

All three girls greeted him politely. "Good morning to you too, your highness!" Said the trio simultaneously.

Prince Edmund's brows raised a little. He didn't like it that they kept on calling him 'your highness.' He wanted them to just call him Edmund, not even Prince Edmund. But, unfortunately, they weren't that close yet for him to request that. So he had to wait until such time when they all became good friends.

"Shall we? We should have breakfast first, then I could go with you three to the guidance counselor before I go to my class." He said as he turned sideways to give way to the three girls.

"After you!" He gestured to them to go ahead, and he would follow with his assistant.

Mary was standing by the door; she was in charge of the girls during the day when they had class. She followed along right next to Prince Edmund's assistant. He smiled at her as a form of greeting, and she smiled back as they continued pursuing their charges.

When the trio arrived at the guidance counselor's office, Crystal was already sitting in the waiting room. She, too, needed to speak with the guidance counselor about her class schedule.