Hatching A Plan To Sabotage...

The girls greeted her politely as they walked in, but she just ignored them. She had her nose stuck up in the air while muttering something. When she turned to look at them discreetly, she saw that Prince Edmund was with them. A smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she swiftly got up.

"Prince Edmund, good morning!" She greeted with the sweetest smile she could conjure.

Prince Edmund ignored her. He bid the trio goodbye before turning around to leave without acknowledging Crystal's greeting.

The three girls saw what happened and started giggling silently among themselves.


Crystal wanted to go after Prince Edmund, but she heard the girls snickering and decided to save face and sit back down. However, she couldn't help herself and had to say something to the trio.

"What are you all looking at? hmph!" She barked at them then turned her head the other way.

The three girls giggled some more and this time a little louder.

Crystal heard it and was about to say something. However, the door to the guidance counselor's office opened, and a distinguished woman appeared.

"Ava Go?" She asked, looking at the three girls seated together. She didn't even glance in Crystal's direction. That made Crystal's jaw open in shock. She was there first, but why is the guidance counselor calling Ava first? That wasn't right. She raised her hand to get the guidance counselors attention.

"Ma'am! I was here first. Why is she going in before me?" She was now standing with her right hand in the air while the left hand was on her hips.

"And you are?" Retorted the guidance counselor while her brows were raised.

"I'm Lady Crystal Edinburgh, daughter of the Duke of Edinburgh," She proudly responded, nose in the air.

"Oh, you will be called when it's your turn. Now sit back down and wait for your turn." The guidance counselor then turned her attention to Ava, who was just standing there watching the drama.

Crystal stumped her feet before sitting back down. Her lips puckered while she shot daggers at Ava, who was entering the office.

"Come, sit down." Invited the guidance counselor once the door was closed to make Ava feel at ease.

"My name is Ms. Shannon H., and I will be your guidance counselor. If there's anything you need help with besides your schooling, you can come to me. Alright?" She said with a tender voice that soothed Ava's heart. She was afraid when she first walked in because of the way Ms. Shannon H. was speaking with Crystal. But now, she felt comforted.

"Thank you! You already know my name, so I don't need to introduce myself." Ava said respectfully. Ms. Shannon H. likes Ava's attitude.

"Alright then, let's begin with your classes..." Ms. Shannon then proceeded to explain everything to Ava about her curriculum for the next four years. It was very lengthy, and it took them more than 30 minutes. Once Ava was done, it was Akira's turn, then Pearl, and lastly was Crystal.

After the girls finished with the guidance counselor, all four of them were taken to the uniform department to choose and fit their uniforms.


When they arrived at the uniform department, they were already prepared ahead of time, knowing the girls were coming. Crystal was adamant that she picked first. The three girls didn't care and let her go first. The sooner she picks up her uniform, the faster she will be gone.

However, Crystal was being indecisive and took a very long time choosing. Ava didn't care because she took out her cellphone and played games as soon as they sat down. Akira and Pearl were also busy looking at their cell phones and searching about their idol groups.

Because they were occupied, it didn't matter to them how long Crystal took to choose a uniform. When she realized that it didn't bother the girls one bit, she finally made a choice and left huffing and puffing.

Then it was the three girls' turn. All three choose the same style of uniform. Different from the one that Crystal picked.

Their uniform was a white coat with black trim and an emblem of the royal academy on the right breast. Inside was a white long sleeve shirt. Their over-the-knee-length skirt matched with their tie; they were red with black stripes. It looked so cute, and the girls couldn't wait to try it on.

The girls thanked the person that helped them choose their uniforms before happily going back to their villa to change so that they could start the first day of their high school life.

The three girls all had the same homeroom teacher, and they also made sure that they had all the same classes except for electives. They all choose a different one. Thus, the girls would be spending almost all their time together.


Unlucky for the three girls, Crystal basically had the same classes and homeroom as them. The worst of it all was, she befriended the two notorious bullies of the Academy. They were the same ages as Prince Edmund, and they had the same homeroom as him.

Crystal had done this on purpose for her to be able to get close to Prince Edmund with the pretense of befriending his two classmates. It just so happened that the two girls also had a crush on Prince Edmund, but they could not approach him for the last couple of years even though they have been classmates. So now it was their chance to get closer to the prince through being friends with Crystal. At least, that's what they thought.

Crystal had made plans already about how she was going to get closer to Prince Edmund. Unfortunately, it would have to wait until later on if her plan A doesn't work. For now, she would sit tight and let the two notorious bullies do the dirty work for her. The first on the agenda was making the two bullies jealous of the three girls.

It was not hard for this to happen; once the bullies saw that Prince Edmund was sitting and eating lunch with Ava, Akira, and Pearl, all Crystal had to do was point it out to them, and they were enraged.…

They began hatching a plan to sabotage Ava, Akira, and Pearl.